Watched the series on Netflix before reading this and I really enjoyed both! They are very different but I think both are really interesting!
Watched the series on Netflix before reading this and I really enjoyed both! They are very different but I think both are really interesting!
It's always fun to listen to Cecil Baldwin talk about Nightvale.
Not my cup of tea. Bland characters, too many sterotypes and just...nope.
This was such a good read! Alice went from a curious girl to Sailor Moon - kicking inky monster butt and saving the world one day at a time!
Can't wait for the second one!
Starting off the new year right! This book pulled at all my heartstrings; absolutely wonderful. #firstbookof2019
Gonna be reading some twisted stuff this coming week. #aclockworkorange #anthonyburgess #undeadgirlgang #lilyanderson
“It‘s easy to think you know what you‘d do if you were in a certain position until you find yourself there, feeling completely lost.”
Little & Lion was a fantastic read! Dealt with a lot of issues on top of stating a lot of thoughtful phrases and scenarios~~~
Gonna give this a shot and see what happens. Been having a lot of bad luck with popular YA‘s lately...
#crows #ravens #blackbirds #birds
This was such a great, funny and sad read! I loved a lot of topics and silly KDrama mentions - it was wonderful! #ibelieveinathingcalledlove #maurenegoo
Incredibly unusual and dark as all hell.
Trigger warnings for mentions of rape and assault and lots of murder.
Here we go! Book one of my library book haul!!! So excited!
#thefemaleofthespecies #mindymcginnis
This book was relatable, funny, nerdy as all hell and had an ending that made me want more! #chaoticgood #whitneygardner
This is an interesting one! I‘m actually really liking it so far! :D
#chaoticgood #whitneygardner
I was supposed to read this ages ago...😳 #room #emmadonoghue
The amount of tabs I‘d be putting in this book. I need to buy tabs. There are so many great lines here!!!! #therestofusjustlivehere #patrickness
“Funny how you can forget that every family isn‘t like yours.” #therestofusjustlivehere #patrickness
A really felt a lot while reading this. Hits a lot of topics and learning with the main character is so much with the writing and events. Loved it.
This book is pretty interesting, covering a range of topics dealing with sex. The voice Hannah has is so funny as you read through this.
"She did not dare to let herself feel a thing except anger, because that warmed her."
I feel like this is gonna hit me with a hard cliffhanger before I go to work... I'm so worried!