Here‘s the next two on the chopping block, can‘t decide which to read first. Most likely Titus but Sabriel is calling to me...
Here‘s the next two on the chopping block, can‘t decide which to read first. Most likely Titus but Sabriel is calling to me...
Aaaaaand finished! Took me long enough, but I certainly was in no hurry.
A really tangled, complicated book, City is in exercise in how much fun VanderMeer can have writing.
Ambergris is both a believable and an incredible setting, the world has been so solidly built that I find myself confusing Ambergrisian history with real history.
Overall, excellent.
The idea of a book so rigidly formatted is just....so mystifying to me. I want to read it. What‘s that like.
I‘m reeeally enjoying the format of fake history book, complete with rambling footnotes. Brings me back to when I would read Terry Pratchett novels in high school...
Aaaaand with that I move onto this book which I‘ve been meaning to read for a while. I have another shipment of books coming in so I‘m hoping I can make a dent in this before they arrive.
Finished this last night.
Absolutely fantastic. Written as a series of speeches and “portraits” of trans people. It‘s incredibly heartening to read these in this political climate. It feels like not only are people like me part of history, we are important in history. We have always been here, and we will keep fighting.
#queerbooks #lgbtbooks #transbooks #queerlit
Barely into this book and I already feel like sobbing... really powerful.
#transbooks #queerlit #lgbtbooks
Well, time to dig into this! I‘ve never read any of Feinberg‘s other books so I‘m looking forward to this.
Wow this book was a ride. Although, of course, the title warned me about that. So, thoughts:
First of all, this is a book to go into with prior experience with trans terminology, theory, other authors and perspectives. Bornstein is a FANTASTIC writer but that doesn‘t mean she doesn‘t have flaws. I can‘t say I agree with all of her politics, but the fun she has with gender and life in general makes this worth a pick.
#lgbtbooks #queerlit
Workin my way through this rn, really enjoying it!
#transpride #lgbtbooks #queerlit
Overall a great read, pick it up if you want an overview of LGBTQ+ history in the U.S.
Be warned though that it very rarely moves out of the territory of Gay and Lesbian history, mentions a few bisexual people but almost never bisexuality and refers to “transvestism” more times than transgender people. Certainly very important historically, but has a few blind spots that could be addressed.
#lgbtq #lgbt #lgbtbooks #lgbthistory