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Inselzauber & Inselsommer
Inselzauber & Inselsommer: Zwei Romane in einem Band | Gabriella Engelmann
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Gefhlsstrme auf Sylt Zwei romantische Insel-Romane in einem Band! Inselzauber Dumme Kuh, arrogante Zicke so der Eindruck, den Lissy und Nele bei ihrer ersten Begegnung voneinander haben. Die zwei unterschiedlichen Frauen haben jedoch mehr gemeinsam, als sie ahnen: Das Leben meint es mit ihnen beiden derzeit nicht besonders gut: Neles Caf steht kurz vor dem Konkurs und Lissy wurde von ihrem Freund verlassen und flchtete deshalb auf die Insel Sylt, um dort fr drei Monate ihre Tante in deren Buchhandlung zu vertreten.. Doch bald schon stellen die beiden fest, dass man zusammen strker ist, als allein. Der Inselzauber tut sein briges. Zwischen blauem Himmel, Dnen und Meer bekommen Trume Flgel und auf einmal scheint alles mglich... Inselsommer Kommen Sie uns jederzeit in Keitum besuchen, und bleiben Sie, solange Sie wollen. Immer wieder liest die 45-Jhrige Hamburger Galeristin Paula die Einladung auf der hbschen Karte mit dem reetgedeckten Haus, der friesisch blau gestrichenen Tr, romantisch umrankt von Sylter Rosen. Seit Wochen geht ihr der wesentlich jngere Vincent, der sie so offen umschwrmt, nicht aus dem Kopf. Dabei ist sie doch glcklich in ihrer Ehe mit Patrick oder ist es nur die Gewohnheit, die da spricht? Soll sie einen Neuanfang wagen oder festhalten, was sie hat? Ein Inselurlaub als Gast der Buchhndlerin Bea und deren Nichte Larissa soll helfen, Klarheit in Paulas Gedanken und Gefhle zu bringen... Lass Dich von Gabriella Engelmann in die traumhafte Kulisse Sylts entfhren und geniee zwei ihrer wunderschnen Romane zu einem unschlagbaren Preis! feelings-Skala (1=wenig, 3=viel): Erotik: 1, Humor: 1, Gefhl: 3 Inselzauber & Inselsommer ist ein eBook von feelings*emotional eBooks. Mehr von uns ausgewhlte erotische, romantische, prickelnde, herzbeglckende eBooks findest Du auf unserer Facebook-Seite: www.facebook.de/feelings.ebooks. Geniee jede Woche eine neue Geschichte - wir freuen uns auf Dich!
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I finished my #German #languagelearning book! It was just the right level for me, but the book itself was pretty bad, especially the weirdly forced romance part! Thanks to @Sarah83 for the recommendation! 😊 (I've only read Inselzauber, Inselsommer is another book I think!)

Sarah83 After your review I'm not quite sure, if the book was the right recommendation. 😉 Another idea I had, is that you choose your favourite author and read the german translation 😉 7y
tricours @Sarah83 When reading in a foreign language one usually can't really value the quality of the writing, so it doesn't matter much, the important thing is that the text isn't too difficult and that it's interesting enough to keep reading! A Swedish/Finnish woman who reads in German recommended Rebecca Gable. 7y
Sarah83 Uff... That would be quite difficult 😶 I read one of your book. They are pretty good but I think for the beginning it is frustrating, because you are only looking in the dictionary. 🙄 But as a target it would be a good choice in the same time you will learn much about history 😉 7y
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tricours @Sarah83 I found some free samples from her books on Amazon, so now I can try first 😉 7y
Sarah83 which ones did you found? 7y
tricours @Sarah83 Das Lachein der Fortuna, Zorn des Himmels and Das Haupt der Welt! 7y
Sarah83 Wow. The thick ones. 😉 7y
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This puppy business doesn't hinder my reading that much after all 😎 But this woman!! Now she's going to Italy to work at a hotel, not knowing Italian but no worries, she was good at Latin in school 🙄 Do they hire people who just speak German in Milan?

britt_brooke 💚💚💚 7y
Simona The sweetest photo today❣ 7y
TrishB Gorgeous puppy ❤ 7y
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This book was written in 2007, but you'd think cellphones had just been invented (this is not the only example). #german #languagelearning

