So excited for this book! I've loved every single book I've read of hers.
So excited for this book! I've loved every single book I've read of hers.
Finished another page in my coloring book. I love it! Her cloak is more metallic in person but it's hard to capture on camera.
Finished my first picture in this book. Hate how the sum turned out and his skin tone but overall pretty happy.
I didn't like this one quite as much as Anna and the French kiss, but it was good. All in all, it was a good and easy read.
I read this for my book club's book of the month. I didn't expect much but was surprised. It was a very good, light and heartwarming romance. It wasn't your typical love at first sight book, which I loved. Very easy read!
I received this as a birthday gift from @SummerABurns and it's beautiful! There are images for every coloring skill set. It does a phenomenal job of illustrating the important moments from all three books. Definitely a must have!
This was an amazing conclusion to Feyre's story. It made me laugh, cry, and get angry. It was heartwarming and heartbreaking. Such a delightful read. I couldn't imagine a more perfect conclusion to this journey.
This was selected as the book of the month for my reading group. I wasn't expecting much from this book but I actually really liked it. It was a nice, light romantic read. It was so good. It wasn't one of those books where they fall in love instantly, just attraction that grows. I loved it!
This was a good read. It was definitely better than the first. Not my favorite book, but not horrible either.
It took a little bit for me to get into this book but once I did I flew through it. It ends leaving you with more questions than answers but dying to know what's next.
Finally jumped on the blog bandwagon and started a book blog!!!
Can you tell I'm reading on a cold day??? They refuse to leave my lap.
If you're looking for something light to read, this is a good start. I'm not crazy about the main character but it's a very interesting plot line.
Reading the last (that I know of) novella in the paper gods series on my new Kindle fire. I'm so in love with it!
At first I was a little irritated with Sierra and how quickly she was okay with throwing away her relationship standards for Caleb, but the more I continued the story, the more I liked it. Overall it was a very nice Christmas romance. I did feel there were too many back and forths between the couple, but overall I really enjoyed it.
when you're so tired and don't feel well but you want to read, you end up sitting on the couch continuously picking your book up and setting it back down.
my one black Friday book buy for myself. I got some books for my son for Christmas too. thanks to coupons and membership, I only paid $11 for this. the fan art inside is gorgeous!!
Finished!!!! Here's my Goodreads review:
This book started out a little slow. It took me until chapter 8 or so to really get into it, but once I did, I was completely absorbed in the book. It is such a unique and creative story. If you go into this expecting it to be like the paper gods series, you'll be disappointed because they're completely different. All of the twists and turns were hinted at but still a shock when brought forward.
page 225 of 293. less than 70 to go. determined to finish tonight.
Sitting down and trying to finish this today. I'm determined to at least get close to finishing.
just when I think I have some time to read by myself....
vanilla coffee with pumpkin spice creamer in my new 88 cent mug from Walmart, my Betsey Johnson blanket, and my next book.
Last year, I wasn't able to complete my goal of 24 books. look how this year has changed!!! This is the most I've read since my son was born 2 years ago. I must say I love it!
I had no idea this existed until yesterday and had to start it immediately. I read it on wattpad so I'm not sure if it's the same as the one that was published. I loved this series and was not disappointed by this novella at all. It does a great job giving insight to the character's back story. I loved getting a glance into Tomo's thoughts. Glad I found this one!
Alice in Wonderland is one of my favorites, so when I saw that Marissa Meyer was coming out with a story about the red Queen, I knew I had to read it. This story was so unique and creative. It isn't quite as quirky as the original world of Wonderland, but that's also what sets it apart. I also love the Edgar Allan Poe references as well. If you have ever wondered why the red Queen is the way she is, read this book.
almost 2 am and I'm still up reading. think it's time to try and sleep. almost done!!!
this is the most I've read from a book in a while. I'm really enjoying it so far.
been a while since I've been on here. been in a book funk lately. reading this hoping it will get me out of this slump.
I have a few favorite authors, Melissa Marr being one. It's been quite a few years since I've read this book. There was a challenge in a book group on facebook to reread a book and see how your opinion has changed. So, here I am reading this and hoping to finish this weekend.
I was hoping to have this finished with a review for everyone, but my son got sick, then I got sick, and things have just been a mess. hopefully I can finish this in the next few days if I really push myself.
why does the cuteness distract me????
A breath burned in my lungs, locked in place. Though not tangible, not in the way of a physical touch, we had connected. So fleeting... so brief... yet purely sensual-as if I were a lake, and he immersed himself in me.
reading and continuously smelling my hand because this smells amazing!
in no particular order, these are my current library books.
I'm a huge lover of artwork inside the book. AG Howard always blows me away with hers.
trying to get a few pages in before a trip to the vet. 🤓📖
it's so hard to read with this adorable, sick face beside me. o want to just snuggle all day.
Enjoying my few minutes of quiet sipping hot apple cider and reading. The child will be up soon so let's see how much I can get through.
The first 3/4 of this book was amazing. Very gory and suspenseful like the Walking Dead meets Pet Cemetery. Once you figure out that the "entity" causing this chaos is a giant alien blob, it's just ruined. It felt like the ending was grasping at straws. The alien invasion could have been played on more and made it scarier at the end (War of the Worlds, hello), but this ending reallybfell short for me. 3 stars because I loved the good parts.
My first CoHo books and I fell in love. this pulled at my heartstrings in every way. I was not expecting her to have a son so that was a shocker. as a mom, my heart broke for what she went through. the huge plot twist was just a tear jerker. must read!!!
I have problems! I have a huge stack of library books to read, but once I finish Savage, I'm diving in to this gem! AG Howard always blows my socks off and this is her first Adult Romance book. So excited!!
I'm about halfway through and already 2 of the first characters introduced have suffered a horrible death, and a few minor characters have died, not to mention the bodies of random people they've stumbled across. Very gory but definitely a great horror story. trying to finish tonight.
#describeyourselfin3fictionalcharacters Belle from Beauty and the Beast, Tiffany from Silver Linings Playbook, and Marceline from Adventure Time!
it took me so long to pick this book up after so many people recommended it. I've been on a retelling kick lately so I gave it a try. I absolutely love it. This was my first SJM book and she captured my heart. I really enjoyed this. I wouldn't say it's necessarily a favorite but I really really enjoyed it.