Scores from the little free library.
Scores from the little free library.
An important work by the UAE ambassador to France: these are letters he wrote to his sons about how to develop in their Muslim faith in the face of conflicting messages about the right way to practice Islam. I can't evaluate the theological aspects, but from a humanistic standpoint, it's a vital message- essentially how critical it is to ask questions and learn about other cultures- that such activities can strengthen faith rather than weaken it.
"Life is diverse. Living is to live with difference. Anyone telling you that difference should be stamped out is stamping out life. Those people insisting that there are black and white answers to the difficult questions are stamping out the diversity that is inherent in life."
Much of what is discussed in this book is applicable to people of all religions. I found his thoughts on individualism vs group religious affiliation to be very interesting. Sometimes it felt as if I was being told what I wanted to hear;however, this book would be a great way to get the conversational ball rolling.
So far, I have learned a lot. This is a worthwhile read.
Letters to A Young Muslim to me is not an ordinary set of letters. In fact, it is a set of love letters written by a father to his sons on how to face complexities of the world without losing their faiths in between.
It is kinda strange when you begin your year with Rushdie and ends it with a peaceful work of Ghobash.
BTW, the 71-st book of 2017, and I am taking a time off (hopefully!)
BEAUTIFUL!!!! I heard about this book on the podcast all the books and this is my favorite read so far this year! I am not a Muslim but I think this book is for everyone heartfelt and amazing and should be read by everyone!
A remarkable, thought provoking book of letters from a father to his son regarding what it means to be a Muslim in the modern world. Rather than dictating lessons, he encourages his son to consider the questions which he's posed himself. Some sentiments are applicable to any religious/spiritual person navigating the 21st century, but more are specific to the Muslim experience. A very powerful read for people of any/no faith at all!
"There is no knowledge that is wrong. Only knowledge that is difficult, troubling, enlightening, liberating, and intoxicating. [...] Just as you read fiction in order to discover the names for emotions and experiences that we all have had, you read the philosophy and theology of others in order to enrich your own perceptions."
Just picked this up from the library! I was anticipating something sort of like "Between the World and Me" but from the first few pages I've read I think I need to readjust my expectations. Excited to read it though!
I had to jump in on this #attractiveauthors thing. I give you Omar Saif Ghobash, who I personally think is a babe. Plus, this book is terrific. #junebookbugs
I listened to this audio book and found it interesting and insightful. Similar to BETWEEN THE WORLD AND ME, it's a father writing to his son about problems in the world and offering advice for dealing with injustice. It probably couldn't have been sustained in a longer book, but it worked. Overall I really liked the book's tone and intelligence.
Just found this at the #locallibrary. Sounds very interesting! #library #librarylove #litsyloveslibraries #alliteration
Love this quote about one's personal library. I feel the same way. I finished this one last night because Saturday was definitely for #Litsypartyofone and it was great little read. Lots of gems in here for anyone 👍🏽
Rainy Saturday morning is a perfect excuse to get rolling on #Litsypartyofone and finish #LetterstoaYoungMuslim
This was a really interesting book, but fell more on the line of respectability politics and acting right than about discrimination and problems around the world. I'd heard it compared to Between the World and Me, but it had a different tone for sure. I did enjoy the read though!
I'm going to have to keep flooding my feed with quotes from this book since it's a library loan and I can't underline, highlight, or dog ear as I would in my own books. 💁🏽
This book is so quotable. ☪️
#MuslimBooks #MuslimShelfSpace
I started this last night. It's such a beautiful book so far and an excellent look at Islam and how to build faith as a Muslim.
#MuslimBooks #MuslimShelfSpace
I'm loving this cover. Shout out to @SFPublicLibrary for always being so on top of new releases
I am not a parent so I have never had to have the kind of talk with a child that you hope will help them make sense of the world and steer them towards living with integrity. I cannot even imagine the fears that Omar Saif Ghobash must have for his sons. He uses these letters to teach them to question everything, accept diversity, and reject hatred as well as to appreciate what is special about being Muslim. He taught me a lot along with them.
