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Joined December 2016

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I enjoyed this book, but it just felt unnecessarily long. Loved the dual POVs (I found Emilia‘s chapters more engaging).

The book posed interesting questions about Shakespeare‘s legacy and I felt this was done in a respectful way.

One thing that got to be a bit too much was the constant portrayal of Emilia‘s suffering, which at times is what made me take a break from the story.

Great read if you are patient with it.


Intervals | Marianne Brooker
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Started this yesterday and I‘m completely sucked in! Such a tough matter and Brooker‘s writing is beautiful. #NetGalley

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I loved this memoir! Tan‘s narration on the audiobook is excellent and loved the bonus interviews.

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I‘m so excited for this one! Sometimes it is hard to wrap my head around being sent all these wonderful books. #arc #NetGalley ❤️

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1. My daughter and my ancestors (especially Mom!)

2. Yunxian from tagged book.

TheSpineView Thanks for playing!🌞 3d
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A Spanish Sunrise | Boo Walker
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Starting this one. Diving deep into my old ARCs. The premise made me curious, but the love/hate reviews on GR sealed the deal, because now I need to know why 😅

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This was a tough read. I honestly almost wanted to DNF it a couple of times.

The story centers around Frida, the huge mistake she made as a mother and the extreme consequence of those actions.

I had to keep reminding myself that this was fiction, it felt that close to reality. It made me question a lot about the pressures mothers deal with (internal and external).

Read this!


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I really, really liked this. Maggie went through a breakup and her world came crashing down.

Did she handle it the best way? No…Was she super annoying? Big YES

But she was also real. I appreciated this take, because a lot of times getting to the part where you are really good looks like this.

Audiobook was excellent!


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This one has lukewarm reviews, but 12% in and I‘m really liking it!

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I‘m having a fantastic reading year! This book was such a masterpiece that I had to force myself to slow down so that it wouldn‘t end.

If you enjoy complex family dramas and ballet, this book is for you!


CarolynM I loved this one too❤️ 1w
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3.5 ⭐️ This was a quick read. Honestly, I expected more from the story, but I had a good time reading it.

Did not foresee the ending and I liked how the author wrapped up the story.

Overall, a good book and I‘m happy I read it.

The audiobook narration is great!

Blue Sisters | Coco Mellors
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After liking, but not completely loving Cleopatra and Frankestein, I wanted to give this one a chance because I do enjoy Coco Mellor‘s writing.

I adored this! I loved how the sisters‘ portrayal as they navigated their grief and their connection and love to each other. I also walked away with my new favorite phrase: Go lightly.

This is a must read!


#arc #NetGalley

Deblovestoread Agree! 1w
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The mood reader in me thought about this book today and decided to start it…Love this type of stories!

The Woman Destroyed | Simone de Beauvoir
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I almost gave up on this so many times…I felt that I was not connecting to the stories, they felt a little bit too whiny for my taste 🤷🏽‍♀️

But, I decided to be patient with it and I started enjoying it more. Overall, a very good book!

I think I‘ve over-saturated myself with these kind of stories and I was growing impatient with this one.


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Next up on audio. I love Queer Eye and Tan became my favorite last season!

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In the Dream House: A Memoir | Carmen Maria Machado
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I was browsing audiobooks yesterday and settled on this one. This book had never caught my attention before, but upon reading the synopsis I was immediately intrigued.

Machado recounts her experience of abuse by an ex-partner. This was at times, hard to listen to but I admire her bravery. One of my favorite quotes: “You would never think that someone who looks like you is going to hurt you.” 💔

Reggie I give it up to her not just for her story but this book is literally a how to on different forms of writing. This book was amazing. Also I liked the chapter on queer villainy. 2w
Amor4Libros @Reggie The chapter on queer villainy was very eye-opening. 2w
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20 pages in and already loving this!

ErikasMindfulShelf It‘s so good! 2w
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Consent: A Memoir | Jill Ciment
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This memoir read like a novel and I loved it so much. (Also, I was drawn to the “older man, younger woman” chisme, tbh 😅).

