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Blood of Elves
Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
The New York Times bestselling series that inspired the international hit video game: The Witcher.For over a century, humans, dwarves, gnomes, and elves have lived together in relative peace. But times have changed, the uneasy peace is over, and now the races are fighting once again. The only good elf, it seems, is a dead elf.Geralt of Rivia, the cunning assassin known as The Witcher, has been waiting for the birth of a prophesied child. This child has the power to change the world - for good, or for evil.As the threat of war hangs over the land and the child is hunted for her extraordinary powers, it will become Geralt's responsibility to protect them all - and the Witcher never accepts defeat.The Witcher returns in this sequel to The Last Wish, as the inhabitants of his world become embroiled in a state of total war. The Witcher series The Last WishThe Sword of Destiny Blood of ElvesThe Time of ContemptBaptism of FireThe Malady and Other Stories: An Andrzej Sapkowski Sampler (e-only)
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Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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Glad that I mostly read ebook. I couldn't hold a big chunkster at the moment.
It's just a cut, no stitches, so don't worry. Happened while I wanted to drill a hole at the top of the new rain barrel

BookNAround Ouch! Heal quickly! 13mo
Cupcake12 Oh no! Hope you have a speedy recovery ❤️ 13mo
AmyG Feel better. Yikes! 13mo
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Jari-chan Get better soon! 13mo
julesG Hope it heals quickly. 13mo
jdiehr 😟 13mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 13mo
dabbe Heal quickly! 🤗 13mo
bnp Ouch! 🩸🩹Feel better soon! 13mo
rwmg Oh dear. Hope you heal quickly 😵 13mo
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Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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Many familiar moments from season 2 of the Netflix series. The first 1/2 is season 2. Things were gained and lost in the adaptation. And the book had less Yennefer but This is a positive example of men writing women, her bosom doesn‘t heave verily, she smells like lilac and gooseberries. A fun read, but the ending is in no man‘s land.

Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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Took a hike, I had to go to false summit #3 for my reading and snack break because the summit was too windy.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 1y
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Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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Really enjoyed it. Took me a little bit to read it because of life.

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Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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Close to finishing this book. I have enjoyed it so far. My old lady feels she needs more attention.

Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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Had to bail on throne of glass. I just couldn't get into it right now. Loved the other 2 books in this series. So pretty excited to read this one.

Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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I don‘t like the cover for this one, so here is a muddy pup instead!

I‘m glad I revisited this book before reading the others (the only one of the series I have read aside from the anthologies) as I apparently remembered very little! I find some of the characters, Tris and Yennefer in particular, to be a bit unlikeable still. But hopefully as the series progresses this will pass 🤣

#SeriesLove2023 #DoubleSpin #TheWitcher

Andrew65 This is great, well done 🥳 I hope the characters improve for you. 1y
TheSpineView Muddy or not... love the pups! 🤍📖📘📚📚📚 1y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! My pups are muddy 100% of the time this time of year 😂 1y
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Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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This is another one from last year.

I think I may have said this during my other Witcher reviews but I'm gonna say it again! These books are epic, on level with Wheel of Time of Lord of the Rings in my opinion. I am obsessed!

Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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It has taken me all week to get to it, but I have finally made a start on Blood of Elves for #BackListReadathon #JoyousJanuary and #DoubleSpin

Obviously I won‘t finish it today, but at least I made a start 😂 and I will be working through the series over the next few readathons I think ☺️

Clwojick Great job on starting! ❤️ 2y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Sometimes just getting started is the biggest hurdle! 2y
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Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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Henry was such a great choice for Geralt, especially with his own dedication to the series. I don‘t think I‘ll be able to watch without him!

Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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Under the weather today, but geralt is good company 🖤

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Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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#Elves 🧝‍♂️ #DivineDecember 🎄 ❄️ 🎁

#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 🤩 2y
Eggs Brilliant 2y
Linear My husband liked the show, I've been on the fence about getting him the book. He likes Branden Sanderson and R.A Salvator. With that in mind, do you think I should get these for him? 2y
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JuliaTheBookNerd @Linear I love Sanderson & Salvator. I got this book because I thought the show was entertaining. The book was good but I wouldn‘t consider it great, very middle of the road for me 😐 2y
Linear @JuliaTheBookNerd any other suggestions then? 2y
JuliaTheBookNerd @Linear my favorite high fantasy series are; A Song of Ice and Fire, The kingkiller Chronicle, Farseer Trilogy, Memory Sorrow and Thorn & The First Law trilogy. Highly recommend all of them 😊 (edited) 2y
Linear @JuliaTheBookNerd thank you !! 2y
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Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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Apparently I‘ve been listening to these audio books out of order and I really don‘t like Yennefer but overall I am very much enjoying these books!

Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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Entertaining enough.

Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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Waiting for my next Lady Holmes to be delivered but need something to read for night shift. This won.

kspenmoll Do I spy birds? 2y
Shemac77 @kspenmoll there were chickadees everywhere! 2y
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Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski

“Do you understand what this neutrality is, which stirs you so? To be neutral does not mean to be indifferent or insensitive. You don‘t have to kill your feelings. It‘s enough to kill hatred within yourself.”

Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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Got my #bookspinbingo with the tagged. I‘m no fan of the Witcher books. Geralt and Yennefer seem like Gary Sues &Mary Sues, respectively, and if there‘s humor, it‘s lost on me. The plot seems like Standard Fantasy no. 1 too, with a Chosen One who‘s troubled and even more Mary Sue than Yennefer. But: it‘s finished at least. ⭐️⭐️

Addison_Reads I tried the books, but they weren't really for me either. I absolutely love the video games though. I haven't tried the Netflix series yet. 2y
Grrlbrarian @Addison_Reads I‘d love to play the games. Started the Netflix show and gave up after the first episode 🤷‍♀️ 2y
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Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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A bit slower paced than I was expecting, though still full of action and magic. I loved the character-focused sections, particularly the chapter where we get to see Ciri and Yen‘s relationship blossom.

Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski

“‘I‘m not mocking anything,‘ protested the dwarf. ‘I don‘t doubt the existence of the gods, but it annoys me when someone drags them into earthly matters and tries to pull the wool over my eyes using the prophecies of some crazy elf.‘”

Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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Constantly reading.

Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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I liked the parts where Ciri is training with Geralt as a Witcher and then Yennefer as a magician. But there are also long political discussions that get tedious. It is still especially frustrating that there is no MAP. Most good fantasy stories at least have a map to keep track of all these places they‘re talking about. Nope. All the names get overwhelming, too, so I don‘t really keep track…perhaps it‘ll all come together as the series goes on.

Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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1. Blood of Elves (Witcher 1) by Andrzej Sapkowski
2. Poems of Home by Jane Holloway
3. Reading more now that my school year has finished! Early start with an early end for construction over the summer.

Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski

“To be neutral does not mean to be indifferent or insensitive. You don‘t have to kill your feelings. It‘s enough to kill hatred within yourself.”

Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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Honestly I think the translation was horrible I don‘t think I‘ll be finishing the series

BehindthePages Wise choice, each book gets worse. I pushed through but it wasn't worth it. 2y
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Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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I can‘t say that I loved this as much as the two story collections that came before it, but it was still enjoyable. I liked the sections where Geralt and Ciri were together more so than the parts that got political.

Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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A bit slow and perhaps not well-paced, but overall still a good read. I have heard that this is supposed to be the first full book he wrote? And I would believe that. The politics in particular were boring, and the training sections do sort of run together without much to break them up, but characters are developed, and the middle section of this book is genuinely very engaging, and illuminates Geralt's morality and themes of the series very well.

ssleif I'm recommending it, but with the caveat that it's not a good entry into the series, the short stories are better, and that I would not have been motivated to get to the good parts if I wasn't just motivated to consume it all because I like the characters and want to learn about the world. 2y
ssleif Also, even though the show seems to have skipped through the majority of the events of this book, I hope that they slow down in the next season and do choose to adapt that middle section I was talking about from this book. Which they seem to have skipped. #witcher 2y
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Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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Making my #bookspin bingo board while starting a new audiobook this morning

Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski

After playing the video game, reading the comic, and watching the show, I finally started the original Witcher books--at least the audiobook. The world building in Blood of Elves is great but it's a bit slow. Sapkowski has a fondness for conversations among big groups. There are some solid character moments and two compelling fight scenes but perhaps too much exposition.

Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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I did not love this as much as the first book/story collection, but it was still pretty good. I might like the show best of all though?? I‘m sure it has nothing to do with Henry Cavill being all growly and mysterious 😆

Traci1 I love the show, but listening to Henry's Geralt voice makes my throat hurt. 3y
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Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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Finished reading this book today and I have more questions than answers. There were a lot of character introductions and world building but not too much of a plot. However, I am intrigued to find out what will happen to Ciri that I'll give the next book a chance. Now, I am to watch the series. 3⭐
#BookSpinBingo #1 #thewitcher #bloodofelves

Enchanted_Bibliophile I got the box set for Christmas, but I'm sceptical... I haven't watched the series yet but I did play the game and I'm scared I ruined it for myself knowing the ending already 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
vonnie862 @Enchanted_Bibliophile I heard great things about the game. I wonder if it followed the book. 3y
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LiseWorks I've only watch season 1 and started the second season, love the show, I may attempt the books, but I have sooooooo many I want to read lol 3y
vonnie862 @LiseWorks too many books, too little time 3y
Enchanted_Bibliophile The game is awesome, guess there's only one way to find out ... I'll have to read it very soon 3y
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Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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It's Witcher week! Who else is excited for season 2? I'll be posting one quote a day from the book series in celebration! Today's quote is from Blood of Elves! #fantasy #witcher

PuddleJumper That's coming soon?! Ooo binge watch time 3y
BehindthePages @PuddleJumper December 17th! It's almost here! 3y
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Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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I figured I‘d give this series one more try, and I‘ve officially confirmed it‘s not for me. I like Ciri, but I‘m not invested in the wider conflict, I find the worldbuilding pretty infodumpy, and the humour doesn‘t land for me. I CAN see how I might get attached to the characters across multiple books, but I don‘t want to spend any more time discovering if that‘s the case.

Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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Day 23: Building
Well I was gonna use it for man... But I changed my mind. Good thing it works for this one too lol I pick the witcher book Blood of Elves by Andrzej Sapkowski. 🌃🌆🖤🗡

Eggs Great choice 🏰👏🏻📚 3y
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Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski

Bailing on this month‘s #bookspin. I just have ZERO desire to pick it up and life is too short to force myself to read things I don‘t want to.

katy4peas Agreed! Swap it out with a different book. 📚 3y
TheAromaofBooks At least it's off the list!!! 3y
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Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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#curiouscovers #man

This is an easy one when you read a lot of fantasy & romance. 😎

Eggs Well done 📚👏🏻👍🏼 3y
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Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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I am posting one book per day from my to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new - don‘t judge me I have a lot of books.
Join the fun if you want. This is day 124.

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Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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I finished my #bookspin which is just the first half of this novel that I‘m reading for a book club with some college friends. These books are really enjoyable, but so slow at first.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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Wasn't sure how I'd take to a full novel after the two collections of shorter stories. But this one gave more scope to the whole, got to see more of the major characters i love (game wise) and the different circles, of royalty and such playing at their own games. Plus seeing Geralt's character in a more rounded way, thanks to more POVs

Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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Tbr for the month. Figure I'd upload here. Its a pretty loose set, aiming to get through the library books, Royal Assassin and Blood of Elves. Plus I have audiobooks and kindle reads to get through. What's your most anticipated read for February?

Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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I'm sad that this one was in my tbr pile so long before I read it. I really enjoyed the TV show so I was hesitant to pick up the book. I loved it! I feel like the TV show gave me more background and that enriched the book. I look forward to the further adventures of Gerald, Ciri and Yennifer.

Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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I am at 15%, this book really is going fast for me :o

Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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Decided to keep reading through the series, since they are at my library. It is definitely making me want to play the Witcher 3 again. So far pretty engaging

Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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A fantastic character-based high fantasy. For the full review, please visit http://benjamin-m-weilert.com/index.php/2020/11/18/book-blood-of-elves-1994/

Blood of Elves | Andrzej Sapkowski
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Finally found some time to finish my third witcher novel after forgetting about it for nearly a year. I‘m glad I picked it up again, as i immensely enjoy all those little modern twists on the classical fantasy motivs. Feminist fantasy written by a man is possible, and here‘s proof - even though apparently in the game you get to collect pokemon cards for every woman gerald takes to bed 🙈