So detailed and well written I would have been more satisfied with a few more chapters. The ending felt like a blur
Almost done w this read!!!!!!
I devoured this book! The ending left me wanting a bit, but a very entertaining read!!
Felt like it was written by someone who has never written anything before in their life. Like anything... Also contained a lot of things I feel were unnecessary and offensive.
I watched the Netflix film and really enjoyed it. But wow. This book blew my mind. Even without the descriptions of seeing, it kept my attention from beginning to end. I felt scared, anxious, and sad! Amazing!
A reread of a favorite book 🥰 Eragon has been my favorite book for as long as I can remember. I‘m cracking this bad boy open for a good old fashioned paper read 🤤
Sad to say I had to DNF this book. It was SO boring! I loved the show and was really disappointed when I couldn‘t get into the book. I will say I got halfway through it before I gave up though!
Another ebook halfway done 🎉 I have such an itch for a real book in my hands. Maybe I‘ll make a trip to my fave bookstore! I‘m loving Practical Magic so far. It‘s written kind of weirdly, but very well. #POPSUGARReadingChallenge #abookfeaturinganextinctorimaginarycreature
Read this for the POPSUGAR Reading Challenge (as a lot of the books I read this year will be!) the prompt was “a book with an item of clothing or accessory on the cover.” I have always wanted to read this book and found that it was okay. Cute story but not very fulfilling.
All I have to say is WOW! Should I read An Anonymous Girl next?
I‘m doing the Pop Sugar Reading Challenge and this is my “book written by two female authors.” I just have to say so far... SHOOK
Currently reading The Shape of Water. I‘ve adjusted a few reading settings on Libby to try to make ebooks a little more enjoyable. I just want the feel of a book in my hands sometimes! But ebooks are so easy to access and convenient 😩
I finished this book with the biggest smile on my face! I don‘t know if this counts as a spoiler, but it has a very happy, very good ending! It is definitely a top ten favorite for me. UPDATE! I just started watching the movie and I absolutely hate it. WOW I can‘t believe that anyone would think it‘s okay to stray SOOOOOOO far from the original story 😡
You know how sometimes you stub your toe or hit your shin and you start jumping all over the place like you‘re trying to escape the pain? Well the suspense and twists in this (more toward the end) had me jumping all over the place in a very similar way. I really enjoyed this book!!
Currently reading Ready Player One and I 💝 it. But for some strange and unknown reason I cannot concentrate enough to finish it! I really wanna blame it on the e-book of it. I read on my phone and it just isn‘t as enjoyable to me. Is there anybody here who started on their phone and switched to a paper white or something similar? Did it make a huge difference? Wish me luck 😪
Like a lot of people I became aware of this book because of the trailers for the movie featuring the beautiful Blake Lively and Anna Kendrick. When I first started reading I was super intrigued because it was not as I predicted, then when the POV changed it went downhill. This book had so much potential to be mind-blowing!!