I liked the first book better, but really enjoyed the library geek-dom!
I liked the first book better, but really enjoyed the library geek-dom!
A student returned this one today and told me it was sad. I stopped her from giving me any more details because she has never give me a bad review. She was partially correct- sad, but hopeful. Sad, but inspiring. Sad, but- oh what a time-traveling story!
I was hooked! Several other teachers said they couldn't get into it, but...not me! Moving friendship, creative story line, fantastical characters!
Borrowed from a friend, who borrowed from a friend- need to read and get it back to its owner!! Pretty good, so far!
I can't keep this book on the shelves! So well written and entertaining!
Talking books with my students and Gabe sees where my bookmark is and exclaims, "You're not even to the good part!"
I never knew there were so many pink creatures! Gives me a whole new appreciation for the color!
I get to hang out with Donalyn Miller tomorrow.
Zeke gives The Roar a sniff of approval! (Although he did try to bite the book!). Living in a concrete world would not be my life. Playing video games, competing for a better life- yet Mika's main goal is finding his sister.
The middle school boys love this series- so I'm finally reading it to see if the hype is legit. I understand their enthusiasm. This mystery has all the right twists and turns for middle schoolers! It has names they recognize, a sport they love and a little bit of teen crush throw in!
Spinelli does it again! His characters are so realistic and relatable that you are immediately in the story. (It doesn't hurt that he throws in Philly references thereby giving me a Philly phix without having to go there!)
Rashad and Quinn tell the events of this timely novel from their viewpoints. I can only imagine trying to do the right thing as a teen today- All American Boys does a good job of presenting the conflicting thoughts and actions.
The strength of oppressed people during war to resist and fight in their own way told with a storyteller's heart!
Not wanting this to turn political but this makes me think of ISIS.
I couldn't put this book down! Main character was so likable and eager to learn.
"The Englanders divided the endlessness of the world into seconds and minutes and hours, and Tik Tok thought this was wonderful."
Sweet Oscar B and I loved this one! Families are complicated stuff but worth the struggle
"That makes no sense," Vonetta said. "Everyone knows butter comes from milk, not the other way around."
But don't worry, Gabe. I'm going to liberate you from this situation and then we're gonna take care of business. Just you wait. (Frita)
Allergic to electricity, born with no eyes- I'm in a demented scientists lab! (Cue the creepy organ music)