That ending blew my mind!
This is the best damn bussiness book ever!!!
I was shocked at the quality of todays library haul!
Almostbhrouh this book. I have a review due Saturday but am aiming for tomorrow
Been reading this allll day! It is different than my usual reading but it DID get me out of a slump
This was a great way to get back to reading after Educated traumatized me
I had to put this away for another time. It got to be too graphic for me. I am NOT calling it a DNF just maybe when I am in a better headspace I can get through the gory parts. That should tell you how skilled Tara Westover is with writing...“
Am I the only one who. Has found this book emotionally difficult to read?
I managed to get in two workouts this week! I am happy to report that my new meds for my Psoriatic Arthritis is working live charm! I am incevagain pain free! I am still listening tobthis book. Didvanyonevelse findbthis an emitianlky hard book to listen to? #BFCr2
I am really liking this book! It has gave mevsome ideas. I have the ebook that Convertkit gave as a freebie
OMG, I bet is me and Rachel met in real life we be BFF...
I agree with the fact that social media has killed off our ability to really focus. When I was in college I could focus for hours and hours now if I can focus for an hours consider it a good day.
A re read let‘s see if I can transcend my ego this time lol
This book is sooo good!! This is what I am listening to at the moment!
This book is genius. It also has one of the best explanation on Justification that I have ever read!
Lots of great advice I can't wait to start taking
Before Christmas, my mom took me to ollies and made the mistake of telling me she would buy me some books. She failed to tell me a limit so when she came to check I was halfway through and already had these five books. She dragged my ass away before we could go for broke
Tim talks about how to get into ketosis FAST in this book. I am going to try it in the new year, I was in it before and holy shit it was amazing! Maybe his version will save me some of the misery that whole 30 is famous for.
As I recently collapsed from exhaustion this book has wonderful tips!