I need to eliminate one of the books on this list of suggestions for my nonfiction book group I run at the library. Which deserve to stay, and who needs to go?
I need to eliminate one of the books on this list of suggestions for my nonfiction book group I run at the library. Which deserve to stay, and who needs to go?
I need to eliminate one book on this list of suggestions for my adult fiction book group at work. Which should stay and which needs to go?
Was up until 3:45 this morning, devouring this is one big gulp. Need to rehydrate after the crying though haha
Last minute book group reading - my pick that I'm 90% sure the rest will hate. /sigh
Because I cannot travel without buying books - here are the ones I brought home from my week-long trip to London, from four separate bookstores!
When the author references his own previous book in his newest book 👌🏼
Stellar book haul today from the annual sale at the Book Barn in Niantic, CT!
Haven't read this beauty since middle school - I have stupidly-fond memories of it. Let's, uh, see how they hold up?
Lots of potential, but wow I didn't care about any of these characters at all.
It's been raining all day, and I've been putting off Tuesday's book club selection for too long. Time to finish up this classic (after the dogs come in from a run through the rain).
I'll rate this right now, since I've listened to the audiobook before - if you've been intending to read this book, I recommend picking up the narration by Lin-Manuel Miranda. @24in48
My first complete book of @24in48 and I need to take a little emotional breather (and have a late lunch) after all the crying caused by this tremendous book.
If I place a bunch of new YA holds all at once, they'll stagger in throughout the month and I can read one a week...she said three weeks ago. Whoops.
Starting my last nonfiction book group title before the summer break when I can read WHATEVER I want. (Though I'm also quite excited to read this one, too.)