Here you go, especially for you @LeahBergen ❤️
It‘s a 1970 edition - my others will be slightly later as they were new when I was young, so probably 1980ish - I‘ll have to check….
Not a very glam photo - I‘m on the train home!
Here you go, especially for you @LeahBergen ❤️
It‘s a 1970 edition - my others will be slightly later as they were new when I was young, so probably 1980ish - I‘ll have to check….
Not a very glam photo - I‘m on the train home!
Such a happy little school story, although nothing thrilling. I thoroughly enjoyed it and now am almost done with the third book in the series as well. Still hoping to finish all four of these books for #24b4Monday !!
@Andrew65 @jb72 @TheReadingMermaid
1. Tagged - almost done though.
2. I reread the Bridal Quartet by Nora Roberts for about the fifth time - I especially love the concluding book, Happy Ever After.
3. I'm clearing some older, random books off my personal shelves - making a real effort to read every book I own and ditch the ones I'm never going to reread, while at the same time actually rereading ones that I know I love!!
#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain
O Rose! Such subtext! If only they'd gone with this suggestion (or the "Put-him-down-Club", also hilarious) rather than "The Society for the Suppression of Unladylike Conduct"). I'm enjoying this book at least as much as I did as a kid. #classics #childrens #childrensclassic