Great fun
Great fun
It was fun to reunite with the team at Mr. Lemoncello‘s library as they fought to save the library and its books from being banned. The next up in the series is my next up in audio.
Twelve year olds from the rest of the country are invited to Mr Lemoncello's library after grumblings about not being eligible for the first Library Escape. The first Library Olympics has 12 events to determine who really is the Library games champions. But Charles Chiltington still has a bruised ego and wants revenge and has called in the big guns... his mother and her concerned citizens group. Who win? 3/5 Stars.
“SQUOOSH! He was drenched by buckets of yellow glop, white sludge, and chunky green gunk. The slop slid along his sleeves, trickled into his pants, and puddled on the floor.“
I would use this book in my classroom because it could be a fun read for children to use their creativity and imagination throughout the text.
Mr. Lemoncello's Library Olympics written by Chris Grabenstein. Chapter 1 p.1-4. Introduces Mr. Lemoncello's wacky games and how the infamous children star in the commercial. This book isn't as relatable for all children considering their daily lives but it could be a fun getaway to read and use your imagination.
This seems like it would take you on many twists and turns as well as capture attention super easily. If I had more time I would love to read this.
Mr. Lemoncello's Library Olympics by Chris Grabenstein is a piece of contemporary realistic fiction. It was published in 2016. This story is about Kyle and his friends competing in Mr. Lemoncello's Library Olympics again. Before the Olympics they realize something is up... books are missing from the library. The kids all come together to figure out how to find them. This is great for kids because it encourages team work and problem solving.
This realistic fiction book contains minor elements of magic and helps kids get the feeling of possible viewpoints out there in the world. Sometimes we don't get to live lives like the ones being shown, and it can be kind of glamorous to read about them. It also touches on subjects that give off morals and meanings beyond just the text. Good book, but just not great to have kids relating to them!
This book would be a great read to get kids interested in reading. It keeps them motivated and attached. In terms of relation and identity finding, the book isn‘t necessarily the best option. Kids would still love this book, just might not be the best fo relate to!
It‘s been a while! But I‘ve still been reading my little heart out!! 🤓
#books #bookstagrammer #bookobsessed #bookhoarder #bookstagram #bookaholic #bookworm #bookdragon #bookish #bookishlove
Library lovers from across the country to earn medals in Mr. Lemoncello's library Olympics! Lots of Dewey decimal numbers and arrogant kids who need to be shown the error of their ways along with the return of Kyle, Akimi, Miguel, Sierra, Charles Chiltington make for another excellent read extolling the necessity of libraries that make learning fun!
I listened to this today while I finished up the tiny details on the elves for my friend's Brownie troop!!! This was literally the most time consuming project I've ever done, since I had to make 14 of them!!!! I must admit, I'm super proud of them!!!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🎧 2019.03.15 - I really like this series! Talk about a great career guide too 😂
A fun and fast read - perfect for a stressful work week. Competition returns to the Alexandriaville library as mr. Lemoncello sets up a new competition among 12 year olds from across the nation to prove their research, puzzling, and library skills. Kyle Keely and friends must defend their championship status. Can‘t wait to read this one with my first grader. #bookaboutbooks #librarylove
It was the best book in the world it was very exilerating and exiting I loved the book.
When I walked into this room at the Children's Museum I immediately thought of Mr Lemoncello's library. This is what the video room from the book looked like inside my head.
4⭐️ Welcome back to Mr. Lemoncello‘s library. A new batch of games are about to begin. The kids from the original game arel back, but some people in the nation are upset. They are upset that they did not get a chance to take place in the original escape, because they know for sure that they could have won. Why should the Hometown team get all the accolades, commercial contracts, and special libraries?
Full Review on GR and LT
These are still the most well-read middle-schoolers in history, but Kyle and his team are back to defend their library title! This installment of the Lemoncello series is a love letter to the freedom to read and the place of libraries as a bastion to defend readers‘ rights. (I do wish the Chiltington‘s would disappear tho - or at least get a permanent comeuppance.)
So fun on audio - I finished my packing and sat down on the floor to listen.
Marjory Muldaur is kind of a snotty kid know it all, and she is so determined to win the library olympics to not only get the college scholarship, but to prove she is the best. She is the epitome of #AnotherOneBitesTheDust because I'm sure that's is what she things about all her opponents every time she wins a section of the olympics.
Stock photo
Full review later. But I loved it.
I'm sorry but ALL children should be exposed to Walter the Farting dog. Other "sick" humor books to expose your child to will be in the comments.
WRONG not in my library. Yes it's necessary, but we are about soooo much more.
I agree with lemoncello!!
As a midwesterner I find this funny because it's true.
"The Midwest team... wore khaki pants, button down white shirts, striped ties, and blue blazers.
... the Midwesterners looked like marching real estate brokers. "
I love a kids book that drops names. It shows legitimately yo tootles destined to become classics.
"They also lend out too many of the wrong sort of books. ". I hate parents like this. ?
After Sadie I need some Brian candy. I think this will be my next book. And I plan on reading Children of Blood and Bone. But other than that I do t really have a #anticipatedJulyreads
#julyinbooks @bookisglee
My #library is a bit of a mess. I'm working on that right now. All the lovely colors always makes it feel like spring even when it's freezing (like right now). #readingresolutions
#readingresolutions #olympics
My kind of Winter Olympics. On a serious note, I do love to watch and I so enjoyed Red Gerard today! 🥇🏂.
I really love this series! It's fun and silly and eccentric, but it also has heart. The characters have some setbacks and issues to overcome, but they support each other and try to play fair. I recommended the first to a boy (about 11 or 12) who needed a story about humility for his summer reading and I found him reading it in our cafe. When his family left he came up and thanked me for the suggestion. #bookloveshared #everyonelovesagoodstory
Very good, I can't wait for book 3 to come out next month! 5/5 stars
This was a treat. I liked the first book slightly better but this one still managed to live up to it. It was a quick read but full of nerdy bookish stuff. ❤️
#Bookmail and some glorious cupcakes from my best friend's shop (she's a talent). I'm ready for Easter. :)
This book was almost better than the first one. I enjoy the characters as much enjoying the new characters. I liked the game more because there were more players and they melded together better.
This is one of those books where I would start to dislike the writing style, but then I would step back and remember...it was written for children. The set-up of the ending wasn't quite what I wanted, but the message of the book was wonderful. All about different freedoms...freedom of expression, freedom to read what you want, banned books...lovely.
My read along with these goofy kids every night right now. #sharethelove #booklove2017 #readtoachild
#riotgrams #mylocallibrary My main library is only a few minutes from me here in Gardner, MA. I was planning on visiting today, but we are snowed in and they closed early, so here are some pictures from Google 😉
A great book with support for banned books and the first amendment. Librarians are badasses!!!
I liked the first book better, but really enjoyed the library geek-dom!
Bought some snacks today and have decided on our stack. The kids and I will be reading on Saturday before we take off for a Harvest Carnival in the evening. I'd rather participate the full 24 hours, but I'll take what I can get. #readathon