My second hang book store picks from the other day:)
Pretty good read. Lots of drama, and explores some important themes. I've heard the HBO show based on it is pretty good.
I would be cautious to read it if you aren't in the right state of mind to read about themes of domestic violence, but otherwise it's a good read but an easy one. If you find yourself enjoying it you'll be done in no time.
Just finished The Help. So good! Can't believe I waited this long!
Loved this book so much!!! The writing is easy to read but amazingly evocative. It's amazing what Butler can say in few words and create so much context and feeling. Also creates a very interesting picture of the future. Really awesome book!
My other three used book store finds from my post appointment bookstore adventure! Been meaning to check out one of the city's bookstores for a while, so happy to finally got to go today!
Decided to read this after I read Patrick Rothfuss' hilarious review about it on Goodreads a couple weeks ago. Of course, being a Trekkie, the title alone could have gotten me, but Rothfuss' review solidified my desire to read this. Was super excited to find it at the used book store today! :D :D :D so excited!!!
Definitely a good and exciting read for anyone who enjoys a good fantasy novel. It's got magic, fae and a pretty cool female protagonist. Definitely a pick for me.
I'm always entertained to see the ways authors describe well endowed men and erections without using the actual words. One great example here. Though I'm not far into it Winterwood has been pretty good and rather entertaining. Looking forward to the rest!
Loved this book! Can't explain it but I found it very engrossing. Can't wait to watch the movie when I can borrow it from somewhere. In the meantime, here's a snapchat pic of Harrison Ford in round sunglasses 😎
May seem a little dark, but this resonated with me a little. Not sure how much I agree, but I like when there's a little philosophy in my book.
This confuses me... I would have thought Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff for sure...
Picked up this copy of Blade Runner (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?) last week. Enjoying it so far, and excited to compare it with the movie once I'm done.
There was a few bits of the story at the end I didn't like, however I really liked the majority of the book as a whole.
Liked this a lot. Nice little sci fi story if you want something quick.
"My pockets had always puzzled Weena, but at last she had concluded that they were an eccentric kind of vase for floral decoration. At least she utilized them for that purpose." This just made me smile. ?
More book mail. They both showed up a few days ago when I wasn't feeling the greatest. It really brightened up my day!
The question "what is your favourite book?" has always been difficult for me. Today my thoughts lingered on The Golden Compass, and now I'll be reading it for the third time. I'm not a big re-reader, so I think this is a sign. ❤️?
Reading the Time Machine which was much suggested for the science fiction survey I've been wanting to do. Picked up this copy in Toronto, completely forgetting that I own both War of the Worlds and The Time Machine already haha. But this one has an introduction to the novels by Isaac Asimov, so no regrets!
Entertaining enough, but to be honest I wasn't entirely on board with the concept of the book. It wasn't boring, but I found certain aspects, and possibly their execution, unsatisfying. 3- stars
My outgoing (the Name of the Wind) and my incoming (A Man Called Ove) bookmail. I've heard a lot of good things about A Man Called Ove and I read Britt-Marie Was Here by Fredrik Backman a few months ago so I'm pretty excited!! ❤️📚🎁✉️
I really liked this book. I wouldn't say it's super action packed, but is more focussed on the thoughts and questions the book puts forth. I found it really interesting, and it pulled me in where other books for the last couple months just haven't. Definite pick for me.
Our Chapters haul today... Bought the Name of the Wind for a book exchange I'm going to be a part of. Going to be sending it off to someone. Pretty excited! My partner picked up Green Rider moments after I was eyeing it up from afar. Don't know much about it apart from the cover synopsis, going in blind again! 😳
So I read this sentence, then kept reading. Then a couple paragraph later I have this thought with a chuckle: is this what Ursula K. Le Guin thinks of statisticians? I'm sure not... It makes sense in the context of the story but it was refreshing to see a job I definitely can't do bundled in with janitor and fish feeder! Haha😂
I want to give a shout out to The Dispossessed for coming with me to the Home Depot for company today. Didn't have time to read, of course, but it was nice to have in my pocket. 📚❤️
One of the books I bought at Eliot's Bookshop on our trip to Toronto for Thanksgiving. I was interested to find that A.E. Van Vogt is a Canadian born author. I'd never heard of him so I'm excited to read this in my Sci-fi marathon. 😊 Also, shout out to Eliot's Bookshop: we found several things we were looking for (which have been hard to find) and then some and it has 3 floors!!!!! 😄😄😄!!!
