Did not mean to start reading this around Halloween time, but here I am.
"Honey, have you seen my new Lockjaw book anywhere?"
(My dog just happened to wander in at the perfect time)
Just started this one and already loving it. Add in a Sunday morning coffee in a Porg mug and I've got it made.
Clear-cut and to the point, Burfoot does not mince words when it comes to running advice and workouts. Excellent reading for aspiring and elite runners alike.
Up next! Only two chapters in but already very promising.
Action scenes and plot kept me going but the ending was meh, and if I had to hear one more time about how dreamy Cohen was...
Very excited to have gotten this one! I love the comics so much, it will be interesting to read Susan, Esther, and Daisy in novel form!
That's not coffee...but that is a good cookbook! Plus Naan bread and pesto from Aldi = setting up a great Sunday afternoon!
"Bravery is a choice that is yours to make."
Cure for my audiobook hangover from The Belles...another great listen!
Excellent read! Original world that a reader just falls into, brave and smart heroines, and enough action and mystery to keep me reading past my bedtime.
Short but powerfully entertaining!
Probably better read than listened to...the quirks of the characters get a little lost in narration.
"'You've got one hell of an uppercut,' he said. I waited for him to add 'For a girl.'
But he didn't."