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Die Kane-Chroniken, Band 2: Der Feuerthron
Die Kane-Chroniken, Band 2: Der Feuerthron | Rick Riordan
Der finstere gyptische Gott Seth ist besiegt! Carter und Sadie Kane knnten sich also ganz ihrer neuen Aufgabe widmen: der Ausbildung von Nachwuchs-Magiern. Doch schon wieder kommt etwas dazwischen. Die Chaos-Schlange Apophis erhebt sich und strebt nach der Weltherrschaft. Der Einzige, der sie zurckschlagen knnte, ist der Sonnengott Re. Sadie und Carter mssen ihn unbedingt auf ihre Seite bringen. Allerdings wirkt der Gott etwas nun ja unmotiviert. Um ihn aus seiner Lethargie zu wecken, brauchen die Kane-Geschwister mehr als ihre magischen Krfte. Rick Riordan, Autor der Bestseller-Serie um den griechischen Halbgott Percy Jackson, entfhrt uns in den Kane-Chroniken nach gypten. Mit "Der Feuerthron" gehen die Abenteuer von Sadie und Carter Kane in die zweite Runde!
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The Throne of Fire | Rick Riordan
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things are heating up!!! a couple of teens just brought back a lost god that no one else has ever been able to find. not sure why Ricky is giving a 13 yr old a little love triangle, I wish he wouldn‘t but whatever. will be jumping into the third and final book very quickly.

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The Throne of Fire | Rick Riordan
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The Throne of Fire | Rick Riordan
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Went to the first RenFest of the season and they had a book library out in the forest! I left a couple of my bookmarks just in case anyone needs one.

CrowCAH @BookishMarginalia it was very nice! I just hope with the humidity, it kept the books relatively dry. 3y
Marmie7 Love it! We camp all over Wa state and I haven't seen one. I'm a little jealous😁 3y
CrowCAH @Marmie7 I‘m surprised that there isn‘t one at that campground or campgrounds in general. Perfect spot to find a book and leave a book! 3y
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The Throne of Fire | Rick Riordan
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As good as the first one, I laughed a lot with Ra, totally enjoyable.

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This was a great book. It had the potential to be better than the red pyramid, but the love triangle kind of ruined it. Therefore, I give it a rating of 8/10, or 4/5 stars.

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Book two started with me thinking I missed something between the books. There were new characters and a new setup. But I quickly got back into the swing of it.

The Throne of Fire | Rick Riordan
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charl08 Great quote! 4y
TK-421 Penguins are the answer to everything! 😄 🐧 4y
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The Throne of Fire | Rick Riordan
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myNoise is an app (and a website too, I think) that allows you to listen to different noises. A calm ocean, a busy office, rain, a forest- whatever helps you relax, they‘ve probably got it. I‘m trying not to sound like an ad, but this thing is awesome. I bought the tagged book a few days ago, and using this app has helped me focus A LOT. Not that it isn‘t awesome, but I have a hard time focusing. Just wanted to share this with y‘all.

The Throne of Fire | Rick Riordan
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Carter and Sadie Kane are back and better than ever!! I love reading Rick's books. I'm a big fan of mythology and his characters are very entertaining. Carter and Sadie are searching for the 3 scrolls of Ra to raise him from his sleep before the Chaos god rises.

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Title: The Throne of Fire
Author: Rick Riordan
Genre: Fantasy
Date Started: October 5, 2019
Date Completed: October 24, 2019
How did you choose this book: I read the first book of the Kane Chronicles and decided to read the second book so I borrowed it from the EPL.
Summary: Although they may have won their fight with Set, the god of evil and chaos, Sadie Kane and Carter Kane have much bigger obstacles to overcome. (part 1/3)
*452 pages*

DJasmine Now the two siblings train young magicians to master their skills while also preparing to prevent Apophis, the Chaos snake, from escaping his prison and destroying the world. They only have a few days to stop this from happening, but the first step to do so is to gather the Book of Ra and then learn how to chant the spells it contains.
(part 2/3)
(edited) 5y
DJasmine Then awaken and resurrect the sun god, Ra, in order to get help so that they can stop Apophis; the problem is, no one knows where the sun god exactly is. Will they be able to stop Apophis or will the world come to an end?
(part 3/3)
(edited) 5y
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The Throne of Fire | Rick Riordan
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Better than The Red Pyramid.
The structure is the same, although I was used to it by now, the story is more interesting, and covers some more obscure mythology, fairly well so far as I could tell.
The story itself was a lot more interesting, as it leads on directly after the previous book and focuses on a threat bigger than before, and how the main characters have a plan to overcome the threat.
Overall a good story, with a good plot twist ;)

The Throne of Fire | Rick Riordan
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Dollar store find! The jacket is a little wrinkled, but for $1 I‘ll take it.


Another action packed adventure from Uncle Rick. Sadie reminds me of Percy and I just kept thinking about what would happen if those two ever quested together. Probably nothing good!


Only two more chapters to go. I‘m at that point where I want to know what happens but I don‘t want the book to end!

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The Throne of Fire | Rick Riordan
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Compared to Riordan‘s other stories, the narrators (Sadie and Carter) have a tendency to repeat themselves at times. It‘s not exactly bad, but it does get my attention and it‘s one of those little annoying habits some authors get into. Also feels like Game of Thrones, don‘t like any characters because you‘re going to hate what happens. Still was a decent read, and part of me is excited to move onto the last book, and see how this plays out.

The Throne of Fire | Rick Riordan
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Currently on the 2nd book of the Kane Chronicles. I have read everything else by Rick Riordan (except for the short cross-over stories), and have loved everything so far, but something about this trilogy doesn‘t seem to have the same power as his other series. Riordan does an amazing job with mythology though, that‘s for sure.

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The Throne of Fire | Rick Riordan
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tournevis Yes, yes it does, especially this particular Linux penguin. 7y
TK-421 Penguins are my answer to most of life's troubles! ❤️🐧 7y
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The Throne of Fire | Rick Riordan
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This one is better than the 1st book in the Kane Chronicles. It was different from the Percy Jackson series unlike the 1st one. This one is a great stand alone novel and it made me want to read more about Egyptian mythology. This one is really exciting and a must read for Rick Riordan fans. I wish Rick Riordan would make this a 5-book series instead of 3 and I wish there would be more on Carter than on Sadie.

The Throne of Fire | Rick Riordan
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Blah blah “Zia.” Blah blah “secret name.” 🙄 I‘m half way through and I‘m hate-reading this tedious book. Not Riordan‘s best.

The Throne of Fire | Rick Riordan
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Excellent book 2 for a series. Some small inconsistencies, but overall great. Fast paced and fun end of summer read.

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The Throne of Fire | Rick Riordan
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In the Garden District.

The Throne of Fire | Rick Riordan
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I finished the #24in48 reading challenge! I'm halfway through The Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan, but reading is just going to have to wait to as I am traveling first thing in the morning and I put off packing in order to finish the marathon. As always it was so much fun! Proud of everyone! Until next time, my lovelies. ☺

moranadatter Congrats!🎉 8y
vivastory Congratulations 👍 💪 🎊 📖 📚 8y
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The Throne of Fire | Rick Riordan
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Loving this series so far! Went the cheap route and checked all three books in the series out from the library....Hence the not so pretty white patch on the cover. But you don't judge a book by it's cover anyway--it's what inside that counts💜

The Throne of Fire | Rick Riordan

Riordan is always great, I've just struggled with having barely any knowledge of the Egyptian mythos comparatively to Greek/Roman.

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