One of my favorite books of 2017!
#KBReads #picturebook #newrelease
Komarr was excellent! And after that ending, this next book promises to be entertaining.
#KBReads #audio #sff #SummerReading
The final book in the #SarahPlainAndTall series was beautiful! Highly recommended series!
#KBReads #librarybook #childrensbook #SummerReading
This is my brain-busting pick for Summer Reading. Hopefully it won't kill my momentum too badly. The premise is absolutely fascinating.
#KBReads #nf #audio #SummerReading
Sequel to Mirror Dance. Miles and his future undergo significant change.
#KBReads #audio #sff #SummerReading #librarybook
Miles makes for such fun reading!
This title won the Hugo Award for Best Novel and Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel in 1995.
Also a doorstopper, though not in the league of Sanderson. But few are. :)
#KBReads #audio #sff #SummerReading #AwardWinner
My first foray into Chinese SF translated into English.
#KBReads #audio #sff #SummerReading #AwardWinner
After hanging out with Cordelia (👍👍), it's back to the Miles chronology. Visiting historic Earth, and knowing Miles, TtF (Trouble to Follow).
#KBReads #audio #sff #SummerReading
I wanted to love this, but only Gaiman's wonderful narrative voice lived up to my hopes.
#KBReads #audio #childrensfiction #SummerReading #librarybook
The sequel to Sarah, Plain and Tall is as delightful as I remembered!
#KBReads #audio #childrensfiction #SummerReading #librarybook
Stories about John Paul and Theresa, Ender's parents, and the software program that Bean asked the IF to use to manage Ender's pension.
#KBReads #audio #sff #shortstories
Continuing my Ender's Shadow series reread with book 2. This book focuses on what happens in the aftermath of Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow on earth. What should be done with the military genius kids that are no longer needed to save the planet? What happens when earth no longer has a reason to remain unified against alien invasion?
#KBReads #sff #audio
Grand Admiral Thrawn sounds a lot like Jeremy Irons the way he's voiced. Perfect! 👍
#KBReads #audio #librarybooks #sff
This book is noteworthy for pulling off being a successful side-quel, not retelling Ender's Game, but telling a new, compelling story that just happens to share a timeline and characters.
I'm re-reading this, though it's my first time on audio. I'd forgotten how brutal the beginning is as Bean tries to survive on the streets of Rotterdam...before he meets Ender and before he finds a new future that changes the world.
#KBReads #audio #sff
Catching up on the short stories I've missed from the series.
#KBreads #librarybook #MaryRussell #SherlockHolmes
This is a reread, but first time on audio. Gladwell narrates the audio and proves to be quite good. The book has been out the better part of 10 years now and amazes me how much it has penetrated the cultural awareness. It popularized the "10,000 hour rule" for becoming an expert in a skill or talent. Recommended reading.
#KBReads #audio #nf #librarybook
#KBReads #audiobook #librarybook #nonfiction
Excellent audiobook! Makes advances in physics accessible to those of us without a science background. #KBReads #NF #librarybook #eAudio
Very well narrated.
#KBReads #audio #librarybook #nf #OverDrive
Technically a reread. I love the narrative voice of Rob Inglis. He also did the unabridged Hobbit and LOTR - my favorite versions of those works. #KBReads #audio #librarybook #OneClickdigital #sff
Quick, necessary read. If you have 45 min to spare, the author's reading of the #audio is well done. #KBReads #librarybook
Listening to the fabulous Neil Gaiman reading this new release to me. #KBReads #audio #mythology
Started the latest Lady Emily book on #audio. #KBReads #mystery #19thcentury
Isaacson writes a fantastic biography! The audio is narrated by Edward Herrmann, aka Richard Gilmore. #GilmoreGirls
#KBreads #audio #biography #AlbertEinstein