This book took me like a month to read, because it starts so slow! But once you get into it, it blows your mind! I can't decide if it was better than Illuminae, but the ending is so intricate, I'm still not over it.
This book took me like a month to read, because it starts so slow! But once you get into it, it blows your mind! I can't decide if it was better than Illuminae, but the ending is so intricate, I'm still not over it.
This series is one of my all-time faves next to TID. I preferred ACOMAF, but this book was still fantastic. The ending had some loose ends, but I think they're settinf up the bexr books. I wish we had more of this original trilogy though. It's so good. So, so good. If you haven't read this series, go pick it up. It's solid from the first to last book.
Omygod. I had high hopes for LoS. Cassie is known for doing heart-wrenching second books, and she definitely did it again with this one. I found it a little on the slow side and preferred Lady Midnight. There are a LOT of Easter eggs and she definitely set up a lot of crazy plot lines for the next book. Can't wait.
This damn book. I was in the mood for a contemporary and everyone kept suggesting this one, plus the cover looked cute, so I picked it up on a whim. It's definitely a fast read but I did not like this book. It's not that it's bad, it's just a little ridiculous. But I have to give the author props for weaving the story the way she did.
Right off the bat I'm gonna say that I enjoyed the first book in the duology more. Something about the heist just made me love it. But this book was still so good. It answered a lot of questions and had some great character developmet. Some major plots twists. Still not over the ending though. Will forever sob.
I had high expectations for this book, but went in not knowing anything about the Grisha world. It starts a little slow, but I think Leigh Bardugo did an excellent job of writing complex and unique characters. I really love Matthias, Nina and Inej. I love the interactions and backgrounds of Nina and Matthias, because they, among other aspects of the book, present relevant themes. Very excited to read more from Bardugo. Wish this was a series.
This was a hard read to get through. The plot is interesting, but executed in a way that prevents me from getting sucked in. I think it has to do with the characters. I have yet to fall in love with any of them, and characters are what drive me to get through a book. It's an interesting idea, though. It's not a bad book, it's just not a love for me. Currently suffering through book 2, which is no better.
This book...wow. I've heard a lot of people didn't like it, but honestly I can't decide if I like QoS or EoS better. They were both so good. I think I enjoyed EoS more because you get to know more about those new characters introduced in QoS. Some I didn't really like in that book, but in this book I grew to adore. So excited to see what SJM will do with the next two novels.
And, same as Red Queen, I just find this such a hard book to get into. Is this a post-SJM binge-a-thon side effect? I think so.
So, after having heard so much about this series I finally started it. It's been a week and I've only read like 130 pages. For some reason, I just can't seem to get into it.
"She crossed the small lingering distance between them, every step like the answer to some question she's asked from the moment her soul had sparked into existence." I loved this quote. So beautiful. Their relationship is so interesting. It's literally checks and balances with them. #EoS #empireofstorms #rowaelin #rowanwhitethorn #aelingalathynius #throneofglass #sarahjmaas
Just finished chapter 11. Manon's sentence. Woah. Did not expect that. That's why I have a love-hate relationship with the Ironteeth. So brutal, it disgusts me sometimes.
This is tied at the top for my favorite. At lot more fast-paced, and we get to see more of some new characters. It stopped my heart a couple of times with the tension. There's also so much development in characters and relationships. So beautifully written! I do think this would've been a good way to wrap up the series, if SJM hadn't decided to release Empire of Storms. We'll see if I change my mind after reading EoS.
Okay...so I have some issues with this book. It's just so dang slow. And then it picks up, and slows down again, and repeats that process. So many people loved this book, but I feel like it is the worst in the whole series. Still a good book, comparing to other fantasies. The character development is amazing, as well, and essential to the series. It was necessary. But, parts of the plot were just so tedious to get through.
This is one of my top books from the series (tied with Queen of Shadows)! The story starts getting more complex, and so do the characters. It also adds so much to the fantasy world of Sarah J. Maas. I absolutely adored this book. It is also very emotional, and I hated some of the things that occured, but overall a fantastic book. #TeamChaol
I read this one before reading Throne of Glass, and I think it is essential to understanding the main character. The series later uses details from these novellas that allow you insight into the complex main character. It's a good book to pass the time, but I came to fully appreciate its importance after reading the whole series.