Sarah83 if you believe it or not, I have a colleague, who hasn't checked it up to now. 😂 7y
tricours @Sarah83 where do you work and how old is your colleague? 😳 7y
Sarah83 I work in an accountancy and my colleague is 52. 😀 But she is blond. 😂 7y
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tricours @sarah83 we've had some "challenges" with colleagues over 50 and technology... It's like they just refuse to learn anything new! (Which honestly is quite rude when it's part of your job...) 7y
Sarah83 So I have one over 50 and one over 60. Must I say anything more? Both can use 'the technology ' the need for example television or the telephone itself. But if there is anything new with computers. .. oh dear. 😐 7y
tricours @Sarah83 I know your pain 😖 7y
Sarah83 Do you already know the german word 'Gejaule' 😂 this is what I hear everyday 😂 7y
tricours @Sarah83 I know it now! 😃 7y
Sarah83 German lessons via litsy 😉 7y
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Whoops, wrong author! #german #languagelearning

Sarah83 Oh. You're right. 😂 7y
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I find it worrisome that this is a word 🙄 Yesterday I read 10%, today will stop at 5% because I'm so tired. 37% done with the book! #languagelearning #german

I-read-and-eat We use the same word for this in Dutch as well. Sop 7y
I-read-and-eat *Spookrijder (lit. Ghost-driver) 7y
Sarah83 The problem is that in Germany we often have Ghost-drivers. In most cases the persons are suicidal persons or elderly people who don't read the signs. 😣 7y
tricours @I-read-and-eat @Sarah83 perhaps we also have that word and I just don't know about it because I don't drive! Elderly people are a danger here too though... 7y
CallMeMax German has a word for almost everything though, because you can easily connect words and invent neologisms. Good luck with learning. :) 7y
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Yup, got my #languagelearning reading done today too, only it bothers me how the main character is prudish about drinking Prosecco at 5 pm. 5 pm!! That's almost nighttime!!

LauraBeth 5 pm 😂😂 7y
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Festive nails done, now all the rest remains! 😶 I've got 1% left to reach my daily German goal and I *will* reach it, despite being on my third glass of bubbly stuff. If you start really early, that's not really that many.

Sarah83 looks amazing 😍 7y
tricours @Sarah83 thanks! 🤗 7y
Sarah83 Is the book fine for the first start? 7y
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tricours @Sarah83 yes, I think so! The story starts from page one, so there's no problem of getting into the book at all, and everything is rather practical (not lots of descriptions of places and so on)! 7y
Sarah83 I am happy that you like it. 🖒 7y
SheReadsAndWrites Reading German while drinking champagne? You're my hero. 😎 Love the nails too. 7y
Lacythebookworm 💅😊So pretty! 7y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Those nails are BAD ASS 7y
tricours @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled.com nails are what I do best! @SheWritesRomance I'm always quite ambitious when tipsy 😅 (edited) 7y
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Onwards!! Daily goal: 5% #german #languagelearning #readingwithcats

