What if British magic kept the American Revolution from ever occurring?
So far, I'm enjoying the story!!
What if British magic kept the American Revolution from ever occurring?
So far, I'm enjoying the story!!
Inspiration for the Haunted Bride can be traced back to legends such as the Brown Lady of Raynham Hall.
#HauntedMansion #hauntedbride #spooky #spearcraftbookbox
Patience and Silence had one beautiful daughter. And her name was Vengeance.
#Illuminaefiles #Gemina #
Am I not Merciful?
#Illuminae #Gemina #booksandlights #illuminaefiles
I love how strong and assured and in control Feyre is in the opening chapters!! 💕
#ACOWAR #acourtofwingsandruin #bookandbookmark #currentlyreading
It's surprising me how fast I got into this story and how much I'm enjoying it!! 😄❤❤
#shadowandbone #Grisha #grishaverse #bookandlights #bookinthedark
I hate having to dress like a man.
#dotpk #daughterofthepirateking #Alosa #bookandcandle #flickeringtales
Not much better than gaming and reading, even better when the two are combined!!
#readyplayerone #videogames #gamergirl #gamerchic #ps4 #fallout4 #horizonzerodawn
The future can be perfect, as long as everything is perfectly controlled. But, as you'll discover with Felix and Astra, not everything is as perfect as it's made out to be.
#nosstreetteam #noordinarystar #scifistory
Don't let the hard days win
#ACOMAF #bookoutside #Velaris
Feelings are relative. And at the root, they're all the same, even if they grow from different experiences and exist on different scales.
#thelongwaytoasmallangryplanet #tlwtasap #bookishsunshine #scifistory
Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough. You can have anything in life of if only you sacrifice everything else for it. ~Peter Pan
#sweetmelissasgiftsetc #peterpan #tinkerbell
I can't wait to dive into SpearCraft Book Box July box with its Victorian Classics theme! 😄
I already love Pride and Prejudice so bring on the love!! 💕
If you shop through SpearCraft's website don't forget to use my rep code FAWNBERRY10 for 10% off!
#SpearCraft #spearcraftbookbox #janeaustin #aliceinwonderland
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a zombie in possession of brains must be in want of more brains.
#prideandprejudice #prideandprejudiceandzombies #bookoutside #bookandflowers