I did it! I challenged myself this year to go for 50 more than the previous years, maybe I‘ll go for 200 in 2023?
#2022readingchallenge #goodreadsreadingchallenge
I did it! I challenged myself this year to go for 50 more than the previous years, maybe I‘ll go for 200 in 2023?
#2022readingchallenge #goodreadsreadingchallenge
hi friends! i want to be more active on litsy and take part in challenges and fun events, but i hardly ever find them on my feed. I‘d love to follow some accounts that organize them, or if there‘s a post i can comment on and be tagged on said challenges? i don‘t know how this works lol
June wrap-up (books i‘ve read or finished in June)
Last month I included Henry Hamlet‘s Heart and Th Cousins in my monthly wrap up but realized that I actually read them in June, that‘s why they‘re repeated here s well lol.
May wrap-up (books I read/finished in May)
I don‘t know why goodreads decided to log the Saga volumes like this, but I actually read them in the right order lol. And I absolutely loved them!! The last one ended on a big shocker so i‘m really really anticipating the next volume. I could purchase the single editions 🤔 but I‘d rather wait for the whole thing to be released
April wrap-up - books I read/finished in April
I‘m very happy with the diversity of the genres, especially since I planned on reading more nonfiction, literary fiction, and classics this year.
I‘m spending a few months at my sister‘s who has probably never read a book in her life, but recently bought this one. I found it on my nightstand as I moved into my designated room, so I‘ll guess I‘ll be reading a few pages each day before going to sleep lol
March wrap-up - books I read/finished in March
I didn‘t read as many books as i‘d wished, thanks brain fog, but i‘m still satisfied with my little collection.
The book I liked the most would probably be Young Mungo or The Empire of Gold, and the one I liked the least is The Spanish Love Deception.
#marchwrapup #marchreads
Here‘s my February wrap-up! I‘m tagging the book that stayed with me the most, not counting The Wicked King, as we all know it‘s one of my all time favorites and this was just a reread.
This was one of my most anticipated 2021 reads but I haven‘t picked it up yet since I saw a lot of people being disappointed with it, including some of my favorite booktubers. I‘m so curious though about what‘s so bad about it, and I‘m actually hoping I would like it as much as I liked the author‘s previous book, despite the lukewarm/bad reviews I‘ve read.
Last one! I‘m very curious about the Netflix adaptation that‘s been announced, I hope it‘s good and I especially hope they don‘t whitewash the cast.
I haven‘t been able to read not one book during January because I caught Covid (how I caught it is still a mystery) and, being immunocompromised, my butt was kicked. I still have symptoms but at least the brain fog lifted, so I‘m trying to get back into the rhythm with the Daevabad trilogy. I‘m reading book 2, The Kingdom of Copper.
I finally received my signed copy of the Cardan novella! I‘m so excited to read it! But I‘m starting exams tomorrow so I‘ll have to wait until next weekend before I can start it 😞
Book 7 of the Popsugar Reading Challenge (a book with a pink cover)
We had to read this book for my French lit class in high school, but I was more interested by YA dystopian books as a teen so I had just skimmed through it and don‘t remember much about it.
It was convenient to find a free version on the apple bookstore with a pink cover!
And naturally, I‘ll have to read it in French to preserve authenticity.
Book 6 of the Popsugar Reading Challenge (a book with a map)
I‘ve been so excited to read this book but its length intimidated me for so long. I haven‘t read a long book in a minute. A buddyread goodreads group is breaking it down into parts as botm so I couldn‘t miss the chance to participate!
Book 5 of the Popsugar Reading Challenge (a book with more than 20 letters in its title)
I‘ve been in a slump (+ I have a horrible cold 😩), I hope this one will get me out of it!
Book 4 of the Popsugar Reading Challenge (a book with only words on the cover, no images or graphics)
Book 3 of the Popsugar Reading Challenge 2020 (A book with a robot, cyborg or AI character)
I have decided to finish the lunar chronicles series which I had started last year, I hope it‘s as good as people say!
Book 2 of the Popsuagr Reading Challenge 2020 (A book by a trans or nonbinary author)
I meant to read this book in December but a lot of things happened that prevented me from reading at all. I‘m glad this fits a 2020 prompt tho! And yes, I‘m recycling the picture 🤭🤷🏻♀️
Book 1 of the Popsusgar Reading Challenge 2020 (A book about a book club)
First read of 2020, let‘s do this
Hello! I‘ve been pretty busy this month so I haven‘t been active here :(
I‘m about to start this book but it‘s already late so I‘ll probably only read a few pages now.
Just started this one while waiting for some x-ray results. Thank god for books! I truly hate waiting 😅
I was cooking while listening to an audiobook and my attention was scattered, so I absentmindedly turned the immersion blender on while my finger was inside as I was trying to get the bits stuck there. Thankfully, I pulled my hand away before any serious damage happened, but the amount of blood was crazy. 😰
The lesson is audiobooks and cooking (especially with blenders) don‘t mix. Lol
These past few days have been pretty rough, my (mental and physical) health has been a mess and I haven‘t had a good night‘s sleep in over a week, so my brain and eyes have not been able to focus on a book at all :( it‘s really frustrating.
I‘m comforting myself with some camomile tea and a disney movie
1. Six of crows by Leigh Bardugo
2. Time manipulation for sure
3. Scorpio ♏️
4. I don‘t have any plans other than going on a brunch or lunch date with my girlfriend before she goes back home
5. 💕💕 (should I tag people?)
#friyayintro @howjessreads
I have an exam tomorrow and I just can‘t seem to focus! I‘m so not ready 😩
Wish me luck!
I‘m ready to suffer. Bring it on Sarah J Maas
I regret going back to this series, because it blindsindedly ruined me. I didn‘t expect to get sucked into it, especially after the first book left me with only a meh feeling, but that was because I hadn‘t known the characters well enough yet. But now I do, and I need more! Why was it over and why was it so short? The one thing I have to say is that it was very rushed, but that didn‘t stop me from enjoying it till the very last word. #bookhangover
The cruel prince was a 3 star read for me, but seeing the queen of nothing everywhere and the 4.46 goodreads rating of the wicked king got me curious about the rest of the series, so here I go!
The #popsugarreadingchallenge 2020 is out! I‘m about to start planning my books, although I might not stick to them lol. Are any of you participating? Also i‘m open to suggestions for all prompts ☺️
Ok but this is so important! I can‘t even tell you how irritating this is to me! The number of times I have corrected someone on this or I have disregarded an article because of their use of ‘schizophrenic‘ to describe a hypocrite society or something along that line is tremendous, so much that I wanted to center my thesis around the vulgarisation and the misuse of mental illness terms and how they‘re perceived in the collective consciousness. 😤
Also, I have decided to read more than one book at a time: 1 fiction, 1 non fiction and 1 classic. This is (obviously) the classic. Lol
I have been going through a reading slump lately so my ARCs have been piling up and collecting dust, so now‘s the time to tackle them, starting with this bad boy!
In the mood for a short read
I caught a cold and couldnt focus on reading at all! So I spent the whole day binge watching TV shows #zombiemode
I didn‘t want to associate the series with the foul mood and feelings I had these past couple of days, so now that I‘m feeling a little better, it‘s time to get into it.
Is it too late to join #litsypartyofone and #24b4monday ? I had planned to participate but I had a really really bad day and couldn‘t focus on anything ☹️
My sister got me this #ironman plush pillow. So cute!