My current read! First book that I have read by Harlan Coben so looking forward to getting into it :)
My current read! First book that I have read by Harlan Coben so looking forward to getting into it :)
I am listening to the audiobook version of this one and absolutely loving it! Stay tuned for my review on my blog!
40 pages in and I know I am going to love it! Going to make me a little angry though I think!
37% done with this one. I am loving it so far! Sarah J. Maas is one of my new favourites ❤️
I am 47% done with this one. It is a mystery and I am trying to figure out where everyone fits in...
Just started this book tonight. Up to chapter 3 haven't really worked it out yet but I'll get into it soon enough :)
I am really getting into this book. I can see why it has been so popular!! I borrowed it from the library but I'm going to have to buy the series I think! Who else has read it?? What did you think?
I am really not loving this book :/ I don't like Vivi she is driving me insane..thinking of dnf-ing it..has anyone else read it?? What are your thoughts??
Listening to the audiobook version of this book (34% done) and I am liking it so far. It's getting really interesting 😊 anyone else read this one??
I loved this book!! I read it in a matter of days and even though it wasn't full of adventure I loved the characters and how the relationships were portrayed 😊 definitely recommend it! To read my full review go to my blog.. www.kim22blog.wordpress.com