There's always one person in your friend group who joins far too many university clubs and societies. At least poor Daisy sees the error of her ways.
#WickedWords @AsYouWish #readingchallenge
There's always one person in your friend group who joins far too many university clubs and societies. At least poor Daisy sees the error of her ways.
#WickedWords @AsYouWish #readingchallenge
I adored the Giant Days graphic novels to quite unreasonable levels and still lament that the series ended. So it's time to bite the bullet and read the novel.
I saw this on my library's web site and thinking it was the graphic novel, I requested it. When I went to pick it up, I found out it was a novelization. I didn't even know they had made this into a novel. The first few chapters, I kept thinking this would be better as a graphic novel but as the story progressed, I started to enjoy it more. This story of college freshmen seemed a bit juvenile
for me, but I can see younger people really enjoying it.
Despite having really enjoyed Non Pratt's previous novels (especially Remix) and being a big fan of Giant Days, I didn't know what to expect from a tie-in novel for a comic series. I worried that it wouldn't quite capture the magic, but I need not have been concerned as it did a remarkably good job at capturing the Giant Days spirit. It's not the same, but it's entertaining and moving and I hope it'll lead to more fans for both Giant Days and Non!
Characterization, outstanding. The character transition from comic to novel was *flawless*. Unsure how I feel about Daisy's arc. Reminder that this book is set right after move-in, so maybe between volumes 1 and 2? This is still a budding friendship with lots of things for them to work on and figure out.
Book has further confirmed that Susan is my true patronus; she is the fictional embodiment of the kind of person I aspire to be.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa NEW GIANT DAYS NOVEL
Littens, I‘ve made a terrible mistake. I knew the novelization of Giant Days was coming, it is one of my favorite comics, and somehow I still got so busy I missed it by WEEKS. Thank god my new job is long term and I won‘t need to keep hopping/training. Can‘t wait to get into this! Who‘s ready for some FRIENDSHIP?
Very excited to have gotten this one! I love the comics so much, it will be interesting to read Susan, Esther, and Daisy in novel form!
Giant Days is one of my absolute favorite comics so when I found out it was going to be a prose novel I was ecstatic! Esther will always be my favorite, her constant upbeat happiness next to her love of goth just makes me love her. This was a fun book, much like the comics with a storyline based on Daisy falling into a yoga club that goes south. I just want to live in these pages and have these characters as friends. Is that to much to ask?
@8little_paws gave me this arc for my birthday one week ago. I enjoyed it so much. The novel gets a new author, but the voice of the characters is consistent. I believe this story takes place between volumes 1&2. Light and fast paced. Woman is saved by friends, not prince.
I wanted to like this much more than I did. It's worthwhile overall as it's mostly well written and funny and there are moments that are perfect echoes of the comic's tone/character. Esther however didn't quite come off the page as well as I would have liked, and as a result, her whole arc really didn't work. I'd suggest spending time with the comics, which are delightful and are everything ❤❤
Thanks to Netgalley I got the digital review copies of Giant Days and the Backstagers novels! I am really enjoying the Giant Days novel, there are some amazing lines that are reminiscent of the comics and while the comics are where my heart lives, this book is proving enjoyable! And I adore esther, susan and daisy and will follow them wherever they go! #amreading #arc #netgalley #comics
Loving this novel adaptation of my fave graphic novel series. The author really captures what makes Daisy, Esther, and Susan so awesome 🤓❤️📚
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