And onto the next! #24in48
Reading a little HP before bed on what was supposed to be an early night to kick off #24in48
It's called self-care 😄🤓⚡️
Just starting some casual reading about my future this morning...
That was part of being a girl-you were resigned to whatever feedback you'd get. If you got mad, you were crazy, and if you didn't react, you were a bitch. The only thing you could do was smile from the corner they'd backed you into. Implicate yourself in the joke even if the joke was always on you.
Both funny and fun, successfully making me laugh out loud in public multiple times :-D
Definitely understanding why President Obama liked this book so much. It seemed so well written, but without much going on at first. But I'm at the point where I'm learning so much that was going on under the surface all along.
An interesting look at depression in teenagers and the ways that mental disorders can affect people. Definitely a good time to read it after finishing the first week of teaching high school psych! Now wondering if it might be a good movie to show my students.
A very interesting perspective on a theorized cause of PTSD, isolation, and how our increasingly individualistic society ends up being a disservice to us and our veterans as we lose all sense of community or being a part of a tribe.
Reading Harry Potter and the Cursed Child inspired me, more than anything, to reacquaint myself with this characters I love so much by rereading Harry Potter. Not sure if I'll do a full reread of the series right now, but it felt good to come home to Hogwarts. It was, of course, fantastic.
It was a little too abstract and poetic for me to really get into, though I still find the concept very interesting.
Nowhere near the caliber of the original stories, but it was great to revisit the characters and see JK Rowling's thoughts on their future.
Perfect way to spend a lunch break. This is finally happening!!
Ugh I loved this book. The emotion and imagery is so powerful. It's one of those YA books that demonstrate how much depth this genre can have.
A well written and powerful story about a high school in VA after they were forced to finally integrate. Draws some interesting parallels to some of the equality struggles still going on today. Definitely worth the read. Note it makes you uncomfortable at times to read what real kids went through.
A suspenseful page turner. While I did sort of guess what was going on, the way that the story is told made me doubt myself and my theories. Got to the point that I just needed to keep reading to figure it out. This would probably be enjoyed by any readers who liked Girl on the Train.
Loving my new toy (kindle paperwhite) and really enjoying this book so far!
A very interesting story, though it felt somewhat unfinished at the end.
People who are beset by tragedy once and twice are sure to grieve again. Fate finds it easier to retrace its threads.
Still not as amazing as Me Before You, but it's a great book, both to read and to reread.
Loved it. Again. Emotionally wrecked but it's such a beautiful story that I can't possibly be bothered by that.
"'Want to know the true definition of the triumph of hope over experience?...Plan a fun family day out.'"
Love this book. The history of Kleopatra Selene and Alexander Helios is fascinating and it's told with such a great narrative.
So excited to be reading this again! The wonderful story and writing takes me out of my grueling commute and transports me to Ancient Egypt and Rome!