This is one of my most favorite series. I had no idea there was a fifth installment, so I am excited to start it this weekend!
This is one of my most favorite series. I had no idea there was a fifth installment, so I am excited to start it this weekend!
I had no idea there was a 5th book to the September Sisters of those traveling pants. I saw this book out there in the wild and had to bring it home to see where these girls were as they approached their 30th birthdays. I was disappointed that each was a bit of a hot mess, but appreciated how they may get through there 30s. ...I deduct an entire star (maybe more) because I was unimpressed with how suicide was addressed in this book.
I‘m younger than the main characters but I feel too old to read this book. They‘re all 29 but they don‘t seem to have matured a day since Forever in Blue when they were 19. It‘s frustrating to read a coming-of-age style series and see so little growth in the leads. That‘s my main gripe but there are others, particularly due to inconsistencies in finances or technology. As a teen I liked the other books, but like the leads, I‘m not a teen anymore.
#QuotsyJan19 Day 25: Making #room for grief in one‘s life. I did not realize that there were so many books in the Sisterhood of Traveling Pants series! I only own three titles. Looks like I will have to hunt down the rest!
Please give a warm Litsy welcome to my sister Lizzie who just joined!!
So hard to listen to the first half, especially when the girls were just waiting and waiting for Tibby. I did love the ending though, and the descriptions of the farm ❤️
The list:
🔪 They Do it with Mirrors
🎶 The Music Shop
👹 My Favorite Thing Is Monsters
🌎 A Swiftly Tilting Planet
🌸 Snow Flower and the Secret Fan
🦄 Razzle Dazzle Unicorn
🌟 The Hate U Give
👭 Sisterhood Everlasting
⚔️ A Memory of Light
📕 The Red Notebook
Favorites: Sisterhood Everlasting and my re-read of The Hate U Give
#MayStats #readingresolutions
I loved this & devoured it just as quickly as I did with the previous four, years ago. There were a couple of “off” notes for me with Carmen‘s characterization, but overall—💜 And also—💔
I always loved the quotes used throughout these books—this was my favorite this time.
#13inthree stats:
One book finished (I didn‘t start it tonight, but I did finish it!)
Time: 1:21
Headed for bed now, looking forward to picking back up in the morning!
Tonight my husband and I had friends over for an early dinner. They had to get home to get their baby to bed, and my husband headed out soon after for his D&D night... so I‘m luxuriating in my reading nook with several hours stretched out ahead of me, just me and my book. 💜📚
Also—this book: 💔😭💔
“...she felt her face opening into expressions she‘d forgotten how to make. Lena remembered herself in all the old familiar things they said. She existed in her friends; there she was. All the parts of herself she‘d forgotten. She knew herself best when she was with them.”
💗There are just a couple of longtime friends in my life who do this for me. It‘s such a blessing when you find friends who awaken the best, deepest version of who you are!
1. Thinking about sneaking in the first few chapters of this, even though I should probably just go to sleep!
2. A little over 2 years ago.
3. Arturo‘s Puffy Taco is all I can come up with!
4. 6:15 a.m.—I hit snooze for half an hour, though...
5. A stack of books and a couple of Doctor Who comics, my Bible and a couple of journals, my Kindle, a little ring box, a bottle of orange ginger lotion, and a pen shaped like Hermione‘s wand.
Just started and I don't know if I can go on 😭😭
Littens!! Please welcome my baby sister, @Bpsmith6176 to Litsy! 😘😘😘 Love you, B! 😄
So much teenage nostalgia! Overall the book was saccharine, but satisfying.
I picked up the last of the Sisterhood series, even though I had read it when it first came out and really did not enjoy it, because it bothered me that I did not have a complete series. It still sort of bothers me that it looks so different from all the rest.
I gave this book a reread & I must say now that I'm an adult reading it & not a teen I enjoyed it so much more! It feels like I understand it more. #sisterhoodofthetravellingpantsforever
With this one, I have to say I wasn't thrilled, but I liked it, one way or another. For the age of these characters, they felt as if they were still in their teens. I feel they weren't fully developed. But I have to say, the turn of events when they all got together, was something that took me by surprise. I would have liked more details about Tibby's character.
Definitely my favorite in this series. It could be a little predictable at times but I am just so impressed with how she tackles such serious subjects while keeping the series light and fun to read.
I'm going to take a break from this depressing election to remember that this day is more important - 31 years ago, I was blessed with a little sister who could be annoying at times but has been my best friend since the beginning. She has gotten me through the toughest moments in my life and I wouldn't know what to do without her! She helps me with hair and makeup and I learn her all about books and what to read. It works for us! 💜💗💜
No no. Not like. Love! This book broke me apart and remade me in all the best possible ways. One of my most favorites. And I needed it. I needed to remember these friends. I needed to feel and grieve with them. This book met me where I am and loved me through it. Thank you Ann Brashares!
I'm torn between "like" and "so-so". Several times I thought about giving up on this one, but hung in there and am so glad I did. It eventually picked up, about half way through. The end was so sweet.
My reward for getting all my steps is that I get to start a new book! I was obsessed with the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants books and am excited to see where this story takes my old friends and I! I was always a Carmen!
I sobbed through this. Hysterically sobbed. It was beautiful and wonderful and just overall amazing. Such a beautiful way to show growing up and to end the series.