I now need to add Ciment‘s backlist to my TBR.

Kitta Ooh sounds interesting! Stacked. 2w
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Tierra / Earth | Eloy Moreno
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Low pick. A little predictable and felt too long. Liked the ending, though.

3.5 ⭐️

Consent: A Memoir | Jill Ciment
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I‘m trying to wrap up books that I‘m already in the middle of (too many! 😅), but this library hold came in 2 days ago and I can‘t wait any longer 🤣

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Loved this memoir. Ru‘s life outlook is inspirational. It was great to get some insight behind the celebrity.

Tartufo | Kira Jane Buxton
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Finally got approved for this #arc 🙌🏽

This sounds like it‘s going to be such a good time 😊


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The Sirens: A Novel | Emilia Hart
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🚨US NetGalley members: Available as a Read Now

I‘m so excited to read this after loving Weyward so much!

#arc #NetGalley

kelli7990 I was approved for this by St. Martin‘s Press. I‘ve never read Weyward. 3w
Amor4Libros @kelli7990 Awesome! I read Weyward recently, and it‘s one of my top reads this year! 3w
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Weyward: A Novel | Emilia Hart
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1. Beer

2. Tagged. Loved it so much!


TheSpineView 🍺🍺🍺 Thanks for playing 3w
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Blue Sisters | Coco Mellors
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It‘s unbearably hot in DR today, and none of the books I am in the middle of were holding my attention…So, I started a new one and I‘m loving it so far. #arc #NetGalley

Deblovestoread I‘m reading this one, too and am liking it so far. 3w
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It Ends With Us | Colleen Hoover
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I get the hype now. The book is good. Shame that my curiosity after the whole controversy was what made me pick it up.


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I DNF‘d this at 56%, but somehow kept thinking about it and decided to pick it up again. So glad I did, because I ended up liking it.

If you enjoy holiday romances, add this to your TBR.


#arc Pub Date: 10/22/24

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Fresh audiobook…Love RuPaul!

kelli7990 I like him too. Maybe I should read his memoir. I‘ve watched his show RuPaul‘s Drag Race and I found it entertaining. I was laughing while watching it because of the drama and how catty the drag queens are towards each other. I need to watch it again. I feel like I need to watch something to entertain myself. 3w
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Paris: The Memoir | Paris Hilton
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Loved how candid Paris was in this. A reminder that being born into privilege does not automatically mean that you will always have the best life.

kelli7990 I used to think when I saw the popular, rich kids at my high school that they all had perfect lives but I never hung out with them so I don‘t know their lives or what they were dealing with at home. Rich people can have problems just like the rest of us. 3w
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This book is terrifying…

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The Young Man | Annie Ernaux
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As always, Ernaux delivers. This was a short book that really packed a punch. In it, Ernaux details her relationship with a man almost 30 years her junior.

Loved her depictions of the power dynamics and the societal double standards if the roles were reversed.


It Ends With Us | Colleen Hoover
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I was never drawn to reading this, but the whole controversy with the movie made me curious…

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I saw the movie and it was really good! I didn‘t know there was any controversy 🥴 3w
IMASLOWREADER i loved verity…i wasnt a fan of her other works so was on defense about this but will give this a chance b4 i watch the movie 3w
Amor4Libros @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks There‘s a whole thing going on between Blake, Justin and I think even Colleen…Mostly about what supposedly happened during filming and how the movie is being promoted. 3w
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Amor4Libros @IMASLOWREADER Verity has been on my TBR for a long time, I need to get to it. I wasn‘t even going to watch the movie, but my cousin wants to and now we‘re buddy reading the book before watching it. 3w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Amor4Libros I‘ve been investigating since I saw your post! 👀 3w
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Rosenfeld | Maya Kessler
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I was really, really into this story when I first started it. I felt it was unapologetic, and very spicy.

