'Perhaps there is some secret sort of homing instinct in books that brings them to their perfect readers.'
Bought and started reading this one just because of this quote! 💖😍 I like it so far.
'Perhaps there is some secret sort of homing instinct in books that brings them to their perfect readers.'
Bought and started reading this one just because of this quote! 💖😍 I like it so far.
started reading Room since yesterday. Love it so far :)
I'm a claustrophobic person so I didn't know if I can read it but little Jack's voice keeps me engaged.
I'm reading The Hobbit for the first time. I don't know why I didn't read it earlier. but I'm pretty sure I may be a hobbit too. in spirit at least. cause as much as I would like to go on an adventure I like to stay at home and be comfortable too!
I loved cover of this book. Its a traveling exp. book by Meena Prabhu.I have whole set of her books. this one is about South America. I love books by Meena Prabhu. they're not just about places. they're about people, culture, history and the feel of that place. and of course about architecture. she simply takes you by hand to these incredible journeys with her. Book's name is Dakshin Rang meaning colours of south. its not in the database of Litsy.
Do you ever worry about wellbeing of your books after you die? I do sometimes. No one I know likes to read that much. so I don't know what will happen to them. I love them so much I want to them to be loved and cared for afterwards too. I want others to find joy, love, hope and a friend in them like I did
...But last night I pouted
when Mother insisted
one of my brothers
must rise first this morning
to bless our house
because only male feet
can bring luck.
An old, angry knot
expanded in my throat.
I decided
to wake before dawn
and tap my big toe
to the tile floor
Not even Mother,
sleeping beside me, knew.
... and it seemed then as if the whole graveyard were about to join in, each inhabitant offering his or her own comparisons between the infant and someone long forgotten, when Mrs Owens broke in.
‘He looks like nobody but himself,‘ said Mrs Owens, firmly. ‘He looks like nobody.‘
‘Then Nobody it is,‘ said Silas. ‘Nobody Owens.‘
My October started with this! #helloOctober
I didn't plan on reading anything spooky or something like that.but The Graveyard Book sort of popped on my screen.and the idea of a graveyard raising a little boy caught me.I instantly fell for this book.Its my first Gaiman book.and I'm loving it so far.
although I won't recommend something spooky with high fever! it gave me very odd dreams.so I had to stop until I got better.now picking it up again.
I saw this drawing elsewhere and it instantly reminded me of Rebecca!
once you read it, Rebecca does stay with you forever!!
Help! Help me! this book is calling me again. I've already read it thrice or more times over past years.
And I have a large pile of TBR books staring at me and waiting to be picked up.I guess I just miss the characters
so since joining @Litsy my TBR list has grown this much. and its only been a few days! I'm having a 'So many books! So little time!!' moment here..
p.s. I regret nothing :)
I don't think all my friends would fit into one selfie! :D would yours?
“A conscience is that still, small voice that people won‘t listen to. That‘s just the trouble with the world today.” –
Jiminy Cricket, Pinocchio
"For all of us with consciousness our life is precious. Therefore, we need to protect all sentient beings very much. Also, we must recognize that we share the same two basic wishes: the wish to enjoy happiness and the wish to avoid suffering."
"We all share these wishes. But also the way we look for happiness and try to avoid discomfort is the same."
Everything I believe has been written here in such simpler words! I just loved it
seriously though Mrs Danvers just scared the hell out of me sometimes! every time she came close I wanted to scream at Mrs De Winter to run, just run away from her.
You know Sherlock has his own way of going about things. thats why we love him. but the police and people are always exasperated by this. and whenever that happens it makes me smile. :)
Sometimes some places in games seem so tempting! that you want to jump inside screen, take your favourite book with you. and just sit there. taking in the scenery. sip your tea. and read your book! absolute bliss.
I guess someone doesn't like me spending time with other cats..! :D
(disclaimer - no books were harmed while capturing this picture.)
Rainy night. A purring cat beside. and solving mysteries with Sherlock Holmes! and ginger tea of course! bliss
"Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again..."
One of the first lines that will stay with me forever.
Rebecca is really something. It was hard to keep reading it first. but I kept trying. then it was hard to put it down! its a book that goes beyond the words. gives an amazing experience. you realise that when you finish reading it.
Some stories can be true, beautiful and full of life at the same time. This is one of them.