I really enjoyed this! It was quite funny and I laughed out loud in quite a few spots. The reason I didn't give it 5 stars was because Apollo really got on my nerves at times and there were some parts that were a little predictable.
I really enjoyed this! It was quite funny and I laughed out loud in quite a few spots. The reason I didn't give it 5 stars was because Apollo really got on my nerves at times and there were some parts that were a little predictable.
This was a reread but it had been 10 or so years since I last read it and I didn't remember much about it. The book is a little dated but it broke my heart. It tackles PTSD, depression and suicide in an interesting way. One of my favourite things about this book is how it looks at various forms of communication, particularly non verbal communication.
Trigger warnings for domestic violence and abuse, suicide and depression.
Picked this up today because I needed a light fluffy read after reading so much fantasy recently!
I gave this book 3.5 stars. It was a bit hit and miss for me. I loved some poems, liked some and didn't like others. I think it was a good starting place for poetry for me and it has encouraged me to pick up some more in the future.
Library haul from two weeks ago...oops. I thought I had better post this before I return some tomorrow.
Another of my favourite poems from milk and honey!
I really like this poem. It is a good one for me to remember sometimes.
Rating - 🌟🌟🌟/5🌟's
I enjoyed this story but I didn't love it. I went in considering it more as fanfiction than the official eighth story. As fanfiction it was enjoyable, I loved Scorpius, but the pacing jumped all over the place and the plot was a bit ridiculous. As canon, the returning cast seemed out of character and there were some things that went against the established wizarding world.
This is for H for. #LitsyAtoZ @BookishMarginalia
Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟/5🌟's.
This series gets better with each book, which is hard to imagine because I have loved every book so far. I really enjoyed the history that was explored and it was interesting to the origins of some of the characters. I really love the art style in this graphic novel. It's detailed and the colour scheme works well. I am really excited to see how this series continues!
This counts as K for #LitsyAtoZ. @BookishMarginalia
Can we just appreciate how beautifully designed this book is! I loved all the little designs of some of Newt's creatures that were throughout the book.
Overall, I think I have to rate this 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟/5🌟's because I loved every moment of reading this and every moment of the movie. I loved the plot and I adored the characters and the creatures.
This book counts for letter F in my #LitsyAtoZ challenge. @BookishMarginalia
I love this book and I love this quote! 😊
I reread this just before Christmas! It never fails to capture my attention and pull me into the story. Pride and Prejudice will forever be one of my favourite books and I don't think I will ever be able to express my love for it as much as I would like!
I received this book in the YA Chronicles subscription box and I don't think I would ever have picked it up if I hadn't, but I am so glad I did! I adored this book. As someone who has struggled with my weight and been bullied for it throughout my school years I connected to Libby on so many different levels and yet she dealt with it with a confidence that I wish I had back then. I also really loved Jack and the complexity of his story.
I think that I like Eldest more than I like Eragon. In Eldest, Eragon has grown up a bit and is less whiney. However I do find his infatuation with Arya to be some what cringeworthy. My favourite thing about this book is getting to know more about the elves and dragons. I also love that we get to see from Roran's and Nasuada's point of view.
I really enjoyed Illuminae! The characters were great! I particularly enjoyed AIDAN. I loved the depth that was put into space travel and computer hacking. The plot was entertaining and I was shocked by some of the twists and turns. The only issue that I really had was that I felt the pacing jumped around a bit.
This was my first time rereading this series as a fully fledged adult. It was interesting to see how my views have changed towards certain characters now that I am an adult. This particularly applies to Eragon who I found to be more of a petulant, whiney child than I remember finding him before. Other than that, I still really love this book and I am so glad that I decided to reread it.
I really loved rereading the Lord of the Rings! I hadn't reread this for 5 or so years and it just brought back how much I love this world and the characters.
I am so happy to be rereading this series and reading it via audiobook has been such a good experience! 😊
It's amazing how a narrator portrays a character can change how you feel about that character. I am finding that I feel much more pity towards Smeagol than I have previous times reading it.
This was a reread for me but the first time I listened to it as an audiobook. I love this story and I think the narrator did a great job bringing the characters yo life. It was interesting to hear how someone else pronounces names and places, some of which were different to both me and the movies. The narrator also did a great job with all the songs.
Everytime I read or reread any of Tolkien's work I am amazed by the effort that he put into the languages and lore of Middle Earth.
This is my first time "defacing" a book. I have recently watched a couple of youtube videos about readers annotating books and making your copy personalised and I wanted to give it a try. I was a bit hesitant at first (and I am only using a pencil) but I think I like doing it. I have been writing out favourite quotes in the margins and this is a photo of one of my theories that I wrote out at the end of the chapter.
I have just started this (seven pages in) and I can already tell it will be confrontin and an important read. I think I will be handing this one around to my family after I have finished.