I wish I could pick this book more than once. For anybody who has seen the show or read the first book, this is a must read. This one's going to sit with me for quite a while.
I wish I could pick this book more than once. For anybody who has seen the show or read the first book, this is a must read. This one's going to sit with me for quite a while.
Wow, wow, wow! This book is incredible. The world is Rich and lush, and the characters deep and relatable. There are some big twists that made me actually set the book down for a minute or two to absorb, and I found myself extremely attached to the characters. I can't wait until I can read the second one!
I can't even remember when a book made me feel the way this one does. By the end, you are both filled with emotion and emptied of it. I can't wait to see what this author comes up with next. I really would like to continue their story, but I don't know if we will or not. it's been a few days since I finished reading it, which I read it in one sitting by the way oh, it's that good, andI still can't get it out of my head.
Wow. I'm halfway through, and there have been at least two distinct twist that caught me completely off guard. Off guard to the point where I had to set the book down for a second and think. I can't wait for the rest!
This book is incredible. I picked it up only because it was a library read book, and I fell in love with the story and characters. I'm so glad I read this! The twist and turns were incredible. It's one of those books where after you're finished, you hope the author writes a sequel, and not only that, but you have to take a break before you read any other book because it just has to absorb. 10/10
This entire series is incredible. I usually plan my library days every two weeks, but for this I actually put it on hold and made a special trip. I'm not transgender, but I feel very much that I relate to Etta. He feels forced to be not himself when he's around his community, and I think that's a difficult feeling. Highly recommend all three books.
This isn't usually the type of book that I would choose. I actually picked up the sequel first, the book of Etta, and was about 20 pages in before I realized that there was a prior book. Something about Etta drew me to her so I decided to go that same afternoon to the library to pick up the first book. all I have to say is I don't normally like dystopian style fiction, but this was exceptional. The original unnamed character is so well developed.
In this book, there is a quote from the alchemist that says it's not one enters men's mouth that's evil. It's what comes out of their mouths that is. That quote really struck me as something extremely important to remember. We can eat and drink and smoke, but how we treat others is how we will be remembered.
This book was a wonderful peek into the experience of a refugee and what war does to a community and family and individual.
I thought of you when I read this quote from "The Faraway Nearby (ALA Notable Books for Adults)" by Rebecca Solnit -
"Physical pain is often lonely, felt only by one person who must trust that others will believe and empathize, and convincing doctors of pain is one of the tasks of the sufferer without overt symptoms or causes."
As someone who has an invisible illness, this is life. Took over seven years to get diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis
I thought of you when I read this quote from "The Faraway Nearby (ALA Notable Books for Adults)" by Rebecca Solnit -
"A book is a heart that only beats in the chest of another."
Books connect us!
I was watching the movie based on it last night, and I was trying to figure out why it was so important to me and why it hit me so hard. I'm so in love with love in the process of Falling in Love. You see men and women fall in love constantly in literature, movies, everywhere. You see lesbian women fetishized among straight men. And you see gay men unaccepting. This shows you love is love and love is beautiful. And seeing that makes me happy.
As a woman, there is no right way to be these days. If you do not have children, you are considered less than. If you have children, then you are as soon as that you have no other goals or Ambitions in life. We need to change this View.
This book is amazing. Looking forward to reading the other one about Leah!
I loved this book so much. Does anyone know of a book with similar themes that goes past the start of the relationship? I'd love a Simon and Bran that go to college, get an apartment, a dog, marriage, children, etc. Anything?
I need a clone so I can homeschool my kids, clean house, work, and read! Still plugging away after dark.
These are really good. I wasn't sure I was going to like them, but I can't put this series down!
I'm surprised at the amount of good, solid advice and helpful firsthand accounts of how to use it. Enjoying it so far.