One of my all time favorite contemporaries! I love the quirky cute story and really need to read some more books by Rainbow Rowell! Fangirl just blew me away back in 2015 and it's still on my list of favorites. I recommend this to anyone. 😊💕
One of my all time favorite contemporaries! I love the quirky cute story and really need to read some more books by Rainbow Rowell! Fangirl just blew me away back in 2015 and it's still on my list of favorites. I recommend this to anyone. 😊💕
So I just finished this sweet little contemporary. I was so happy with this. It's about Steffi, a girl suffering of social anxiety, selective mutism and panic attacks, that falls in love with Rhys, a boy who can't hear. And it's such a good love story. They meet and get to know each other and help each other communicate and interact with the world. It's so great how this book progresses and I love all about it. 😍
So this happend at my window! I thought it was so pretty so I ran to my bookshelf and had to look for a book 😁. Happy day you lovely bookish people! 😄
I want to slowly review all the books I own, starting with my some recent reads and my favorites. QotT was definitely one of my favorite reads 2015! I loved that the main character was not one of these super pretty MC you usually have in YA but a normal girl with bad sight and normal features. I really enjoyed this fantasy world and all its quirks and everything. The other characters were all quite interesting and I am excited how it continues.
I adore ACOWAR and there were many things I loved but I want to say some things that bothered me/I'd love answers for in the next books: Why do the characters have to show each other a vulgar gesture every chapter? Why is Nesta so mean and doesn't do shit to help? Yeah well you don't want to train? I won't protect your snarky ass. I mean I like her more every book, but pls that's an issue. And what's with Elain/Lucien/Az? I need them to be happy!
You like steampunk, supernatural or sherlock? Yes? Than you should read this wonderful funny book series. It has mysteriously disappearing vampires, a steamy romance with a werewolf Lord, a snarky soulless main character, a gay vampire Lord and a very handy parasol. It's so funny and I love the steampunk references.
Alexia has a sharp mind and is totally set on following the clues, spice up her spinster life and prove her innocence along the way.
I really couldn't get into the story and the first half of the book was soo boring. After progressing quite far I kinda started to somewhat like the female MC but the male MC was still pretty whiny. The story line picked up though and I enjoyed the second half much more. Same regarding the character development. It was a good read but I am not sure if I will pick up the 2nd book. Maybe historical YA is just not for me. Gorgeous covers though! 3/5☆
Rereading the Throne of Glass books was such a good idea. I missed all the characters and it was so good to dive back into this world. I finished yesterday night crying my eyes out over Aelin and her court. I just couldn't get over this ending! 😭 But I enjoyed every bit of the time and can't wait for the last book! 5/5 ☆
I don't how to feel about this Novella though. 🤔 I will still read it. But I was just so ready to finish this series.
I was really intimidated by this book because I started it a while ago and just couldn't get into it. And when I now wanted to try again I had for like 50 pages such troubles that I wanted to put it away. But O Daughters (as they like to say in the book), I am so happy I didn't. The story picked up and some more characters were introduced and I absolutely loved all of them and how the story progressed and Mia and Mr. Kindly are the best. 4.5/5☆
I'd rather die on an adventure than live standing still. - V.E. Schwab A Darker Shade of Magic
(The picture shows the French version which I just bought because I've been on vacation in Brussels and the cover is stunning. Unfortunately I don't speak French. 😅)
FitM is set in feudal Japan and has similarities to Mulan. I really enjoyed the main character Mariko's adventures. It's a fast read and I fully recommend it. However I did have sometimes difficulties to connect to Mariko and I got a little confused at the end about what's going on. The book still features many unique aspects regarding asian mythology, character development and some awesome friendships!
I can't even describe what I think about this book because it was just so weird. The story was very unique and there were some characters which I really enjoyed reading about but some parts just didn't feel right. And sometimes it was just really boring. And I didn't like some aspects of the world ...
I was super worried that I wouldn't like this book bec I don't usually read novellas but this book is amazing. The adventures are just so awesome and it helps you to understand some parts of the next books in the series. Besides that Celaena is just the best main character ever. She is so sassy and fun and knows what she wants. I enjoy reading SJM books immensely, bec her world building is excellent and her character development so satisfying.
This is a super cute fast paced little contemporary that has an adorable love story and shows that sometimes you have to take risks to see who you really are. I really enjoyed it. However I thought the love story was really intense. Almost a little bit much for me. They are both madly in love and life is not always easy. But I read this book in one sitting and it made me laugh and worry and feel things. Therefor I really recommend this book.
Beauty and the Beast is such a fun movie! Definitely worth to watch. 😊
This book is amazing! 3 different girls. 3 different upbringings. 3 different powers. Only 1 will live. And I thought the discription of their life's was just so interesting and I love all three sisters. I really don't want them to kill each other. These girls are all so unique and awesome in their own way. And I enjoyed everything in this book. It was super fast pasted and an interesting new kind of fantasy. I need the second book like now! 4/5☆
This book is amazing. You get thrown into a beautiful new world to explore and the characters are all so interesting and you want to know more of them in an instant. I think the love story was a little bit rushed but that didn't make me love this book less. Laini Taylor is just such a talented author and I will buy everything she puts out there in an instant. Lazlo our main character is one of my favorites of all time. He is so inspiring! 5/5☆