It did start to lose a little steam at about 70%, but I still very much enjoyed it.

The way that the author described Noa‘s obsession with Teddy was one of the highlights of this book for me.

And that ending had me screaming and I had to read it twice because I was so shocked!

TW: Explicit sex

#arc US Pub Date: 11/19/24

Rosenfeld | Maya Kessler
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1. Apple

2. Tagged. I usually don‘t read on my phone but my Kindle was charging and I couldn‘t stop reading this book!

TheSpineView ❤️🍎📖 Thanks for playing 4w
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Paris: The Memoir | Paris Hilton
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Was browsing for an audiobook to listen to and stumbled upon this one.

I‘ve only listened about 20% so far and I must say she‘s the perfect example of why we shouldn‘t judge a book based by its cover…

5feet.of.fury It‘s so good! I have been a fan of hers since the Simple Life, but she‘s much deeper than she gets credit for. 4w
Amor4Libros @5feet.of.fury This has been really eye-opening! You see this people in the media “living their best life” and you just have no idea what they‘ve been through. I‘ve always been indifferent towards her, but I have some newfound respect for her now. 4w
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Rosenfeld | Maya Kessler
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Did I open my eyes at 5AM and immediately started thinking about this book? I think we all know the answer to that…

I‘m still on chapter 1 (because of course I started this before bed last night and fell asleep 😅), but I can already assure you that this book has got me on a chokehold.

Warning: There will probably be many reading updates coming your way soon…

#arc #NetGalley

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All Fours | Miranda July
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I was going to come on here and say that this book ended up making no sense and I don‘t know what I just read…

What really happened is that I related to this book a lot and will probably be processing it for a while.

But, there were parts of it where she completely lost me and I didn‘t know what was going on.

Overall, I am glad this book exists, but I also can see why a lot of people bail on it.


Lesliereadsalot Crazy as this book was, I was really happy to have read it. I still think about it weeks later! 1mo
Amor4Libros @Lesliereadsalot 100% agree! I‘m glad I did not give up on it 1mo
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1 chapter read and already hooked! #arc

Lesliereadsalot Can‘t wait for this one! 1mo
Amor4Libros @Lesliereadsalot It already looks so promising! 🤗 1mo
Yenya1954 I love Jodi‘s books! I am patiently waiting for this book. 1mo
Amor4Libros @Yenya1954 I hope you get to read it soon! I‘ve only read 2 chapters so far, but I find myself already thinking about it. Her writing is superb, and this is only the third book of hers I‘ve read. 1mo
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Rosenfeld | Maya Kessler
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Snagged an ARC of this from #NetGalley. The description made it so hard to resist!

The Woman Destroyed | Simone de Beauvoir
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A friend recommended this and my library hold came in 😅

BarbaraBB It is fantastic 1mo
Amor4Libros @BarbaraBB I‘m already loving the first story! 🤗 1mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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#WondrousWednesday @Eggs

1. I read every day and pages read in one sitting depends on the day. Could be 1, or 50 😅

2. The Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao

3. The Eighth Life by Nino Haratischwili

Eggs Thanks for the great responses 🫶🏻 1mo
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All Fours | Miranda July
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“We looked at each other in the mirror, very seriously and then slowly smiling. Sex was great, but this. This was something we‘d never do with anyone else. Our thing.”

If you‘ve read this book, you know what just went down! I admit that I‘ve been VERY CLOSE to DNFing this a few times, but July‘s got my attention now and I need to see where she‘s taking me.

Lesliereadsalot I thought this book went interesting places. Of course she‘s an oddball, but I felt she had real emotions. 1mo
Amor4Libros @Lesliereadsalot I‘m completely hooked right now. You‘re right, the emotions feel so real. I have to put it down, for now, but I don‘t want to! I also need to charge my Kindle, before it dies on me on a really good part 😅 1mo
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The Summer Club: A Novel | Hannah McKinnon
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3.75 ⭐️ Put a book set in New England in front of me and I will instantly pick it up! This story follows 2 families in a Connecticut suburb who become next-door neighbors when one of them moves next door after relocating from NY.

