A fun concept with some beautiful turns of phrase without being overwritten. A debut author to watch!
A fun concept with some beautiful turns of phrase without being overwritten. A debut author to watch!
For anyone with complicated feelings about religion and/or family.
A book to help you figure out your life and to remind you to go out and live it.
Not gonna lie, I picked my next read based on what would look good on my nightstand. (Of course I did like A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing so I figure this is more than just a book with a pretty cover).
This book was fine. Light and fun and it made me miss my sister. A bit simplistic but with a voice that I'm sure many mothers of young children could relate to.
This is a universal story about keeping secrets and feeling like you don't fit in. Amanda is so easy to empathize with no matter your identity and the writing is blunt and straightforward and full of feels like good YA. Recommended.
This is my favorite book of 2016 (so far.) I love reading debut authors, and this one shows a lot of promise. This coming of age story follows three friends in a poor, rural Tennessee town their last year of high school and is full of both heartache and hope.
It's a tightrope, loving yourself and another at the same time."
I loved the characters and the relationships in this book - even more so when I realized they were all based on real people. The way the story rotated through three points of view created suspense. Romantic and rich in detail, I'd recommend this to any fan of Victorian era historical fiction.
Love this snarky, feminist narrator. The way fandom and fanfic writers were portrayed was 👌. Fun read with a lot of heart.
I really enjoyed this for how messy and true it was, and especially because the ending was so untidy. It was weird to read about a girl named Molly who grew up in a town with a name similar to my own, but I had no complicated drama with hot brothers in HS.
This felt like set up for a series more than anything, but the world was so interesting and the huge cast of characters sets it apart from other urban fantasy series. Will continue with the sequel.
But there is more than one way to change the world.
Has to bust out a notebook while reading this. I never do self help/inspirational books, but this one is just wisdom with none of the bullshit.
God, I want more books like this. Honest and raw and self-indulgent stories of young women figuring out their shit are my jam. Plus this has a lot of talk of wine and great dialogue.
Like Furiosa, I am giving this a bit of side eye. I loved the first book in the series - so much magic fun! - but this was slow and the plot was scattered and epic cliffhanger. I'll be back for the finale, but...a little disappointed.
Forgot my book at home, got this in the mail at work! Excited for Brenna's latest. The voice in the opening chapter was killer. I'm hooked!
A campus novel with unrequited love. My weekend is booked.
Amazing world-building in this fantasy title. Read for the Book Riot #ReadHarder challenge: 1st in a fantasy series with POC author.
When acquisitions got this in, half the collection development staff stopped to read it. Cute, but the stories aren't like Humans of New York so it kind of felt cheap.
I never read biographies but was so in love with Hamilton the Musical I gave this a try - and it was totally interesting but full of cheeky humor!
A modern retelling of Pride & Prejudice that imagines Lizzie as a magazine editor, Jane as an aging yoga instructor desperate for a baby, Kitty + Lydia as cross-fit obsessed and unemployed, and Mary as an online student with a secret bowling club.