I wasn't even sure what on this page to highlight, but I thought this was an interesting and relevant dialogue. I am really enjoying The Dispossessed so far, so glad I picked it up!
After a very long week at work I'm spending my evening this way! 😊😊😊
"Used car sales, for example. Have you ever met a person who's really that positive, all the time?" I really liked the first couple of pages of this book. They pulled me in, so I thought I'd share the first page with you ??
Finally went to get my library card today! Picked this up when I was there. Never heard of it before but I read the first couple pages and I like it so far. Looks like something that might help me get out of my reading slump. Also the library has sticky receipts so the due date is right on the cover. Personally have never seen this before, but I think it's pretty neat haha
Did some thinking about which 3 fictional characters describe me... I'm gonna go with Hermione Granger (Harry Potter, 60%) Laurence (Les Belles Images, 30%) Lisbeth Salander (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, 10%, not the badass parts though haha).
All the books I want at the library are checked out with a gajillion holds!!😫 #readerproblems I'm gonna keep looking though. My tbr list is a thousand years long, so... Should find something 😊
Due to my ideas for book binges, my constant listening to book suggestion podcasts, and my interactions with all the other Littens, my tbr list is getting just huge. But for now, I continue my slow wandering through The Mists of Avalon...📚
I keep thinking about different book marathons I want to go on. Firstly, I want to do a historical survey of science fiction. Now, reading The Mists of Avalon which retells Arthurian legend in some ways I'm not familiar with in some details, I'm getting curious about this story and its various interpretations and retellings. I was wondering about suggestions anyone might have about what to read (Le mort d'Arthur is already on the queue) 📚📚
I keep thinking about different book marathons I want to go on. Firstly, I want to do a historical survey of science fiction. Now, reading The Mists of Avalon which retells Arthurian legend in some ways I'm not familiar with in some details, I'm getting curious about this story and its various interpretations and retellings. I was wondering about suggestions anyone might have about what to read (Le mort d'Arthur is already on the queue) 📚📚
I guessed right when I thought I should be listening to Loreena McKennitt while reading the Mists of Avalon. She was on the soundtrack of the TV miniseries, as I discovered by putting her music on shuffle on Spotify.
Finally started getting moved into our new home and I got a reading nook! It also doubles the book shelf's storage space because you can use both sides! 😀😍😀 I love my partner so much for coming up with this idea! Sadly I couldn't get a pic that does it justice.
I've been in a reading slump, so today I decided to get started on my birthday book in hopes that something unexpected would help. So far, it's working. My dad made a good choice with this one, I think!
Finally finished this! In a bit of a reading slump (not the books' fault, it's me) but I quite liked this instalment of the discworld series. It's always a fun time with Pratchett!
Got this in the mail from my dad as an early birthday gift today! 😊😊😊 Yay! Book mail! Woo! Birthday books! 🎉🎁
This is quite the image! (Talking about a sword for context)
Taking a bit of a Follett break with some Pratchett. Gotta love his footnotes! :)
Don't know how this is going to go. Picked this up randomly (as in it showed up in my collection of books and I don't know where from) and started reading today after several years. It hasn't been boring but I'm four chapters in and have already met several extremely infuriating characters. Ken Follett is supposed to be good, so I will probably push through, but we'll see. He definitely is good at writing character that get under your skin.
Loved this so much! Couldn't put it down today. So excited for more of these characters and their quirks and their relationships with one another. So good!
LOVING this book and all it's quirky and fun characters so far. Picked this up even though I was trying to conserve money (oops...) and so glad I did.
An interesting read, though I'm not entirely sure what to say about it. It's an introspective look at a woman's growing depression during her first year of a marriage she isn't happy in. With her husband, she emigrates to the States, where images of violence and murder seem to push her further into this depression and toward possibly harming herself. An interesting read for sure.
I liked this, although I see why some don't. I would say don't expect too much and only read it if Auri from The Name of the Wind interests you. I would pick it for me, but not for everyone.
"Some days simply lay on you like stones. Some were fickle as cats, sliding away when you needed comfort, then coming back later when you didn't want them, jostling at you, stealing your breath."
I could never not want a cat, personally but otherwise I like the imagery and thought of this (like I said barring the possible rudeness to cats).