Their lives become intertwined as they navigate different lifestyle choices and mostly, the summer club where some of them work and others want to belong. 👇🏽

Amor4Libros I liked the story, even though sometimes it was a little slow and I figured out what the main plot twist was about 50% in. But I stuck with it and can't say that I was ever bored. Loved the different POVs, I think the author did a great job breaking up and connecting the story between the characters.

TW: Some mention of eating disorder.
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Good Dirt | Charmaine Wilkerson
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I should just give up trying to improve my #NetGalley percentage 😅

Just got sent this ARC and I‘m so excited. I loved Black Cake ❤️

Also, this cover is stunning!

kelli7990 I‘m still trying to improve my Netgalley percentage even though I‘ve had a lot of ARCs sent to me. I think I‘m going to have to finish a lot of the ARCs that get sent to me instead of bailing on them. I know that I‘ll finish the ARC I‘m reading right now but I don‘t know about the next ARC that I have to read. 1mo
Amor4Libros I only have 3 ARCs for August and I‘ve already read 1. I‘m trying to read as much of my backlist as I can, and trying to not request much! Good luck to us! 😅 @kelli7990 1mo
ErikasMindfulShelf I keep telling myself not to request anymore but then something interesting shows up. I‘ll never be able to improve my percentage. 😂 1mo
Amor4Libros @ErikasMindfulShelf Right?! It‘s never-ending! 🤣 1mo
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This was just not doing it for me. I kept putting it down and forgetting about it and then did not even remember what I had read previously when I went back to it.

MysticFaerie Oh no... was really looking forward to this one. Hope I have better luck. Sorry it was a no go for you. 🫤 1mo
MysticFaerie Oh no... was really looking forward to this one. Hope I have better luck. Sorry it was a no go for you. 🫤 1mo
Amor4Libros @MysticFaerie Hopefully it will go better for you. I think she‘s a great writer, I LOVED Hello, Beautiful and a lot of people here seemed to like this one 😊 Looking forward to your review when you get to it 1mo
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Tierra / Earth | Eloy Moreno
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It was time to pick a book in Spanish to add to my rotation and came upon this one on my Kindle, which has been recommended numerous times by friends.

Chapter 1 already had me like this 😮, so we‘re off to a great start!

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Even though it took me a month to finish this, I really loved it!

I loved Lenny‘s quirks and all the Friends and LOTR references.

The story was also not what I was expecting, and I‘m so glad. It just made the book more enjoyable.


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Tia‘s memoir is one of the most gut-wrenching and infuriating I‘ve read. She describes her experiences so vividly that I‘ve had to take my time and walk away from this book many times to process.

So glad this book exists to serve as a testament for how dangerous and damaging extreme religions are for women. And to show that another life is possible.

Pub Date: 8/6/24 #arc ##NetGalley

azulaco I‘ve been looking forward to reading this for months. She‘s a compelling voice. 1mo
IMASLOWREADER im waiting for my library to get this 1mo
Amor4Libros @azulaco @IMASLOWREADER I hope you get to it soon! (edited) 1mo
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Sigh… This book is too familiar and I‘m just not enjoying it. I‘m tired of the too-similar narrative that Dominican American authors seem to lean towards.

I probably read this book way too late, I‘ve seen too much of the same now to be impressed.

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
Tamra I bailed on this too, many years ago. I don‘t even remember why. 1mo
Lunakay Read this last year for #foodandlit, thought it the most clichéd and shallow story I have come a cross in a long time. I recommend Elizabeth Acevedo, especially 1mo
Amor4Libros @Lunakay Love Acevedo! Was not impressed with Family Lore, though. 1mo
SMH86 I had to read this many years ago for a college class. I remember struggling through and having to read out loud to keep my concentration. I did appreciate it by the end of the assignment. 1mo
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This was a fun, quick audiobook!
