When your best friend sends you books!!! #bookmail
Overall I liked American Gods. I accidentally picked up the anniversary copy with parts that were cut out of the original version so I can't decide if the original was overly long too but I thought it dragged at points. (As I write a terribly long, run on sentence. ) I'm interested to see how the tv series works out!!
Started the final book last night and have barely been able to stop! 35% left, do you think I'll finish it before I go to the reading in Denver with the author??
After a terrible couple days of travel, involving a rerouted plane, a 1.5 hour car ride in awful weather, a flat tire in 25 degree weather, and a parking ticket, I'm so thankful for my kindle for always being there for me.
Just finished Caliban's War and I'm having to use all of my willpower to go be productive instead of starting the third book!!
I have a bum ankle, a giant mimosa, and I'm digging into the second Expanse book while everyone is out skiing! It's the perfect day to me!
Excited to start this series!
It is very hard for evil to take hold of the unconsenting soul.
Really excited to get started on this! It was lent to me from a new friend so I'm especially excited! ☺️
I finished Crooked Kingdom last week and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Really fun characters, good pace, exciting story, overall really great easy read.
I'm super thankful that I didn't find out about these books until the second one was out because that cliffhanger was awful!!!
So excited to read these beautiful books!!