If we get picky, well, it definitely could be a better a book.
It‘s a nice book despite all the hate that causes, for its kind I believe it‘s good
I can‘t believe I‘ll say this, but I prefer the movie
Emma is a great book, I just have a trauma because every Jane Austen book I compare it to Pride and Prejudice and it always wins
This is the kind of book that changes your life, it gives you more conscience and it makes you think twice about everything that you do, and of course, it teaches you how important is the gift of life.
Nice book, it‘s interesting from the beginning til the end. I‘m looking forward to read the next!
It‘s a good book, sometimes it bores me but the details in the descriptions are pretty amazing.
Beautiful, thrilling… I just don‘t have the words, whit this final book the entire saga turns into one of my favorites
I‘ve heard some people say this book is boring, but honestly I found it quite intriguing. Actually is really normal for me to like what other people dislikes.
Maybe I was just too desperate when I read it, I should read it again with more calm.
It‘s a bit boring, as the movie. It has several flaws and I just don‘t really like it.
Okay, this isn‘t as bad as the previous book, it‘s actually a little bit better since Tobias is quite an interesting character, though I‘m not sure what to think of his new love interest.
And it gets worse, I mean, the story is so different from the original one, and well Tris‘ fate wasn‘t exactly beautiful, though it didn‘t bothered me, I think it just bothered Tobias.
It‘s also a nice book, but not as the first one. Yes, it‘s entertaining but something is missing in comparison with Divergent.
Such a nice book, it‘s so interesting, the characters are remarkable, and everything is just perfect.
I think this book is too dark, meaning the scenes are placed in dark places, literally speaking. I only liked the ending where the sister comes out to be a maniac, but I didn‘t really like it.
It could have been better, I‘m not sure I like the Einstein thing, as I said on the previous book: it‘s not boring, but I think something is missing.
I‘m not entirely sure of what to say about this book, it‘s not boring but I preferred the first one, by a lot.
I do like this first book, it has a good beginning and the essence of the original story is quite interesting.
As good as the first one, I laughed a lot with Ra, totally enjoyable.
With this final book I confirm my love and madness for it, I adore the whole saga, and will definitely be my favorite forever.
At first I didn‘t want to read this because Aelin wasn‘t the main character, but honestly, it blew my mind, it‘s so worth it and it has such a beautiful story.