Almostbhrouh this book. I have a review due Saturday but am aiming for tomorrow
Almostbhrouh this book. I have a review due Saturday but am aiming for tomorrow
Ladies and gentlemen it's worse than I could have ever imagined. Dealing with this publisher is a complete and total nightmare!
Please read this article and all of its comments before even thinking about reviewing this book for VSP publishing:
I'm sorry but this is so bad that people need to be aware of what is going on here.
Been reading this allll day! It is different than my usual reading but it DID get me out of a slump
My dear friends, if you get approached by this publishing company I warn you not to give a 3-star or lower rating on this book unless you want to be bashed on Goodreads for it. There are lots of fake looking accounts that have been created by "someone" that are going around bashing everyone who gives an honest opinion on the book that is 3 stars or lower. This is from VSP Publishing. Please be careful everyone.
What is this book? The most highly anticipated romance book of 2019 they said! I couldn't wait to read this, the release date has been pushed back so many times, my anticipation has grown and grown and my verdict, I'm flatter than a pancake.
Read my full review here:
Months after requesting an ARC for this book I received a copy of it a few days ago. The blurb made me expect a funny, lighthearted romance novel similar to “Hitch“, just from a female perspective. So not what this book is about, not even if I consider it to be a satire - but satire would make it a little less cringeworthy.
Full review here: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2806432305