Leapt to the top of my TBR list as soon as I saw it.
Leapt to the top of my TBR list as soon as I saw it.
Rebel. Warrior. Hero.🐉
Cleocatra approves, as long as she gets fed.✨
#holidayvibes #exploremore
How we kick off holidays💝
📚A gorgeous used book haul,
to inspire the book(s) within me📚
Really enjoyed this book. Loved the structure, which carried me along in spite of many pauses to think. Lots of beautiful life truths in here.✨
I love, LOVE, LOVED this book. It‘s poignant, it‘s real, it‘s beautiful; NGL, I cried more than a few times.
I can‘t wait to pass it on.💫
#Pantone2023 #BeetrootPurple #Tangelo
Usually I hate paid-for blurbs on the backs of books, but this one absolutely says it all: “Baricco spins out long sentences, elaborate ropes of words practically absurd in their gorgeousness.” Salon
I would take this farther to say that Baricco‘s rhythm makes his books impossible to put down. One chapter will be sparse and crisp as Hemingway, and the next chapter will be lush and sensual, but he‘s always spot on.🤌🏼
Mexican author, Mexican restaurant, Bangkok: Why not?
✨What a beautiful way of looking at language diversity✨
Excited to start this one - would love your thoughts!
I‘m hooked! An impulse buy at the used bookstore turned out to be a great October read✨✨ #strange
My first stack at Dasa - lucky used bookstore find in BKK!📚📚📚 I filled my backpack, and the books you return earn 50% off your next purchase. Three floors of magic - like a mini-Powell‘s - can‘t wait for my second trip!✨
So, so good. I‘m really sad this trilogy has come to an end. I want more!⚡️⚡️⚡️
✨Go steal some happiness for yourself, my friend. The chance doesn‘t always come back.✨
When you truly feel like Alice in Wonderland: reading this at a bar in Bangkok, while you listen to your talented friends play music.🤌🏼✨✨✨
A lovely reminder at dinner, [sic] notwithstanding 💖
Reading this in conjunction with moving back to Bangkok has given me some really trippy dreams.😅
This collection is hard to review. Two of the five stories are amazing; the other three are some of the worst writing I‘ve read in years. The two stories worth reading: An Ex-Mas Feast, and Say You‘re One of Them. The rest is beyond a pan; I was angry I wasted my time with the other stories, which are much longer, and very poorly written.
This is hysterically funny! Beyond that, it is highly relatable if you have ever been single, or ever traveled anywhere. I‘ve been living abroad for 11 years now, and I can‘t believe I just discovered this book! The author has written for several hit TV shows (That 70‘s Show and How I Met Your Mother are two of them), and the spot-on observations are genius🤌🏼
This book was a lovely surprise✨
I really enjoyed this nonfiction - a story that very much needs to be told. With that said, there was a lot of use of “perhaps” (literally), and conjecture based on the available records. It makes sense that a full picture wouldn‘t exist, as the enslaved had to rely primarily on oral history, and the author did well with what she had. I would love for someone to write this as a fiction novel, and fully flesh out the people involved.
I‘m deeply absorbed in this historical fiction, focused on one family in Puerto Rico, and the effects of generations of colonialism, both Spanish and American. An historic hurricane compounded the situation, and it‘s so, so sick that it reads like an account of the current situation in Puerto Rico. This novel highlighted fascinating connections to Hawa‘ii as well. I appreciated the variety in pacing; it read very quickly - highly recommend.✨
When I was a teenager, I loved “bodice busters”; these were my two preferred authors. When my stepmother saw what I was reading she said, “I‘d rather you read these than get backed into a corner.”🤔 #WTF Decided I would revisit the genre as an adult; could not make it past the first chapter of either. 100% too rapey. Here‘s to hoping “romance novels” of the 21st Century are substantially more progressive.🤞🏼
If I‘m being honest, I thought this would be self-indulgent fluff - hate the cover - but I love Jonathan, so I wanted to have a look. I was wrong about the book. It reads very quickly, because his voice is all over the page; it feels like you‘re having brunch and listening to his stories. There is so much depth, so many lessons here - lovely reminders that we are all flawed and beautiful, and there is more to life than our external shells.💖
She knows she‘s supposed to be on the dog blanket…so she lines herself right along the edge in order to get as close to her human as possible while still following the rules.🐶
Having recently read The Dictionary of Lost Words, this was an interesting extension✨
It finally happened: I‘ve got COVID after 2.5 years of the zigzag. Luckily, I‘ve got a fat library stack to see me through. The emotional support mammals coming in strong as well.💖 Now watch me crush my Goodreads goals.🤣
Found this one really slow going. Maybe it‘s because it‘s so similar to S.A. Cosby‘s work. Whitehead is the stronger writer; he can seriously turn a phrase, and I enjoyed some of the sly humor. But both Blacktop Wasteland and Razorblade Tears moved at a much more interesting pace, and I slogged through this. Whitehead‘s other works are much fresher than Harlem Shuffle.
It took me a minute to get into this one; the prologue didn‘t grab me in the midst of other library distractions, and I renewed 5 times. With that said, I finally got into it around my 4th renewal, and I‘ve got 30 pages left. It‘s due today, and I‘m okay with the 10cent library fine. A fascinating (fictional) history of the Oxford English, within the context of the suffrage movement, and WWI. Well-written and worth the wait I imposed on myself😏
The worst book I‘ve ever read. I didn‘t bail early on because A) I‘ve already bailed on one book this year, and B) it felt wrong to bail on a graphic novel. This book was pointlessly gratuitous and disgusting; the author put all the diarrhea in his mind on paper and thought he‘d call it art.👎🏼
A very poignant graphic novel, and I found the artwork outstanding.✨✨✨