Amazing read 🥸
The noble art of doing nothing at all, brilliant aforisms by the 14th century Japanese monk Kenkō...
Graphic novel based on Osamu Dazai's masterpiece. Very curious about this adaptation.
THE WASTE LAND is missing, but especially looking forward to new translations by Paul Claes of 'Prufrock' and the 'Ariel poems'.
A monkey painting its portrait. The cover of OUDE MEESTERS confirms Thomas Bernhard's views on art and artists.
Eager to read this new novel by Beurskens: a perfect murder is one with a perpetrator but without a victim, this is what H the protagonist believes to be true.
THE GATE (1910) by Natsume Soseki, a great piece of modernistic literature. New Dutch translation by Luk Van Haute.
Dutch translation of 'Nebenmond und rosa Augen', number 24 from Arno Schmidt's famous Faust-cycle. A small piece of art, from a great and beloved author.
Edition of 25. I've got number 22.
Masterpiece! 🎯
Lees mijn review hier: https://thedreamlifeofbalsosnell.org/2019/05/06/grote-dieven-kleine-dieven-van-a...