Ein großartiger Roman. ? Ein absolut perfekter Abschluss um die Reihe des vergessenen Friedhofs der Bücher. Spannend, unterhaltsam, lehrreich. Und fast 1.000 Seiten sind doch nicht genug.
Ein großartiger Roman. ? Ein absolut perfekter Abschluss um die Reihe des vergessenen Friedhofs der Bücher. Spannend, unterhaltsam, lehrreich. Und fast 1.000 Seiten sind doch nicht genug.
Es handelt sich um eine Ansammlung von Momentaufnahmen mehrerer Teenager, erzählt von Johanna. Schomburg lässt seine Hauptfigur alles wie einen ruhigen langen Fluss erzählen.
Diese 254 Seiten für 20 Euro sind schnell gelesen;
wer Buchnot hat, kann dieses Buch lesen, aber man kann es auch lassen. Es bleibt einem irgendwie alles egal.
I kinda liked it but I also have issues. But since I definitely want to read part 2 and 3, I guess I liked it well enough lol
The beginning was a tad boring imo. It only got interesting when we got to know what the problem was, what Kell's task was gonna be (GO TO MORDOR lol).
I found Lila at times quite annoying and Schwab's writing a bit choppy. And ngl, the next parts better have more Kell/Rhys interaction ;)
It starts as slow as the three previous books start. That's really a thing Stiefvater should fix.
And then it ends a bit weird and somewhat disappointing. Or maybe I'm just overwhelmed with everything? Note to self: reread the series.
The epilogue is kinda meh and I really would've loved a few more pages to put everything in perspective.
It's a great series and yay for Ronan and Adam but parts felt rushed. Anyhow, still would read it again lol
I did not like this. It's basically 300+ pages of crappy teenage angst. Cavallaro did not do her characters a favour with moving them from the school setting and into art dealing Berlin (ps: she gets much of Berlin wrong). Nothing here made sense.
Would not read again, would not recommend.
I just love this series. It's so delightful to read, with tiny pop culture references, diverse main characters and fun magic. Can't wait for the next part.
You'd think that part 3 of 4 would be boring as it's kind of in between. But Blue Lily, Lily Blue was awesome. It starts a bit slow but I've come to see that that just Stiefvater's thing. Overall great read with a few surprises and a great epilogue.
I really liked this graphic novel. The drawings are nice and enjoyable to look at and Sarah Glossen is a talented storyteller. I found it very informative wrt the birthright tours. I give it 9 of 10 stars because of the tiny ALL-CAPS font. That made it hard af to read. Like who okay'ed that?
I give 9/10* which means I really liked it. Part 2 of 4 can't be easy but the author made the story flow perfectly and I even liked the cliffhanger. All the characters are incredibly well written and awesome, even the evil ones. Now onto part 3.
😂 is he trying to insult her? Because I think it's a compliment #ragingfeminist
In a few years we'll read similar jokes about Theresa May and Tronald Dump 🤢🙈
Today is #winniethepoohday because it's Milne's birthday 😍
It's been a few years that I've read this book but I remember that I loved it very much and gave it 10/10* It has everything: likable & unlikable characters, history (Spain in the 1940's), politics, suspense and a love-story that is not overwhelming the main plot. As always Sansom writes well & relatable. One feels the cold, the poverty & the desperation of people after a war & on the brink of another one. But also hope & humor and a bit of love.
Gawd, the stuff with stuff coming out of your dreams is so horrific. I'd definitely hate going to sleep too 😱
I liked this 3rd part of the "Invisible Library" series & I'm really glad it's not the final part & hence not the end of the series. At times the action was just a bit too long-winding.
Overall tho still a recommendable series & I love the author & she has great ideas & she created a unique universe (well, except for a villain having serious voldemort-ey touches, but I consider that a JKR hommage). Also, I want to be Irene.