This was an interesting and dryly funny book. It was interesting to hear a woman‘s point of view of spending time in Antarctica.
This was an interesting and dryly funny book. It was interesting to hear a woman‘s point of view of spending time in Antarctica.
#TIL how hard it is to get dressed when it‘s negative 25 degrees outside. Still loving this audiobook! #NFNov
Happy #NFNov ! Today I learned way too much about the best methods for women peeing in Antarctica. I am very much enjoying this audiobook while driving around town. Highly recommend!
Seems like a good choice for February...
This book is fascinating - and definitely #farflung from where I am! #maybookflowers
"As far as I was then aware, the continent was little more then a testing ground for men with frozen beards to see how dead they could get."
The Eskimos ... know all about the depression of the long night. They called it 'perlerorneq' which means 'to feel the weight of life'.