I just got my very first arc package as a reviewer! It's from Flame Tree Press, and Boy In The Box is a suspense thriller about a hunting accident, and The Garden Of Bewitchment is a historical gothic horror.
So excited!!!
I just got my very first arc package as a reviewer! It's from Flame Tree Press, and Boy In The Box is a suspense thriller about a hunting accident, and The Garden Of Bewitchment is a historical gothic horror.
So excited!!!
Checking out this new book from Tara Devlin while on vacation! If you like folklore, both internet and otherwise, this would be a great read for you.
I couldn't find Camp Red Moon, so I chose the closest thing!
Camp Red Moon is an Audible-exclusive anthology by R.L. Stine and 3 up and coming middle grade authors! It's amazing, highly recommended. You can read my full review below 👇🏼 from Dead Head Reviews 😊
Circe the bun is popping up on your timeline to announce that her mom is now a contributor over at deadheadreviews.com! Looking forward to posting lots of book reviews on such an awesome site 🥰
I need to get back I to using Litsy more! This red chant exchange reminded me how much I love the Litsy community and always find such great books from it!
Flame Tree Press had a 4th of July sale where each book was only 4 dollars! I went overboard
This just showed up at my door today!!!
Read from the "I knew..." paragraph, and buckle yourself in for a rollercoaster of a pulp fiction book summary!
I can't recommend this history of pulp paperbacks enough! It's both hilarious and incredibly informative.
I was really surprised by this book. I wasn't into it the first few dozen pages but then it hooked me. I don't necessarily empathize completely with Anya, but I get where she's coming from. I'd say this is maybe appropriate for pre-teens and up~
Thank you so much, @TheRomantiCate !!! I can't wait to dive into the books and use that super cute mug 💜💜
#sffs #SciFiFantasySwap @Avanders
My #SFFS #SciFiFantasySwap came yesterday, but I forgot to post the picture! Thank you, @TheRomantiCate and also @Avanders for organizing! I can't wait to open it tomorrow~
It's not the best of the Poirot mysteries, but it's good to sit and knit or cook to! My main issue is that the beginning feels very rushed, and then it lags for about an hour or so.
What a beautiful children's book about a little vampire! It's a little tough to find, but it's a great book for early readers or to read to your little ones (plus, if you like horror imagery, you can introduce your kid to it in a safe space)! Also the author is the same one who made Akira.
Did you know the documentary was based on this amazing book? I can't recommend this highly enough!
For those who don't know, there's a documentary on Shudder by the same title that focuses on the black experience in horror. It's absolutely amazing, and the books is even better. It is academic in nature but not so much that you'll be bored with the writing style.
Much like Narnia and other young adult fantasy, Navin and Emily find themselves in a fantastical world trying to save their mother. The artwork is very beautiful, and the writing style is good for young readers alike.
This graphic novel has the best depiction of depression I've read in ages. Sure there are ghost elements, but ultimately this is about understanding and healing for both the main character and those around her.
Recommend this for everyone!
I'm flying through these. This is some seriously good zombie survival horror, and I'm just getting to the point where they start exploring just why the infection started in the first place.
Highly recommended for fans of the zombie genre!
I was incredibly surprised by this! It flows from black humor to horror easily, and it has this kind of claustrophobic writing that really gets under your skin. My favorite part is how the chapter opening furniture specs change as the story goes on.
Highly recommend for horror fans looking for a quick read!
I wanted to read this before I watched the movie. The book definitely skews more juvenile, but it's a fun premise and a pretty short read! Basically, a recently orphaned Lewis is sent to live with his uncle, who he finds out is a warlock. The boy accidentally raises a bad warlock from the dead, and chaos ensues.
This book is pretty darn funny so far, and everyone is just embracing the crazy in Otter Lake
Another classic! I'm trying to read at least 10 classics this year. I wasn't familiar with the Tommy and Tuppence series, but it's pretty fun. Not so much mystery as it is action-y, and it's a pretty quick read.
I wanted to read this one because it's a pre-Agatha Christie murder mystery, but I have to admit, the first half was very scattered and kind of boring. As with lots of these kinds of mysteries, I lost track of characters quickly, and the second half had a lot more action and an abrupt finale.
