Second book in my Midnight Ice series just came out :) Yay!
Second book in my Midnight Ice series just came out :) Yay!
New bookshelf acquisition! I'm usually an ebook girl but I knew I'd want this one in hardcover :) Laini Taylor is one of my favs and this book was PHENOMENAL!! Highly recommend! (Full review on Goodreads!)
New book on sale today!! Frost, the first book in a new companion series to Midnight Fire :) Bringing back my original genre love, paranormal romance with an urban fantasy flair!
Truly amazing book!! Was only able to put it down long enough to snap a quick pick in the snow :)
In LOVE so far :) can't wait to see how everything wraps up in the end!
I really enjoyed this book! Really loved the main character and I was pulled into her life and her struggles and her triumphs! Her voice was real, sarcastic at times and brutally honest at others, which kept me hooked! I did want to shake her a few times, but only because I cared :) ... Full review on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/Kaitlyn_Davis
Did NOT see that twist coming!! Started off awesome (if a little unrealistic) and then got a little slow for me, but holy crap the last 40% was out of control! CoHo never ceases to amaze! Love her books and I especially loved all the bookish lingo/talk in this one :)
Wow! Colleen Hoover is one of my favs, and this was definitely new ground for her. The entire time I was reading, I could just tell this was a story that was especially close to her heart, I felt it in the writing, the slightly different style, the energy, the prose, and when I read the afterword it broke my heart. Definitely recommend, she's an auto-read author for me!
The cover reveal for the second book in my Confessions series, Confessions of an Undercover Girlfriend!, was today!! So fun :) YAY!
This book was epic!! That is all I can even think of to say that won't give anything away! The characters were amazing, the backstories were lush, the world was intricate, the relationships were magnetic, and the plot was so unbelievable I hardly saw any of it coming--as if Kaz had not only masterminded the group but the reader as well!
I thought the Grisha trilogy was good, but this was on an entirely new level!! EPICCCCCCC
This book was epic!! That is all I can even think of to say that won't give anything away! The characters were amazing, the backstories were lush, the world was intricate, the relationships were magnetic, and the plot was so unbelievable I hardly saw any of it coming--as if Kaz had not only masterminded the group but the reader as well!
I thought the Grisha trilogy was good, but this was on an entirely new level!! EPICCCCCCC
When everyone else is playing in the pool, but your book is just too freaking good :) #cantstopwontstop #amreading #summertime
"Kaz, this whole 'shoot me' thing is starting to concern me." :) A few chapters in and already obsessed!!
Not quite what I expected, but it's still so fun to be back with these characters!! I really hope they bring the play to NYC because I bet the live production is amazing!
Just discovered Litsy and I'm so excited to join another bookish community!! About to start the new HP book, so I figured it just makes sense to have my first post here be about my favorite series EVER!!! :)