While I still wish that the English translations of Oishinbo were published in chronological order, having them as a ‘series‘ does make this an easy and informative way to learn about what sake is and isn‘t
While I still wish that the English translations of Oishinbo were published in chronological order, having them as a ‘series‘ does make this an easy and informative way to learn about what sake is and isn‘t
It‘s pretty sad to find a library book in a bad condition - luckily the librarian could fix it! Can‘t take off the rubber bands and read this until tomorrow though 😝
Bought my first Folio Society book (because I‘ve always thought they were beautiful). Love the sparkly cover!
To be honest, I prefer reading by the beach to actually swimming in the ocean.
Found these today and they were pretty cheap! (Although tbh I would have bought them even if they were expensive)
Totoro spent years looking for the title of this book, then a couple more looking for a copy. Luckily the stories are scratched his book itch and as someone who belongs to a forest, he adores these charming short stories that are connected to nature.
Loved this thematic book of fairytales. The value is not just in the stories, but also in the introduction to the book and to the tales.
Loved this very fun book explaining the meaning and histories of largely forgotten words! So glad I picked this up(:
Totoro prefers the movie, but the book was a fun, addictive read that was finished in a day.
(Ok, so maybe "no Emmett" has its plus and minuses)
Totoro liked this book more than usual (and Totoro is already an Agatha Christie fan so that's saying something). No Poirot, but there is one of the most unusual killers ever.
P.s. This is Totoro's new home - a few friends moved in too.
There were two boxes of free books and I managed to find these treasures! I would have brought back more but my bag was full 😅
Definitely not a light read (and definitely not something to be reading on a 2 hour bus ride) but overall very interesting. Totoro does not regret reading it.
I've always associated Terry Pratchett with library books, but I guess I've built up an (extremely) tiny collection for myself!
Time to read the latest book that I got - Philosophy and Terry Pratchett
Totoro and his owner have moved! The first thing his owner did was to unpack the books (the second thing were the kimonos), which were 20-30% of the total luggage.
Who killed Totoro? Ok, that attempt at referencing the rabbit didn't work out but Totoro really enjoyed this book! It was a great discussion on the genre (Totoro particularly loved the chapter on the four great women novelists) written by someone who knows her stuff.
Interesting premise and Totoro enjoyed some of the stories, but this book was awfully preachy at times.
Heard lots of good things about this book, but Totoro and I couldn't finish reading because the third person present tense really wasn't working for us.
Couldn't put it down once I started!
It's only January, but this is definitely going to be one of my favourite books of the year!! 😍😍😍
Totoro finished yet another New Year Book buy - a Hercule Poirot mystery. As a big fan of Agatha Christie (and thus horribly and irrevocably biased), Totoro gives this two thumbs up 👍🏼👍🏼. It was an interesting and easy read.
An overall strong collection of short stories (not all of them mysteries) + An Agatha Christie fan = a match made in heaven.
Advice needed!
I'm about 1/3 through this, and so far, it's been getting more and more confusing. The chapters are pretty short so it's easy to read, but I'm wondering if it's worth carrying on - the mystery doesn't seem to be moving.
Any Litsians here have opinions?
Totoro took less time to read this book than expected. It's pretty heavy, but fascinating to see how despite the fact that these three men were cousins they managed to go to war with each other (well, a two versus one) and not even give asylum to the other after abdication.
Totoro isn't intending on becoming British, but these two books were rather fun (and quick reads too). Each short passage on a particular topic (the phone box, cricket, etc) comes with a comic. More than a few laughs in this collection. And personally, Totoro preferred Book 2 to Book 1
BookOff (this chain of second hand books in Japan) was having 20% off everything for their New Year's sale. Totoro ended up getting 5 books for about 2200 yen 😊
Despite a good start, Totoro ended up not finishing this book. Perhaps the later essays are wonderful, but the first part had an air of snobbishness that made Totoro uncomfortable. The love of books should be welcoming, not excluding.
From the forward of the book - we're definitely off to a good start!
Totoro and his Class III companion Sootball both enjoyed Android Karenina. He didn't think androids could work in the novel, but it did. The original was much better, of course, but this was entertaining enough. The take on how androids would work and interact with human beings was thought provoking too.
Totoro enjoyed learning more about tea from this book, though there was a slight tinge of anti-Western sentiments detected.
Totoro cried after reading The Nightingale. Sootball didn't cry, but that's only because he has no tears.
This was a moving book that showed how wars can be fought in more than one way, and that we all have courage inside is.
"I will add this, though, since I am a mother and we can't help ourselves: A broken heart hurts as badly in wartime as in peace."
Still reading The Nightingale, still loving it.
Started reading this after seeing it on @bookishnerd 's feed. Loving it so far!!
The start was slow, but it got better as the action picked up. The ending was a little disappointing though - not as satisfying as I hoped for. But the middle part was good, and I liked the past/present dual narrative.
Totoro had some fancy gems while reading Sisters of Fortune, a biography about the Caton sisters. They were smart, money savvy, close, and even managed to become part of the British aristocracy, long before the era of the American 'Dollar Princess'. The style is a little formal, but it's still easy to read and extremely interesting.
An extremely dark, twisted, and amazing collection of short stories. Some are sequels/retellings of the traditional, while others are wholly original. I love that it all takes place in the same world and towards the end, you can see the connection between the stories.
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from #NetGalley in exchange for a free and honest review.
Totoro Tip: Putting on black-rimmed glasses instantly makes you seem 120% smarter, 150% more focuses and 200% more winning at meetings.
For 100 more tips, read this book (and it's funnier than Totoro)
Disclaimer: I got a free copy of this book from the publisher via #NetGalley in exchange for a free and honest review
I studied this for my O Levels and it was life-changing. So much so that when I lost my scribbled copy, I couldn't bear to reread it until I found the exact same edition in which I could scribble to my hearts content. After so many years, it's amazing how so much of what Bradbury wrote is still true.
An accessible biography to the life of Søren Kierkegaard and includes an overview to his works. All in all, a good introduction to the man and his way of thinking.
(Image is public domain. Quote added by me)
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book via #NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
I'm sure that Mr. Wilson is a good lawyer, but I still think Mike Ferreira is a murder (even if not legally guilty). The attorney's sections where he talked to the reader was annoying and interrupted the flow of a complex and tragic case.
Disclaimer: got a copy from #NetGalley in exchange for a free and honest review.
I'm now another year further from this, but way before Taylor Swift getting us to appreciate the number 22, I used to long to be 17, just so I could use that quote.
(Just realised I had this photo and it might have gone nicely with this quote haha)
#bannedbooksweek #quotes
We all see the world through our biases. Putting them aside is hard enough - rejecting what was once our foundation is even harder. Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus is powerful testimony, and a good introduction to understanding the differences between Islam and Christianity. A #mustread in our multi-religious world.
(Also, you have to read the companion book - No God but One with this)
Started slow but I really enjoyed this! Obviously not for kids (despite what the first book would have you think), but a rollicking good tale that ends with a cliffhanger.
Short, but an interesting spin on the whole "aliens on earth" concept.
Absolutely loved the book!
Haatim may seem like a sidekick (and/or a way to explain the world to a noob), but he really comes into his own by the end of the book.
Plus, Abigail is just an amazing character - strong and talented.
The good writers touch life often. The mediocre ones run a quick hand over her. The bad ones rape her and leave her for the flies.
(Although really, the whole page is quotable)