“It‘s a tree”? “It‘s a giant”? “It‘s a giant sitting on a tree”? “Is that a dick”? “Am I right?” #ithinkimparanoid #FierceFeb
“It‘s a tree”? “It‘s a giant”? “It‘s a giant sitting on a tree”? “Is that a dick”? “Am I right?” #ithinkimparanoid #FierceFeb
Listening to this on audiobook. Lots of odd parallels between him and me. He even named his daughter Elizabeth but called her Lisa, which is exactly what my parents did (never met anyone else with that combo). If you are interested in psychology, history of science, or turn-of-the-last century Europe, this (so far) is a goodie :)
My current read 🤗
Excellent overview of Rorschach's life and work, the history of psychological testing, and the evolution of the Rorschach ink blots and their usage.
Enjoying this mix of biography, history, and science. 👍🏼
Anyone interested in psychology will love this detailed look at Rorschach's development of the ink blot test and the many ways it influenced both mental health practices and our culture. With references from Andy Warhol to the Nazi Nuremberg Trials, this test had a crazy big impact on the world, and this nonfiction read was anything but dry. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
An understanding and passion for psychology is essential. Too detailed and rather long-winded in parts a balanced and intelligent approach. The history of the last century, as seen from the perspective of the Rorschach test, reframes major happenings such as World War 1 and 2, the Great Depression and the medical enlightenment of the 1950s and 1960s. It also tracks the development of anthropology, sociology, psychology and psychiatry.
I came home to some more surprise bookmail today. Many thanks to past me for preordering 'The Inkblots' about a month ago and then completely forgetting about it. Present me is very happy.
I'm slowly building a little collection of sciencey non-fiction books. If anyone has any recommendations they'd be greatly appreciated 😬
New #bookreview at www.theirregularreaderblog.wordpress.com! Learn all about the history of the Rorschach Test I Inkblots by Damion Searls!
Inkblots is so fascinating!! I rarely e-read except for advanced copies and SOMETIMES they are so good my DRC's make it to the dinner table. Chardonnay pairs very well with Koala btw.