Life is diverse. Living is to live with difference. Anyone telling you that difference should be stamped out is stamping out life. Those people insisting that there are black and white answers to the difficult questions are stamping out the diversity that is inherent in life.
Ghobash's interview on The Daily Show prompted me to grab his book as soon as it showed up at the library. I'm so glad I did. I've only encountered Islam through one (mind-numbingly boring) mid-east history class in undergrad so this book was an interesting and informative read. It's definitely a book I'll think about for a while! #books #letters #thoughtful #amazing
Sometimes I have to slow my reading pace down to really absorb something important- this book is definitely a slow read #currentread #timelyread #books #nonfiction
Portland's "Print: A Bookstore" will be the death of me.
This is a marvelous book. While written in the context of life as a (progressive) Muslim, it is truly musings and meditations about life. These include the important topics of violence and fundamentalism and how these things diminish us all. Ghobash is the UAE ambassador to Russia and come across as thoughtful, insightful, open-minded, and feminist. He's also a hottie, imho. 😬I am not at all religious and I'm really glad I read this.
Short and sweet and very effective. A man giving advice to his young son is pretty potent for anybody to read. He breaks down the world to its minimum and explains how to live ethically and morally. Nothing is over complicated which is what makes it so insightful. Solve et Coagula!
Reading this book was a profound gift. I gained a better understanding of Islam from a historical and cultural context and perspective on the tension today between radical Islam and the majority of Muslims. Regardless of your faith, these letters speak to what it means to forge an identity separate from your parents, to question and embrace the values that define you, and to appreciate the way your community can challenge and shape you.
I felt like an outsider at times to this book, only because I'm not a Muslim, but amazing insight on the religion as a whole, and beautiful reflections on life. Thank you Picador for the review copy
AMAZING! A "must read" (and I rarely say anything is a "must")! Ghobash is intelligent, thoughtful and articulate. He makes everything make sense in a quiet, inoffensive way. He doesn't beat you over the head with anything. He simply guides you to think about things from a new perspective and makes connections where readers may not have already done so. I will be shouting this book's praises from the rooftop and recommending it to everyone I know.
"You have to understand that someone has made the choice for you when they say you have to hate. The choice is yours and the only way you can make the world a better place is by doing the opposite of hating."
Very wise. Very timely.
"The warrior is one of the sadder figures in our modern Muslim society. Sad because he thinks he is acting in a way that will bring him closer to Allah, and to the rewards of the afterlife when, in fact, it is really opting out of the challenges of the life that Allah gave him."
Didn't get to read much on last nights commute because I made a new friend! This morning I'm back to this gem.
Peace is something that should not be offered when it is to our advantage and withdrawn when it is a burden. Peace is a state of being. Peace is a permanent stance towards the world.
"I used to think that answers being black or white was a blessing. But after a while they seem inadequate."
On the left vital current reading that I refused to resist any longer. On the right I'm breaking my "girl book" ban for the #litsyreadingchallenge prompt. Girl Reading, surely it can't go wrong?
"You will discover lots of people telling you what to do and when to do it. I want you to be polite, but demand respect for your mind and independence of will. If what someone tells you seems convincing, ask more questions. In today's world, take more than a step back. There are many things to consider. Stay strong and do not hand your fate to others." -- from Letters to a Young Muslim
Still need to finish the top one in the stack, but with that exception, here is my finished stack for #diverseathon.
"As Muslims, we watch these refugees risk life and limb to get away from where they originated. In fact, they are trying to get away from what are Muslim countries and Muslim lands. The debates have gone from openness to anger and panic. As Muslims we are upset that our fellow Muslims are no longer so welcome in Europe. But as Muslims, we are also facing the question of why our Muslim societies are breaking down."