New literary recipe and book review! Read it at https://www.paperplatesblog.com/blog/literary-recipe-chicken-curry-with-yellow-r...
New literary recipe and book review! Read it at https://www.paperplatesblog.com/blog/literary-recipe-chicken-curry-with-yellow-r...
I put off reading "Rich and Pretty" because I figured it would be fluff. Don't make the same mistake I did.
Literary recipe: Black and white cookies inspired by "Rich and Pretty" http://www.paperplatesblog.com/blog/literary-recipe-black-white-cookies-inspired...
Fans of BERNADETTE will see shades of its quirky protagonist in TWBD, but will like TWBD less than those new to Semple. While TWBD's Eleanor was also brilliant-yet-wacky, she wasn't as new/surprising as Bernadette.
There's still a lot to enjoy. The familial drama was interesting/realistic, and the desire to have one better day is one we can all understand. I think it's worth reading, but don't expect to be as wowed as you were by Bernadette.
Fun and fast. Less spectacular than WHERE'D YOU GO, BERNADETTE, but a similarly frantic protagonist kept the pages turning. The family drama was so ridiculous as to be comical, but was still moving despite that. I read it on a single lazy Sunday.
My next nonfiction read. I'm a business/yeah journalist by day so I'm trying to better understand numbers. It's so important!
I'm looking for some feedback on my literary food blog, www.paperplatesblog.com. Is anyone on here willing to help? Thank you so much in advance!
This series of short stories — which dive into the minds of the Americans in the Iraq War — pushes the reader back, not onto her heels but deeper into her chair. Each account of a Marine's tussle with depression, each veteran's disconnect from the life he knew is another reminder of the cost that is largely unknown and perhaps unknowable by the rest of us. http://www.paperplatesblog.com/blog/book-pairing-redeployment-phil-klay-thumbpri...
On the blog today: Book pairing: "Redeployment" by Phil Klay & thumbprint cookies
This book is a gut-punch. Picking the right recipe for it is going to be tough. Any ideas?
In honor of the World Champion Chicago Cubs, some baseball-related posts from the PAPER/PLATES archives!
Book Recommendation: The Art of Fielding by Chad Harbach http://www.paperplatesblog.com/blog/2012/09/24/book-recommendation-the-art-of-fi...
Get Away: Touring America's Iconic Baseball Stadiums http://www.paperplatesblog.com/blog/2012/09/28/get-away-touring-americas-iconic-...
Let me start by saying I struggle with poetry -- I want to like it but often can't connect. That's why I liked that the poems in MILK AND HONEY were accessible while maintaining some nuance. My favorites were the ones about womanhood and particularly being a POC. That said, I didn't enjoy all of them. Some poems got me thinking but I just slipped past others. Overall, I'm glad I read it. If you've read it, what did you think?
If your book club is searching for an autumn read, The Couple Next Door is the perfect choice. This gripping novel about the investigation into a disappearance offers a look behind the polished exterior of upper middle class suburbia and is sure to spark contentious debate. The book is a quick read but packs its share of twists and turns.
Our guide: http://www.paperplatesblog.com/blog/the-couple-next-door-shari-lapena-book-club-...
My next read. Hoping to do a pairing on this soon. November's paperplatesblog.com theme will be 'veterans.'
I'm reading '1984' again and I keep thinking it's so much better than I remembered.
Nazihah writes: My genres of choice tend to be WWII historical fiction, Asian American, world literature. But there is something about the chill in the crisp autumn air that makes me want to curl up with a slightly spooky book as the wind blows and the leaves fall, and The Couple Next Door, the debut suspense novel from author Shari Lapena is that book.
More: http://www.paperplatesblog.com/blog/the-couple-next-door-shari-lapena-seven-laye...
Heading to my parents' house so this is #tastyreads, waiting for the train edition.
Literary Halloween costume ideas on the blog today! www.paperplatesblog.com/blog/literary-halloween-costumes
What can I say that hasn't already been said? This is essential.
This book was so freakin' fun. To be honest, I thought "Crazy Rich Asians" was better and fresher. But CRG was a great sequel, and Kwan introduced new characters somehow more nuts than the originals from CRA.
One of the storylines I loved/hated was the evolution of Michael Teo from insecure/unconfident to straight up megalomaniac. I loved it because it was a natural and interesting progression. Hated it because I kinda have a crush on him.
"I can‘t recommend Tales from the Back Row enough. It‘s witty, smart and totally addicting in that weird I-want-to-know-everything-about-this-mysterious-industry way. At about 250 pages, it‘s a quick, succinct read that will leave you wishing for more." - Mariam
More at http://www.paperplatesblog.com/blog/tales-from-the-back-row-indian-summer-sundae...
Started this this morning. Not sure why, but I'm nervous.