A thoroughly delightful book.... especially now that I can be comfy in my flannels while enjoying it.
A thoroughly delightful book.... especially now that I can be comfy in my flannels while enjoying it.
Thank you so much for this wonderful cozy box. I can't wait to get started. The goodies look so yummy! #letsgetcozy @Juli @cobwebmoth
Sent out my package! So excited for this swap. :) #letsgetcozy
I read the second of this series in a day and a half. The character development was delicious and rewarding. I need book three!! Don't pick up this book unless you want to be blown away and unavailable for anything except binge reading.
I had recently finished the Kate Daniels series and wanted to check out other books by the Ilona Andrews team. I had a hard time getting into the book at first so I put it down for a few weeks. When I picked it back up I became engrossed in this new world. Don't pick up this book unless you want to be blown away and unavailable for anything except binge reading.
This is the 2nd book on the Duke's Men series. I truly enjoyed the action that occurs alongside the romance in this story. I need a story that contains romance not just overblown scenes of heart flutters and groping. Although a bit of that is fine. :) A great mix by Sabrina Jeffries.
I'm hoping that there is another book in this series. I really enjoyed this series. The character development over the different books was very rewarding. I'm hoping to see relationships that have been building throughout the series finally become cemented.
I really enjoyed this series. The character development over the different books was very rewarding.
I really enjoyed this series. The character development over the different books was very rewarding.
I really enjoyed this series. The character development over the different books was very rewarding.
I really enjoyed this book. It was a quick read but a fun story.
Anyone else decide if they like about a book within the first few pages? I have to enjoy the author's "voice" or the book is a no go automatically.
#RomanceReads #SummerReads #BookSwap
I had plans to read Confetti at the Cornish Cafe but it was unavailable at my library. Diving into The Little Paris Bookshop tonight.
This was a good book but it was definitely a slow read for me. It was interesting but the best part happened towards the end. The over all lesson is that in life we make decisions based on the here and now that we would never make otherwise. It is easy it to seem trapped and without options.
Having a quick bite before I finish up The Beguiled. Then on to my August booklist.
"I rode through the night-drenched streets of Atlanta on a mammoth donkey. The donkey's name was Cuddles." What a way to start a book. I love this series.
I'm trying my best to go in order for this series. I met the authors a few weeks ago and I have been hooked on this series ever since! It's worse than a sweet tooth. :) Definitely give the Kate Daniels series a try.
This book pulled me in within a few pages. Since then I have hunted down all of the other books in her time travel series. I just had to know what happens to the different family members. The stories connect a few different families and time periods. I hope she writes more soon! I never thought that I'd be interested in this type of plot but her writing is so enchanting.
This is by far my favourite historical romance novel. The character of the hero that is of somewhat questionable character throughout other novels finally gets his chance at love and redemption. This is a story that I can read over and over. One that completly ensnared both my attention and heart.