This was a really cute, magical book! Lots of twists and turns. Reminded me a bit of The Night Circus but with more of a YA feel.
Fast-paced and fascinating! It takes you on some twists and turns but overall, a great read. 👍🏼
Can we please bring back words like "demure" into every day conversations? I adored this book! Utterly charming from beginning to end. ?
So happy to finally be curled up with this one! It has a lot of hype to live up to.
Ok, so maybe this is a harsh review because the first three fourths of it was actually really good. But I HATED the ending!
The end of this book blew my mind a little. I really love books that can both entertain and surprise me. 😲🔥
Really branched out of my comfort zone this year and tried a lot of new genres. Here's hoping that 2017 will slow down some and I'll have more time to read! Here are my favorite nine from 2016 📚❤️ #2016bestnine
This book was incredible! What these men survived is truly remarkable. Any time I'm having a rough day, I need to pull this one out and remind myself what others have survived. So, so good.
That moment when you sit down to read a new book you just picked up from the library and it's in Spanish 😂 #howdidinotnotice
What better way to wrap up Thanksgiving Day than by finding out who the murderer was?? This book kept me guessing to the end. 👍🏼👍🏼
It took me quite a while to really get into this one but man, it really picked up the pace at the end. This book makes me want to curl up with a cozy blanket and hot chocolate. #mmdbookclub
"I wondered why it was that places are so much lovelier when one is alone." #introvertsunite #mmdbookclub
When the library calls on November 1st to tell you that your October book club book is ready for pickup 🙄😂 #ohwell #imstillgoingtoreadit
Parallel universes ✔️ Cheesy love triangle ✔️ Some seriously fun surprises ✔️
Had to stay up late finishing this one! Yeah it's a cheesy YA fantasy book but sometimes it's nice to kick back with a fun read like this. 🤗
I've been on the waiting list at the library for Commonwealth for weeks! So I just checked out like six other books in the meantime. I wonder if there's a limit... 😁 #tbr #librarybooks