Okay, so this comeback is gold. I aspire to be this iconic. #queenofshadows #throneofglass #sarahjmaas #aelingalathynius
Already this book is better than Heir of Fire, and I'm only halfway through (Pg.300 more or less). I really like Aedion's character, but Chaol is annoying me to no end. He acts like he's innocent, but he sat on his butt for YEARS before standing up for something sooo....cool it, Chaol. #chaolwestfall #sarahjmaas #throneofglass #queenofshadows
"The massive bed she hadn't bothered to make that morning..." Adarlan's Assassin usually makes her bed, apparently. I don't know why this was one of the biggest plot twists the series has thrown at me so far. #queenofshadows #sarahjmaas #throneofglass
YES! THANK YOU, DORIAN. FINALLY. I was on the fence about your character, but you finally manned-up. Please don't screw up. Also, Chaol: I love you, but you're being an idiot. #dorianhavilliard #heiroffire #sarahjmaas #chaolwestfall #throneofglass
I'm on page 318 out of 569. I know authors wait until the last 100 or so pages to completely blow your mind, but I'm getting impatient. I can't stand the chapters on the witches, don't ask me why. Also: if Rowan had a mate who died, how can he ever mate again with Aelin? I thought the whole point was that mates are rare (at least in ACOTAR). I know Rowaelin happens from Tumblr so I'm confused. Also, I can't imagine Cel with anyone other than Chaol
Started this morning. I'm kind of annoyed with this book so far, because I'm not happy with what's happening, but, I guess things will make more sense eventually. SJM: what are you doing to me? #heiroffire #sarahjmaas #celaenasardothien #throneofglass
Oh, look. I've been impaled. #chaolwestfall #celaenasardothien #crownofmidnight #throneofglass #sarahjmaas
Loveeeeeee this quote. The tension in this book will be the end of me. #throneofglass #crownofmidnight #sarahjmaas #chaolwestfall #celaenasardothien
I feel like this book did a very good job of setting the story for a series that will probably rip me apart. Even though this isn't the most intense book I've ever read, I appareciate it in a different way. The world the author has created is so interesting. And I really liked the main character. It's a different pov, seeing things as an assassin, and I can't believe I actually favor a murderer. I suggest reading The Assassin's Blade first.
Page 222 out of 404. Somehow, I've made quite a dent in this book without even noticing. That's a good sign. And 30 chapters in, I have yet to be irritated by the female protagonist, which is surprising, considering this is YA. #throneofglass #sarahjmaas #celaenasardothien
I'm a sucker for any male character that's a reader. #JessMarianoFeels #dorianhavilliard #celaenasardothien #throneofglass #sarahjmaas
Finished Assassin's Blade and picked up Throne of Glass immediately afterward. I'm liking the plot so far. #throneofglass #celaenasardothien
Have had issues getting into it, because I just want to move on to Throne of Glass. But good short stories. #assassinsblade #throneofglass #sarahjmaas #celaenasardothien
I really like Celaena and Sam's characters but I've also got the whole rest of the ToG series to read, which worries me for the amount of things that could happen to them. #HavingPreFeelsFeels #throneofglass #assassinsblade #samcortland #celaenasardothien
After what I said about ACOTAR, the first book in the series, I have to say that ACOMAF absolutely MAKES the saga so far. Without this book, the depth of the other one is nonexistent. They work together. The character development in this book is phenomenal. A must read. It changes everything you thought you once knew. It really makes the author stand out against others of this genre. 😍❤ Would re-read a million times. #acomaf #acotar #sarahjmaas
When I was recommended this book, and told it was a fantasy novel about faeries, I didn't think much of it. I thought it'd be good, but not groundbreaking, since this author gets more hype for Throne of Glass. After reading the first book I was in love with this world, though. I think it goes into a topic fairy tales usually ignore: reality (as much as one can be real when discussing faeries). #acotar #acomaf #sarahjmaas #throneofglass
Talk about character development. Well done Sarah J. Maas. All it takes is one chapter, and you've got a whole new world. #acomaf #acotar #sarahjmaas
This book is so different from what I expected based on the first book. It's giving me an "Insurgent" type of sequel feel, in a bad way. But I've been promised this book trumps the first one in the series, so I have hope. But 160 pages in, I'm skeptical. #acomaf #acotar #sarahjmaas
I am really loving Tamlin's character. #acotar #acomaf #sarahjmaas
Slowly learning how to use Litsy. And so far, this book gives me serious Beauty and the Beast vibes. 😍 #acotar #acomaf #sarahjmaas
"You have me. Until every last star in the galaxy dies. You have me." #illuminae #kadygrant #ezramason