This guy would prefer that we just stay home though.
This guy would prefer that we just stay home though.
Sunday afternoon 👌🏻
I'm having a total Graywolf weekend. (Yay, Minneapolis!)
I really enjoyed this book! It was so hard to put down, and I'll definitely need to re-read at some point.
Amazing!! I never thought I would love the book this much.
Just beginning "THE EPIC NOVEL OF OUR TIME." ?
Excited for these short stories!
I will be thinking about this book for a long time. Amazing and haunting.
There are threads that help you find your way back, and there are threads that intend to bring you back. Mind turns to the pull, it's hard to pull away.
"No one even wondered whether Santiago Nasar had been warned, because it seemed impossible to all that he hadn't." Really enjoyable, quick short story!
So glad I read this, even though i knew it was going to be devastating.
Completely enjoying this book. I think this will be a very quick 800+ pages.
Found this at a thrift store today. Super thrilled, I laughed all the way through I Feel Bad About My Neck!
Not my favorite! But the pacing was really quick, like really quick, and was a fast read.
I can't stop rolling my eyes, such cheesy writing. Please tell me it gets better?
What did this mean? Only that that he had begun the private work of storing and secreting, deciding on his own what should be preserved and how, and what these things were going to mean to him, in his unknown future.
There were no troublesome memories in his childish sleep; no token came to him of his brave days at college, of the glittering years when he flustered the hearts of many girls.