mhillis Nice! I've been language learning through reading too with 7y
tricours @mhillis 👍 Would you recommend that book? 7y
mhillis Yes, so far I'm really enjoying it! I've been using an app called Wakaru that has a Japanese/English dictionary built in. Do you use something similar for German? 7y
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tricours @mhillis oh good, I'll give it a try in Russian then, can't read any Japanese anyway! No, I just use a German dictionary on my Kindle. 7y
mhillis I couldn't find it in English translation! I can't read Russian😂😂 Hope you make your reading goal today! 7y
tricours @mhillis the Russians translate lots of Japanese literature, and it's always very easy to read since there's no need of complicating the syntax in a translation! (As opposed to original Russian works of literature) 7y
Elisa Oh my — what level German are you? I'm between B1 and B2 and have conversations in German on a daily basis, but the idea of reading books in German is a bit unappealing 😕 7y
tricours @Elisa oh, no level at all! I've never spoken a word of it, the only thing I can do is read a bit. 7y
Elisa @tricours interesting! And you feel you understand enough to enjoy it? Maybe that should be one of my reading goals for 2017, read at least one book in German 🇧🇪🤔😬 7y
Elisa I hope that doesn't come across as rude — I am just so curious! Because reading is sacred for me and I have been scared that forcing myself to read in German might ruin the experience 😬 7y
tricours @Elisa oh not rude at all! With this book I feel like I understand everything, it's just much slower than reading in a language I know well. I've always started reading early with my languages, and it has never ruined the experience for me! Get some easy readers to get a kick start perhaps? 7y
Elisa @tricours yeah, I was thinking of maybe checking out some abridged versions of familiar books that have been formatted for school-aged kids 7y
Sarah83 @Elisa If you are afraid to start with books, you may start with a comic or a graphic novel in German? Trust me english isn't easy for a german reader too. 😉 7y
Sarah83 @tricours If the dictionary doesn't fit enough, I also ask this app for translations: https://pda.leo.org 7y
Elisa @Sarah83 you know, a graphic novel is actually a great idea. I might grab one of my daughter's manga series! 7y
Sarah83 @Elisa I do it the same way. I have several books in english but I normally read in german and the ones a read in english are 'easy ' reads like comics. 😉 7y
tricours @Sarah83 thanks for the app recommendation, I've installed it! @Elisa Also, dual language books can be great, there should be loads for German! I've used a couple for Russian. 7y
Sarah83 @tricours You're welcome. 😉 @Elisa @tricours is right. Dual language books are a great idea. 🖒 7y
Elisa @tricours I haven't come across a lot of dual language books for English and German but maybe I should start actively looking for some! Thanks for the suggestion! 7y
Sarah83 @Elisa You might have a look at the 'Reclam' publishing. The have classic books in both languages. Mostly for german students learn english but you can also take it to learn german. 😉 7y
Elisa @Sarah83 thank you, I'll check them out! 😃👍🏼 7y
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#German! My weakest language, so this will take a while. @Sarah83 recommended this book based on its level of difficulty, and so far it's perfect!

Sarah83 What languages do you speak? 7y
tricours @Sarah83 Swedish is my native, and I've lived in Norway for 10 years, so those two, French and Russian, and I've read a bit in Ukrainian, Bulgarian and Polish, but I'm sticking with Polish. And some dead languages which I don't work with anymore 😉 7y
Sarah83 Wow. 😍 I'm quite amazed. I connect with numbers and not with languages. 😑 I admire people who are multilingual. 🖒 7y
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tricours @Sarah83 I'm an embarrassment with numbers 😁 I was much better at language learning 5 years ago, now I've pretty much stopped. 7y
Sarah83 don't you have problems with mixing the languages up? 😆 7y
tricours @Sarah83 not really, especially since Polish uses the Latin alphabet (so no confusion with Russian) and German is so different from my other Germanic languages! But speaking is difficult. I'm too shy for it, and anything Slavic turns into Russian when I speak 😬 (And not everyone loves Russian...) 7y
Sarah83 For me for example sounds Spanish and Italian quite equal. 😂 7y
tricours @Sarah83 oh I can hear the difference between basically all European languages, but then I've studied and forgotten quite many (more than mentioned here) so that's perhaps not normal 😃 7y
Sarah83 That's quite funny. 😉 You work as a teacher since you studied languages? 7y
Moony Hey that's very cool, that you try to read german books. I should read more english books, but my motivation isn't high enough (Omg my english is surely bad). I think this book isn't very easy because of words like "Daunen". So if you understand the book, your german is fine! 7y
tricours @Moony you just have to find the right books! Isn't Daune duvet? In Norwegian it's dyne! 7y
saguarosally People knowing so many languages never ceases to amaze me. I struggle trying to master #2. 7y
Moony @tricours yes thats right :) usually we say "Bettdecke". And yeah I can read english books. But mostly I take one in my motherlanguage. My TBR is very big. It is fine excuse! 7y
tricours @saguarosally I think learning no 2 at adult age may be much more difficult than no 6, when you already have a couple under your belt! 7y
tricours @Moony we use "decke" in our "täcke", which is duvet in Swedish! I actually read more in English than in Swedish or Norwegian since English ebooks and audiobooks are so much easier to come by. 7y
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