Even though this book seemed to take a new turn for Marissa Meyer, she absolutely killed it! It was relatable and very in touch with today's society, while retaining the wonderful elements of a fantasy story.
Light a candle for all those who were lost on September 11, 2001 #remember
I got the first three books in this series for under twenty dollars at my local bookstore #getindie
Oh my god! I'm probably a little behind everyone else on this one. But the Night Circus was fantastic! All of the characters have such real depths and the ending tied everything together beautifully! Definitely recommend it!
Loved this book! It was fantastic and the dystopian future with fantastical elements was enchanting!
It started out ok and I kept waiting for it to get better, but halfway through I was still pretty bored. The ending was alright and the plot twist at the end was pretty good, but that's it really.
Not a lot of authors could have made this world such a thrilling and immersive one, but Tamora Pierce goes above and beyond that. The four mages have such an incredible fantasy, but still such relatable problems. If you haven't read it, pick it up now!
Such a deliciously dark book, AG Howard sees the world of Wonderland in a whole new way. Alyssa is such a layered character and her story has incredible twists. Her trials go so much further than a tea party and a game of croquet. A wonderfully adapted novel...
Great way to finish the series! Steampunk fiction/urban fantasy can be hard to write, but Gail Carriger really pulled it off. Such a great read, and I totally recommend it!
Just reread this book. I'd forgotten how incredible...
Was life like that? You could look ahead to the future or back at the past, but the present moved to quickly to absorb.
Love this book. It draws you in and completely comes to life in your mind. If you haven't read it, read it right now!