After months of procrastinating, I finally set up my bookcase (it's from IKEA) and organized my books! I can't wait to fill in those remaining empty spaces!
1. Bolis (basically Mexican popsicles) especially tamarindo flavor.
2. Beach!
3. 🍉 All day everyday
4. Stay home (what better place is there than south Cali in summer.)
5. Print and ebook (I read my print at home because I want them to remain pristine and I take my Kindle when ever I'm on the go.)
#ManicMonday @JoScho
I'm in the last couple weeks of this semester and somewhere between all the papers and finals I was able to finish Frankenstein. This book has instantly become one of my favorite pieces of classic literature. It's well written but not so entrenched in the diction of its time as to be difficult for modern readers. It's tragic, captivating, and brimming with ideas, particularly about the relationship between humanity and science.
I had already read Kite Runner so I knew this wouldn't be a light hearted book but even still, I was almost going to bail on the book just because of how tragic it is. I ended up pushing through and, ultimately, am glad I did. Overall I think the characters are compelling and the prose is thoughtful and somber, I recommend the book with a warning towards people who find it difficult to stomach stories of abuse.
@britt_brooke is doing a giveaway for my favorite on-going sci-fi comic series, if you haven't checked out Paper Girls you are missing out! And I still want the graphic novel even though I have all the single issues because I need to have all things Paper Girls. #PGVol4Giveaway
Apologies to all fellow littens for my momentary absence (although I make no presumptions of being missed.) This semester has been kicking my butt and I haven't had the time to pleasure read like I want to. But that hasn't stopped my insatiable desire for more books, this is my book haul from visiting my local swap meet over the weekend. I've already started the tagged book, anyone have any suggestions which to read next?
1. Celebrating my mother and brother's b-day (their birthdays are two day apart.)
2. 5'9 last time I checked.
3. I've been living in my current residence for about 4 months now.
4. Tagged book as well as "dress your family in corduroys and denim" by David Sedaris.
5. It took me forever to take a selfie I didn't completely hate so enjoy.
This book was an absolute joy for me. This is a novel that is completely about a single character, Lilian Boxfish, and it's such a great read as a result. Calling her witty, perceptive, and funny scarcely scratches the surface of what makes Boxfish such an endearing individual. The only downside to this book is it will leave you wishing you had a Lilian in your life.
My second ever audiobook and, man, did this blow me away. I absolutely loved this grounded take on the zombie apocalypse that has a greater focus on geo-political turmoil that allowed the virus to spread than the virus itself. The varying stories from different survivors all around the world creates a full and convincing picture of an apocalyptic alternative reality. I also can't recommend the audiobook enough, a full cast with great performances.
Sure took my sweet time with this one but only because I wanted to thoroughly enjoy it. Had high expectations coming from The Secret History and The Goldfinch blew those expectations out. Even if the main character, Theo, isn't the best at times, there are many things about his life I can relate to. Overall this was a great read with my only complaint being how tiring the main character's neurosis can be at times.
Just started reading Jane Eyre on serial (my former English teacher had basically insisted that I read it over winter break.) I've absolutely fallen in love with Bronte's writing style. A bit upset that the integrated dictionary on serial couldn't define several archaic words so far. 😑
I knew this book would be good when my sister read it in a couple of days (she isn't much of a reader or a fan of Wu Tang.) The RZA draws from various different religions and philosophies and basically compiles them into a single belief system and it makes for an engaging read (coming from someone who isn't even remotely religious.) He also peppers these ideas with the history of the group and how they came to be such a strong cultural phenomenon.
One of Ms. Marvel's best volumes even if it's rehashing her fight with the same hipster/fascists since pre-civil war 2, it is still very enjoyable and Kamala Khan is still one of Marvel's most appealing and relatable superhero.
Unlike any other non-fiction book I've ever read. It's uncommon for a biography to be written for someone who hasn't accomplished some form of fame but Robert Peace's life definitely warrants it. This was an incredibly engaging story of an endlessly interesting man. While imperfect (both the man and the book) this is a book that deserves to be read and remembered.
1. Chunky chocolate chip (the chunkier, the better)
2. Hosting (I like sleeping in my own bed too much)
3. I haven't the faintest idea
4. Home Alone (I mean, c'mon)
5. A Nintendo Switch with Super Mario Odyssey, and also chocolate......and coffee......also "My favorite thing is monsters" by Emil Ferris would be amazing.
Finally got around to getting caught up with the excellent paper Girls (#16 & 17) that continues to be as crazy and original as the first issue.
My idea of a perfect Friday: coffee, crepes, and Donna Tartt's celebrated novel, The Goldfinch.