I think this book title would benefit from being suffixed with "???♀️", as that would better represent the complexity of the vexed Israel/Palestine question.
In 2007, Sarah, an American secular Jew, took advantage of an Israeli government programme which pays for non-Israeli Jewish people to take a Birthright Tour to acquaint themselves with the country. Sarah finds some validation of her critical view of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, ⬇️
#AnglophileApril Day 12: Sarah Glidden is a Jewish-American born in Boston. This memoir is an account of her experience doing a free “birthright trip” to Israel with Melissa, another Jewish-American friend from New York. This graphic memoir shows how fear builds walls, until they become insurmountable, fed by #paranoid individuals and funds provided by well-meaning businessmen who thrive on war and discontent. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-fh6
This graphic novel follows one woman‘s travels with a tour group through Israel in 2007. I thought the subject matter was fascinating, but the negative and combative attitude of the author (and main character) was exhausting.
In this graphic travelogue, the author recounts her 60-day trip Birthright trip to Israel. This book was interesting, but I honestly prefer the work by Guy Delisle and Joe Sacco on the subject of Israel, mainly because Sarah Glidden comes across as very judgemental, which actually does a disservice to her arguments...
This is a deceptively “slim” graphic memoir and travelogue. The subject matter was so dense! I don‘t even know if I totally understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflict any better, but it was still a good read. 🚌🚌🚌
Loving this so far! On chapter 3 and already learning so much about “the conflict.” #GraphicMemoir
Enjoying excellent beer while reading an excellent graphic memoir about the author's birthright trip to Israel. Also, if anyone has read any good, non biased books about the Israel/Palestinian conflict I'd love some recommendations!
I saw Sarah Glidden do a panel on comics journalism with Joe Sacco at Small Press Expo and kept meaning to read this book and so glad I finally did.
A Friday Night Indulgence - my PhD supervisee finally cleared her oral defense (viva) on leisure reading practices of 10-11 year old children in Singapore - with No Further Amendments required to the thesis. To say that I am relieved and ecstatic would be an understatement. Hence, a graphic novel celebration matched with molten chocolate cake is in order. My third PhD supervisee has now successfully completed her degree.
Ooh! Bonus find--I picked up a copy of this at a chapters the other day and saw that it was signed! My inner book nerd is pleased that it's signed. (This is what I'm reading next.)
I really liked this graphic novel. The drawings are nice and enjoyable to look at and Sarah Glossen is a talented storyteller. I found it very informative wrt the birthright tours. I give it 9 of 10 stars because of the tiny ALL-CAPS font. That made it hard af to read. Like who okay'ed that?
I read Glidden's graphic memoir for my time traveling book club, and really enjoyed it. I learned a lot about the ongoing conflict and the history behind it. Glidden's illustrations and writing unfolds in a natural way that welcomes readers in. #2017Book6 #timetravelingbookclub #bookclub
I enjoyed this one. It was a good place to start on my journey of learning more about this conflict. Thanks to @Alicia for recommending to me.
Culturally Jewish but politically liberal, Glidden sympathizes with Palestine & does her own pre-trip research, expecting to be assaulted by pro-Israel propaganda. She is, but she's also surprised by the connections she makes to people who believe the opposite as her. A careful examination of both sides, in a lovely muted watercolor palette, this memoir beautifully connects her personal experience to some universal truths of human history