I would say read it for the history of the genre, plus it's free on kindle.
This was surprisingly a very good zombie manga, despite what the cover may imply. You can definitely see where the writer gets his influence from, and it's a quick read that left me both curious about the world the girls live in, but also satisfies a number of questions.
This cozy mystery was really odd. It had few clues and kind of bandied about a bit. I finished it, so it wasn't painful, but I'm not sold on the series. It was a rental from Prime Reading, though, which has gems mixed with so-so novels.
We bought a house! The apartment is all in disarray, and this stack of boxes is just our book collection alone 😭
Hey, @thelibrarian, did you take advantage of us living in the city to stalk me irl?? I'm blown away most by the fright night magnet, because that's one of my all time favorite Halloween movies! Thank you! #halloweenhorrorswap
Thank you so much, @iread2much! This is amazing, I wasn't expecting all this! I can't wait to dive in! Btw, is the kanji for your name 啓発のケイ?
The day before we leave the seaweed and rocks finally washed out of the waves, which lead to an ideal day at the beach with my husband and sister in law! Heading back home soon~
Did I mention I'm in Barbados currently? It's raining, so my niece is discussing cake very intently with my husband on the porch.
This one didn't keep my attention as much as the first issue, but it sets up a lot for issue 3. If you have Amazon prime, you can borrow these through prime reading. 😉
If you're a fan of horror you've probably seen Audition pop up as having some of the most horrifying scenes in horror. The book is no exception, but in true Murakami form it doesn't unleash the insanity until about midway or 3/4 of the way through. This edition was very well translated and is a great addition to any horror buff's shelf.
@monkeygirlsmama be on the lookout for this obnoxiously patterned box for your #halloweenhorrorswap.
Thanks for organizing, @TheReadingMermaid 💜
My husband is doing inktober over on his Instagram (nicholassmallnsd), and one of the pieces is this adorable drawing of our one bun in her usual "I'm stuck in a tissue box help me help me!" pose.
PS: if you guys give him a follow it'll make his birthday!
#rabbitsoflitsy #inktober
I wanted to like this, I really did. But it was so boring, and a body didn't turn up until around 100 pages in. The protagonist isn't the most likeable, and neither is the ghost.
If you like cozy mysteries, I'd choose another.
Stuck at work so I'm busting through my kindle TBR. I really liked this first issue, it was pretty fun and the art style is gorgeous. I recommend reading at least this issue before the Netflix series drops!
Not the best cozy mystery, but it's good for a light, quick read. The author is rather repetitive with her phrasing, and the protagonist is a bit frustrating. On the other hand, Pandora the cat and the town of Mystic Notch are both interesting characters that I hope get more print time in the second book.
This is a great book, and it's the perfect pace for commuter readers who need material that can be paused easily without getting to the next chapter. It's a wonderful collection of musings about what it means to be an immigrant, a woman, and a human.
On Kindle the passage immediately before this is a very popular highlight, but this one resonated with me more.
@Joy0201 thank you so much for the lovely bookmark, note, and the book! I've never even heard of it! #justabookswap
Truth be told, I meant to post the contents Friday but got called back to the hospital and kept forgetting to log in due to exhaustion. Apologies!
Yay! My #justabookswap from @Joy0201 arrived!!
Hey, @lovesbooks87! Keep an eye out for your #justabookswap parcel! I sent it out just now 😇😇🐰
@TheBookKeepers #bookswap
Hey, @iread2much! I'm heading out to mail your #WitchPleaseSwap brandless box today! Keep an eye out 😄👻 I look forward to your reaction on opening day!!
@monalyisha #bookswap
1) both!
2) I adore pumpkin drop cookies. I'll eat 4 dozen before the season ends
3) corn maze, I'm allergic to hay
4) yes! I'm near a few farms
5) not so much...i like pumpkin but not pumpkin spice
I love the Kusama pumpkin in the background 💜💜
#hellothursday @wanderinglynn
@monalyisha made this fun witchy bingo for the #witchpleaseswap. As you can see....I got double bingo 😱
I also set my sweater on fire with the heating stove in my Hokkaido apartment. That was a great day....
Hands-down this has to be the easiest to understand houseplants book I've ever seen. I'd recommend this to anyone who wants to start a little indoor garden!