3.75/5 ?????
"Life, it turns out, isn't poetry! And do you know why? Because it's so resistant to criticism!"
#fantasy #thewitcher
3.75/5 ?????
"Life, it turns out, isn't poetry! And do you know why? Because it's so resistant to criticism!"
#fantasy #thewitcher
The ending of this one is very satisfying (even though there is quite a bit left open for the next couple books). I‘d taken a big gap between this & the previous installment & it did take a bit to get re-orientated but then the pace picked up. Like the vampire, Geralt & Dandelion‘s banter (as always) I don‘t think the series does well at keeping the pacing evened for each character since the short stories.
This one to me was better than Time of Contempt; more action and just more fun overall. Small bit though is that Geralt is a bit mopey in it but Dandelion breaks the fourth wall a bit by calling him out. Honestly such a good read!
I think this one was the worst in the series so far. So transitional. Mostly about the Witcher and the people he travels with in the midst of war in search of Ciri. Very little about Ciri or Yennefer at all. Lots of boring travel, and only a bit of interest on the forming of a sorceress lodge and vampire background.
A slower entry in the Witcher series, but one that is full of interesting character moments. Milva is the standout in this entry. Since so much of the book is told from Geralt‘s POV, I loved whenever she was on the page.
“Were I to attempt to be good to everyone, to the entire world and to all the creatures living in it, it would be a drop of fresh water in the salt sea. In other words, a wasted effort. Thus, I decided to do specific good; good which would not go to waste. I‘m good to myself and my immediate circle.”
Geralt collects a ragtag crew of allies as his search for Ciri leads him through wartorn territory. We got a few glimpses of what Ciri and Yennefer are doing. Lots of good character development and punctuated bursts of action.
Listening to the next Witcher audiobook. After the events of the kast book, Nilfgaard is invading and Geralt is again searching for Ciri.
I enjoyed this one a lot more than the past couple. While I was reading I got curious as to why the bard's name is Jaskier in the show and Dandelion in the books. Turns out it was a change made by the translator. Jaskier apparently translates to Buttercup, but the translator didn't think that fit, so they chose a different flower, hence Dandelion. 🙂
A great continuation in the Witcher series. Lots of adventure, battles, death, survival, and creatures abound. I really enjoyed this book and will read the next soon.
I am posting one book per day from my to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new - don‘t judge me I have a lot of books.
Join the fun if you want. This is day 126.
Baptism of Fire takes a step back from the witcher‘s storyline for the majority of the book as the author divulges all the current politics of the world. I'm not one for politics. When focus finally turned to Geralt the pace picked up and I was interested. If I didn't know how great these books could be I would have DNFed. #fantasy
Full review https://www.behindthepages.org/post/baptism-of-fire-by-andrzej-sapkowski-book-re...
I am a happy cat reading these. I love the characters, the intrigue and the world. This one takes off right after the events of A Time of Contempt. It is a bit of a filler book, but we get some new characters and new monsters. The Witcher is becoming more human than the actual humans in this series and Sapkowski is making me question who the real monsters are.
I have a lot of reading goals for 2021, one being to finish series I‘ve started: mainly, The Witcher! On to book 3 of the main story!
This whole book felt like a place holder. Did i enjoy pro choice discussions in a fantasy context? Yes! Was this my favorite instalment in the series? No.
Moving sucks but the first thing I get to do is pretty up my new book nook and organize my bookshelves.
the suspense is killing me! every edition is more stressful than the last!
