“It‘s not some great revelation. It‘s pausing to say hi to a newspaper vendor and reaching out to someone at work who seems down.It‘s sitting in awe beneath a starry night sky and going to a medieval prayer service with friends. It‘s opening a coffee shop for struggling veterans. It‘s listening attentively to a loved one‘s story. It‘s taking care of a plant. These may be humble acts on their own. But taken together, they light up the world.” 💕
“Part of the reason I feel lonely,” she said, “is because I don‘t tell people things. I hold my thoughts and feelings inside. This taught me that I should make more of a point of talking to others-and not just for me, but for them. When we tell our story, we do two things. We understand ourselves better and we offer support to people going through the same thing that we we‘re going through.”
The Book started with the importance of meaning in Life, Life of purpose, meaning rather than quest for happiness. And then how to find the meaning of our life, its pillars Belongings, Purpose, Story Telling & Transcendences. How to find the pillars of Meaning of life.
"Each of us has worked by improvisation, discovering the shape of our creation along the way.” Our identities and experiences, in other words, are constantly shifting. By taking the disparate pieces of our lives and placing them together into a narrative, we create a unified whole that allows us to understand our lives as psychologists say, is a key source of meaning.
This wise, stirring book rounds up the latest research—and the words of great thinkers across generations—to argue that the search for meaning can immeasurably deepen our lives and is far more fulfilling than the pursuit of personal happiness.
This book life-transforming experience .Susan Cain
Another life story coming from sofi world and then , warm with big philosophers opinions and then you must be get meaning of life after reading this book .
Another book must be read in life .
This morning I heard this author on the radio. I pulled over and wrote down the book cuz I really loved the interview. This afternoon I found myself at BnN and asked for this book. They just received the shipment as I was asking and they pulled the book out of the box in back and brought it to me. OH HAPPY DAY!
While I did enjoy this book I wasn't wow-ed by it. There wasn't anything inspiring, no ah-ha moments. But It provides a lot of information and presents it in approachable way.
I was surprised by how many studies have been done on this topic and it was reassuring to know that lots of people are looking for meaning in their lives.
I still haven't found meaning in mine but I'm going to keep looking until I find it.
I was given this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review
This book didn't blow me away. Much of the argument seemed obvious. But, it's a pleasant read and could be a great primer for those new to the subject.
Anybody else use goodreads to track their number of books read in a year? This year I have been having issues with it not taking the dates read that I put in and not adding the books to my reading challenge! I wish litsy had an annual books read feature
Let me start by saying that I love these sociology type of self-help-ish books. They're cool. I love the idea of why meaning is so important and how to find it. The evidence and stories made the book very fun to listen to on audio. I read it bc it was recommended on All the Books podcast, and I'm glad I did. Listened to on Audible
Curious to see how this might help adjust my PoV on livin'..
#TBRtemptation post! This just-released positive psychology book is perfect for the new year! Smith argues that finding meaning in life is easier than thought, it can be found in everything around us. She looks at history & modern studies, and conducts interviews with a wide variety of folks, to conclude that meaning rests on 4 pillars: belonging, purpose, storytelling, transcendence. Sounds refreshing! 4 stars on GR! #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎
I meant to just dip in and out of this book but ended up reading it straight through rather quickly. It is mostly a collection of snippets about how different people found meaning in their lives, often after experiencing tragedy and difficulty. I took away a lot from this book.
Working my way through my #netgalley stack. Here's another that was fine, but not recommended. I was expecting more practical self-help (b/c subtitle) but this was reorganized retelling of information that I've read in other places with anecdotes and statistics to support her organizing principle. Not enough new material/ideas here to recommend. Might appeal to fans of Gretchen Rubin.