3 🌟
Not one of Seuss‘s better books. Mainly because of the ending. It was abrupt. But I liked the story until then.
3 🌟
Not one of Seuss‘s better books. Mainly because of the ending. It was abrupt. But I liked the story until then.
When it's just you and you're dog. I am not going to get up today. 😂 This is what is on the reading list! Ms Marvel 2&3 and Fables book 8!
My 6-year old has a hard time getting up in the morning for school, so we read this funny story. Now he wants me to dump water on his head to get him up. Hey, whatever works.
This P book is a fun story that I believe can be highly relatable for students who find it particularly difficult to get up in the morning for school! It would be fun and hilarious for a RA. The book features rhyming pairs that would be excellent for teaching students about onsets and rimes. As you RA, you could check for understanding with these word pairs and utilize ESOL 6. As well as UDL 3.2 highlighting the word patterns on every page.