Geralt is turning into one of my favourite heroes in fantasy. He‘s far more complex than he lets on and his feelings, well-hidden as they may be, are more human than he wants. I really enjoyed his banter with Dandelion and Milva. Milva was a pleasant surprise in this book and I hope she will play a role in the next one. Great character development, unexpected travel buddies, and adventure awaits in this glorious novel 😊Gus approves this message❤️
Slowly, slowly making progress with this one. The book is great, I‘m just having a hard time finding time to read. I have some time now though and that‘s all that matters 😊
“Ambition is the undoing of men. They always want what they know to be impossible and unattainable. And they are unaware of the attainable. “
This week has just blown by with little to know time for reading 😢 I have maybe an hour now and then my to do list calls 💔 I find myself jealous of Gus in moments like these 🙂
I haven‘t had a lot of time for reading this week so I‘m dedicating this day as my reading day 😊 and Gus will be my reading buddy 🐶
Slow and steady Saturday 😊 reading, cleaning, and baking 😁 my boyfriend bought me this mug, it‘s one of my faves ❤️
Enjoying Austen and moving back to the realm of the Witcher 🙂 I can do both right? 🤪
This one moved a bit slower and I missed some of the main characters who weren‘t featured as much, but on the other hand it introduces a whole company of new characters who are easy to love. Have to wait for the next book to arrive from my local bookstore so I might switch gears for a bit. Should I stick with fantasy? It‘s kinda my jam right now. That‘s my 6 yo listening to his audio book.
I am loving these Witcher books! This one picks up with Ciri living with a band of brigands and enjoying it, Yennefer coming to terms with whatever she did in her past to contribute to the mess Ciri and the world are in now, and Geralt on a mission to find Ciri. Geralt‘s story is front and center and outstanding! https://cannonballread.com/2020/03/baptism-of-fire-a-novel-of-the-witcher-elcicc...
Hey all! Just realized I‘m at 20,000 Litfluence!
Thank you so much for making this community amazing! I‘ve learned about so many great books from all of you. Here‘s to the next 10,000 🍻
Well, I‘ve been convinced to hop on The Witcher bandwagon. While I‘ve only seen about 15 minutes of the first episode on Netflix and I‘m not interested in committing to watch more of the TV series, I am somehow already on book 3 of the novel series.
Has anyone else made their start of 2020 all about The Witcher? I know Yennefer was a fan favourite in the TV show, she‘s one of my favourites in the novels 🔥. Also, the books are well translated!
Wow. This was my biggest year of reading EVER! I'm really happy with this number! 😀💕📚 I can't wait to see what reading adventures I'll have in the new year! Using the tagged book because it's the last one I finished!
?"Toss a coin to your witcher, O valley of plenty!"?
Anyone else crazy in love with the new Witcher series on netflix? ? I finished it earlier today and am still swooning. It's amazing! And it totally rejuvenated my love for the book series as well! ??
Breakfast with Geralt on this cold and snowy morning! 😍 Happy Sunday! 📚💕
‘What a company I ended up with,‘ Geralt continued, shaking his head. ‘Brothers in arms! A team of heroes! What have I done to deserve it? A poetaster with a lute. A wild and loopy half-dryad, half-woman. A vampire, who‘s about to notch up his fifth century. And a bloody Nilfgaardian who insists he isn‘t a Nilfgaardian.‘
Still SO good! On the last couple books in a series that continues to be character-driven, complex, and brutally honest on an emotional level. Shit gets crazy with well paced, GoT-level intrigue. Deals with realities of war in a horrifically honest way. There‘s also a book-spanning, relevant subplot that discusses reproductive rights in a very insightful manner that firmly destroys some of the accusations I‘ve seen levied against the series.
Just finished the third book in the Witcher series with help from Winston! In my opinion the Witcher series just keeps getting better with every book. In Baptism of Fire Geralt assembles an eclectic group of misfits and tries to hunt down Ciri, his adopted daughter. The story had me constantly laughing at the group's banter, as well as sitting on the edge of my seat wondering what will happen next. I highly recommend it! 🐺📚🤓
Love the Witcher books ( even though I do NOT like these covers! Not my cup of tea at all!)! I'd bought this book almost two years ago when I first started reading the whole saga, but didn't read it because I wanted to wait until all books were available in English! Now that all have been published it's time to check back in with Geralt, Yennifer and Ciri! Can't wait to see what happens next - this really is a great fantasy series!